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Foctry is a Divino language, yet not in the sense that wc uuderstkiid by it wliut tiic Divino Being In Ilhnselffeéls aud utters: whatever was given to the gou-like uien, ven though tk tiiííhar intluoueu, to luul and experieuce in theinsclves, was tlill buinuii, 11' wc; kncw muro ot' the isychulugioal aud hiatorica-1 cil'cuiusiuiiocs cuiuicci.ed with these higher iailuences, anl wiUi tlio iulei-course of Ihe Eioliiiu wi:h thu iirsl cliil .irui. of cmilion, we Ujiglit, pei'liaps givo üso il uioro lUiinili; coaclusiou ï'csueoting lliu Di'igiu of lliuir Janguago and moJe öf represen tatioii. iíui since üic ntjst aucient iiistory ot' tlio human miad luis denled u.-s tliis, we luust argue lroin tbe etfecc Lo the causo, IVoin tlio oiuaiil Wxikia; Lu liio nnvanL t'otai of lueiiug, ana tiius wc uoat oí Ule Ol'ilU 01 yoolxy oiny as liuman. Mrs. Iii-ownilic niotlicrof "Artcïnu.s Wariï," is ïiicai.oiied by The Uüsttou Journal ás a brigiít and busy oid la iy 01 Tu ycar,iniw living at WaiorlordMe., wlioro beï sou is buried. Büe lias a yi-eat love tor gardeuing. Hei1 pilde and affection are ploasanlly eliown when visiLors ooine to look a tlio house where themeiry ''Arienius" was bom. T?y nipnns ot' au improved tclephono the Ai'elaide (Australia) postoffice cliiinos liavc been distinclly licard as larawayas í'ort Augusto, 240 miles distant. In two years' time the valuo of lands in oi'iiain paris of South Carolina has riscii from $2 to Slü per acre.


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