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HOLL'S R;NííV.-TK 'tur. SYSTEM. Tl. is HOTTSïïHOLD ÍO1 BLUE TILT, AND CALOMKLi acts in confiiTDity with the nntüTul iftws g over n ing the ■. Li ia H 'ii wii'i tbc elementa (lint go to nourisb ai.(i sn il the blood, ei adicatM from thé system tbe ïïnil humor prev-ttlent i bothöieai t of the . ; r. ! ■ SetS the SLUGG1SH !J'. ■V. 1 l!y A.CTB v TB1 BGWÏtS, 8TÍEKOTHKNS thd iin oi DlfiF-BTION, TOES UP THE ÖTOBJiCH and ïin-parta Btbekgth, Vigor, Ekebqt, and Ukath TO eOKSTiTÜTiftua m any ay knfi i :;■ n i b v. ■ ir Tome Ea nol a sier e Bttmi last 1 . k tl,. Bitters inm nerul use, but i; tn'iM l'ur;s ari'1 BEMlCAS, and p.arrant- I to cnrc the disctise& pi cifltíd or money refunded. Por iele by Drugfrista ■■ nó Dealet KeneruUy. SwiftA Dodds, Detroit, Wholesale Agenta. II. ,T. HÜOWN A ( O., agenta tor Anmrhor. S3-4t Fifili The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WINDMÍLLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, Because Warranted the Best, and Warrantee ia snbstaiitial. Oontalns al' iuiprovenionts. Pi [cea Low est - Quallty consideied. Üeud for cauloüue ütíbcribing article waiited. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ui and 113 Lake-st., Ch cagc PAIIMTS, OILS, ETC. 'IUIH I.AIK.IST AND BEST STOCK OF PAiNTS, OoLi, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEEISCH AU Sizes. ÜT SOBG-'S. 20 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. WAfTED I PAETIES WHO W1LL TUT TEES OR TUISER on thi: Iine Tof tlie Toledo, Aun Artoor and Jiortlieastetn Railroad. The Oompany luis bilis for ahout 50,000 fcot of culvert and cattlü pass tiniber for which it wffl PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRIOE A? Hoon is delivered on tlie line oí the road. Tbey will alu paj cash lor iílxL us follows: :)5 cents for Oali ; 25 cents for Ash and ] ainiUiuk. Dlmenaiona : 8 fcet lang, 8 inch face, 6 inch thick. ny party who win pui milli fnt'o the woods ' and eontraci lor a large quantity cuu ubtaiu advuDtuguuus tcruis. For epecifications ou timter, &.c, apply to II. W. ASHLEY, Corner Washingtou and Maia Stri ets, AIÍN' AKBOIt, MIC1I. IN8ÜRAKCB IIJÜMPANÏ, Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, 6,792,64:9.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, S 44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inoludiig Ke-Insurance ReRerve. $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includinf Ee-IiiHuranoe and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MAOKi Agont, Ann Arbor. Eggs! Eggs! Ëggs! THE PLYWOUTH ItOCKS, one of the bestbniedeof on R.ile hy WM. BU8H Superior, P. O. addresa Aun Arbor. Price 82 perdozen, or?:i for two dozen. Thls is the Corbin, N"ewinfrton, Conn., breed, among the best for eggn and table. MR. BUSH hna on sale, prlcc 7fi cents, the booic of 100 panes on Plymonth Rockt, oontnining f uil áirections íot mating, brroding, ar and m ment of this vari tv ot fowle. It is un admirable work for amiitours. Jo unc ean aflord to be without it. LEGAL N07ICES. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT H AVINÖ BEEN MADE In the ooadlttoDs oi acertain mort&age bearing date the t#enty-tíighth dfty of íd rd ue thousaud elght hutidred and aeventy-iííx, mad alrd executed by Maxtraret U ;.';tii of the rillage of Manchester, counly of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Wüliiim F. U lúa of i lu' townflfiiptoi Pitlafiekl, same county and State, and recordrd in the office oí the Register of Deeda of Wash ten a w County aforesaid on the tuirtietb daytif J uly, A. T. 1878, at 1.50 u'clock said uiy, in Ither 54 oí' moi tgag 8, on jmze 703, and I he arnoimi cluimed to be dneát the date of tbia notice ís $03.4.87 fsix bundred thlrty-four dola cents), triso thirty dollars s a ble BDliqHer'a r ;ú(i n. V iVe, in kddil i "ii to all otlier leal oots if any proceedínga ehooíl hv tateta toforeílone thís mortgage, und no pro idus iit luw or tu equity bnTioL been laatjtuted to recovpr tlio Mimo or any part (hereof: Ndtlce ia thérefoie htreby giveo, tfaat by rirtue of the power of sale ín saíd contuined 3 ahall aell on ■Ui; NiM-JI DAT OF OCTOSER IM'Xt. ;it, tvn oYliirk íti 1 1: f foreuoon of said day ni pitbUc rendueto i he hifïhest bidder ;t the Miuih front ,t 'ii tluM'ouit lloiiBO in the city of Aun Arbór, ruimt y oí Waslitenaw ii oresai I (that bei híí t lie buildniii w! ■ ■ ■ ";it Tur Washtenaw ponnty i pieces ni' jmicols of nv.' sitnnte in the vil] age of Ríanchester, in the coÉni y of WöHhiépiaw and suic of Michigan, 1íii''".vti and '1 Bcribed as fnllows, to wit: Beïng ï-ott onmber hw. nnd aix in blocfc numbei1 fbrty-ttv wihi'.f of -M ,-u-r, in aïd 00 UU t y aud Btat, accordint? ff the recorüed plat thereof. Dated, July 15, 1880, GOMSTOCK F. HILL. Administratwr ut the estáte of Williara F Osius, deceaw d. EKtate of Adaline MoOmber. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of tt'ashteriftVr, sionof thé I'iobate t'oLirtJ'T tiie ''fiiniy ui' WashfieBAW. bolden at the Probate Office, in the city ofAnn Arbor,oii Tlmrsrtay, the aixteönlh dny of September, in the yöaronè , hoitsüiid eigltl hundri d and ei Present, willis tn I. H) riman, Judpe of Probata In the matter rf tías estarte df Adalino McOiiibc-r, , i il Od rcadingand iilinsr the petition dnly Terified ol Charles Mcuinber, praying thaf he orsotae other huijable persorl, Bflfty bè appólüted admiiiUtrator ■ at ate. Xhexeupon it in ordeied, that Monday, the 'leventh aay of October nest, tit ten o'clock in thf toreaoon, b or 1 he hearing oi oaid ud 'li'ceascd; .t.ii fl uil of Ik 'i' npninnA in t '!■■ t pí! in x:iid Aatnfo n re reqini'üu to appear at íi sesaion of said court, then n bc bol dep at the Probate O ilice in the city of Arm Lrbor, and sliow cause, íf any there be, why tlie prayer oí the petiticmer should iiot bfl gTaBteaVnl it Uiurther ordered tb at said petitionei gie tiotice to the persons intorpsted in unid estáte, if the pendenoy of said petition nnd fcbe hcarin&rtbereof, by oausing n copy oí this order to be )ubhw!icd iu the A.vx Akiíoií Akgus, a newspaper rinitMl axxA circulated in sai3 cor.nty, thrte sucleesive weeks previoua tn eaid dayof hefirine-. WíLLIAM D 'frARRIMAN, TA true copy.) Judee of Probate. W'm. G. Doty, Probate Register. ISstatiB ol IVter S. June. ÖTATB Oí MICHIGAN, C0UNTY 0 oi' Washienaw, ss. Notiee ífl berehy given, bal by .n order pf the Probate CourJ for the counv of v'ii-.'Hfi;iiv,-, made on tha firtt day ol Beptenier, A. I). L88 , aixmouthe from that date wen ■ ,! for ereditors to present their cláliinsagaínst bs estatè of l'eter 8. June, ]iio of Raid eutint , ttcased, and that all creditors of said docealea ire required to present tbeirctalBis to sa!d Probate 1 ourt, ii t the Probate otlice in tl te city of Aim Ar■or, for (■xuminal ion mul allow:inoe, on or befure thethtttday Qf March uèxt, md that such claims rill be heard before said Oourt, oo Wfedneaday, the iret day of December, ;ind on Tuesday, the first lay of Mnroh next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon if eaoh of said days Dated, Aun Arbor, September 1, A. D., 1880. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAïï, 36w4 .luciré of Probate RAIkROADS." MICHKiAS CKSTRAL KA1LK0AD. .Tl'LY 25, is.;. OOING WEbT. . h la1 2 " 8IATJON9. S -ft fl I. ï_ LEJLL U. M.1 A.M P.M. !p. m' P-M.,p.M. Detroit, leave, j 7 0(1 9 : 5 55 4 05 B W 9 50 li. ï. Junction, 7 15 i) 55 6 10 4 20 8 25 10 10 Wayn? Junction 7 52 10 20 6 42 4 49 8 6S UI 40 rpsiliinti, 8 20 10 48 7 05 5 05 8 18 11 02, 7 20 Ann Albor, l 00 7 35 5 22 i' 31 11 17 Ielhi, 8 53' 7 46 1 Dexter, 9 04 7 SO 5 38 9 54 Chelsea, 9 22 8 11 5 52 1 Ul (Jrass Lake, O 50 [ 8 35 G 12 10 SO] P. M A.M Jaokson, 10 !0la 18 9 00, 6 55 11 00 12 40 Albion, 11 04 12 50, ' 7 45 11 40 1 16 Marshall, 11 50 1 30j. 8 1 12 OS ] 37 BattleCreek, 12 19 1 56 ♦ -4 8 4112 30 i C0 Galetturg, 12 52 9 15 A. M. Kulumiizoo, 1 1 2 36 4 50 9 35 1 lí 2 42 Luwton, 5 i', 1 4" DtCiiiur, 2 10 i 5 42 2 02 Dowagiac, - - 6 12 2 i: 3 05 4 04 6 07 i 47 4 15 Duchuunn, 3 19 1 7 02 ; U0 TUrceOuks. 8 49 7:7 Sev Buílulo, 4 08 4 63 7 40 Michigan Ciiy, 4 30 6 5 4 02 5 28 Lake, 5 13 6 05 4 52 6 18 Knnsington, 6 00 6 50 9 (6, I 5 40 7 1(1 Chicago, arrive . 6 50 7 40 10 35 1 1 6 30 8 00 GOING EAHT. ' A.M. A. M.'r. M. P.M. P.M Chicago, liiTS, 7 00' 9 00 4 00 5 15 9 10 Kecsiugton, 9 50 4 50 6 (." 10 00 Ll ke, 8 Sí KI 80 6 42 0 50 10 43 Michigan C:ty, 9 20 11 13 6 3(i V 4" 11 80 New Buífali , 9 49 II 8J C 68 11 52 Three Oijke, 10 03 7 18 a. H. nuchnuan, 10 32 i 7 40 Nilee, 1 10 45 12 18 S 10 9 00 12 45 Dnwnginc, 11 13 -. 1 1C Deoitur, 11 39 9 05 i : I.nwton, 1157: 1 9 22a. M. 148 Kiil-nnazüO, 12 S.1 1 38,10 001 6 SO 10 25 2 26 Guli-sburp, 12 53 1 . ' 7 08 =- Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 . 7 40 11 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 25 3 00 J 8 08 1135 3 46 A.M. , Aibion, 2 52 3 21 a. m. 8 35 11 SU 4 12 JuckaoD, 3 4.". 4 05 7 IS 9 30 12 45 5 00 j UriiB Like, i 10 1 7 38: 9 50 ' 5 25 Chelsea, 4 4i t OS Hl o; .1 60 lH'Xttr, 6 16 lw 1!' - Delhi, 6 10 8 2 ! Aun Arbor, 5 22 S-01 8 41 I aS i, ü K 5 29 s 48 , Ypsilanti, 5 38 5 28 55 10 -ÍS 2 20 6 41 WsyneJune., 6 02 5 45 9 16 U OS 2 1 705 Q t June, 6 Sí 6 18 9 46 11 35 3 20 7 45, Ar., 6 50 i 0 SO 10 00 11 50_S_S5J_8 0 HundtiyB exceptad. iSaíurday and fciunday exepted. ■ tDaily. n.B. LKDTAKD,Gen'l"Mana):er. Detroit. H.O. Wbntwohth.ö. P. &T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Búnday June 27, 1880. QOING NOItTII. GOÏNG SOUTH. Eip. MSMalï Maii Mix. Kxp. STATIONS. A.M. 1'. M. I'. M. A.M. P.M P.M. ÍB5Í14W 6 10 TOLF.DO 9 30 3,1)5 7.50 7 5SH1Z08 U 13 Nortli Toledo 9 27 3 0(1 7 17 8 10 12 22 -6 20 Detroit JüBOtlon 9 1Í 2 47 1 SS B 181123 6Í0 Hawthorn 9 98 2 3:; 12! 8 21 12 48 (i 4u Samarla 801 2 20 7 18 8 40 1 1(1 I Lulu 8 J0 1 68 7 05 8 45 11!) Í 00 Monrno Junction 848 161 J 00 8 55 1 35 7 10 Dumlcc 8 36 1 9 OS 157 Tlï -zalia S 26 115 8 40 '.' is 2 27 7 36 Milau 8 12 12 9 25 2 40 7 42 Nora :" 8 28 9 32 2 55 7 47 Urania 8 00 1 0 42 8l7 7 : W June. 7 60 12 I 9 63 3 45 8 10, AN AlillDH 7 55J1I40 BW All lr;uiis run by (_'nlunibus time- 7 m f"1"' feu rityZUu-rKSZüSi. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND S0UTHWE8TERN EA1LE0AD. To take effect April 4, 1880. SOINO WEBT. GOINQ EABT. Mix. ' Miil Exp! ËxpTlïaTl JE? 6TATION8. A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M. 1'. M. P. IC. 7 30 S 2ü 5 45 Ypsilnnti 10 40 5 15 80 8 44 6 02 rUtsficld Junc. 10 Ï2 4 68 f38 8 30! 8 571 0 13 Saline 1010 448 [ 9 (10 9 15' 6 80 Briiitf'Wttter 9 53 4 33 b 35 0 50 9 35 í 6 48 MonebeBter 9 35 4 V 5 50 1(0 1120 8 22 Billsdole 758 2 250 1 15 11 30! 8 :iO Bankers 7 50 2 30 2 15 Trams run by Ohiougo time- 20 minutes slower LU tl 11 V. Ui LllUJJ Lio i uut é W.F.PARKEK.Supt., YpBilanti PANADA SOÜTMUielS ItAllWAÏ. V' The Only Aim-rii-uu Route Throug Cañad Traius leavc M. C. R. R. ücpot, Detroit, city time, as follows: A tlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner cor to ■Pay Expreso, ilaily, 12 nooD, Waguer cal to New York and Boston. LiiniU'il Expres, dally cxcpt Siinday, MBp. va Wagnercai to liuOjilu umi Rochester. I Ligbtning Eiprcss, daily, H 35 p."m. Wagnr carioBuCalo and Rocbetter. i Ïolclntrainsleavu7 50a. m. cxocpt Suuday; ..0 p. in. daily ; 7 15 p. m. except Sunday, For Information anil tickets apply to H.T Hayes, agent M. C. K. K., Auu Arbor. M. C. KOACH, Western Pass. Agent, Petroi IMtANK E. SNOW, Gen. Puss. and lienel gi. Buffalo, N. Y. PUEAT WESTERS BA1LWAÏ VJT Depots fout of Third and JBrusb sU-'ts. Detroit tune. Detroilme. Lea?e. Af e. Atlantic Expresa, a. m. U0.0. in. DnyKxpre.8, 8.35 a. m. 6.3P-m. Xiiï York and Boston Exprew, 7.00 p.m. t9..m. Detroit lOxprosa, 12.4ñ p. m. 8tembot ICxpress, J m Ft Expra, HJiO p. m. 'i ■■ "■ tDsily. ♦nailyoiceptSunday. tExceptiilay. For informntion and tickets apply a.. v . . Hayes, Agent M. C. E. E., Ann Arbor. W.H.VIUTH, WM. EDIK, Western Pase'r As't. General Tas Aent t LEGAL NOTICLS. Notie e of Ele et ion s. Notie iven fcbat at the Ejèneral oleetlul! tol ■ I I'il'sr1;iy ut November next, the following officers are to bt: eleci ed, via : nicht of the United States, a (overnor, Lieu tenant -O ö"ytrnor, 8 Genend mn ot tiie State Latid li Attorney General, 8üperintend ut of Pub!;' stiuction aiiil Mem ird of Ëducatión : olso a Representativo in Congn aa for the tieoond {'ó) Congresstonal Dístnot "t thísStute'to w hielt th Ís coudI y ! ;i Sriii.ii.r fox Uk: Kourth ( Ith) Senatorial pitfrict, ciupostd of rt'ashtenaw countj ; lao a Representative in the Statu iture toreach 6f fcfie Dnee !!■[ rtent;itivo PistrictB inio wtiicli Wushtei uw county la divided ; hIso a Judge of ?rwate for VVablitenaw connty. n Sheritf, County Clerk, Treasurer, It' gister ui Uluü.-', ■v, two CÍICUit ('uillt Oo)iiii;i.iËÏonera v (Joutity Su r eyof ;tnl t wn 'on mor. At said el ction the tollowing -proposi i] ;.;u'Mmímeni fco the coiistil u' ion oi I ■ Wfc■ ■ . n-ii, io stand hb Seci : lor tv jiniit resoiütlOi fo. 'il1, o tlie I i L-biiun; of 1 . ' 1 s,'' 1 5 The Leglsiftture sim!] haVe power, npon such aod oondi ion", and in Sü;li n,!tin r proper, tü authorize the cuy oí !'■- tinit to aid in Ibe eonStruc' tdn and itfni a rii)i-n;iil bridge ot . i; . ,, i at or Déar si i city, to an araount nut i .■. Pe ífi j one per een tuin of thi i ■ ms abJo prooerty ín sitid city.'! J03ÏAB P. l of W aah :ms Couiily,. Ann Artior, Micli., Auffuat 14, 1880. Ëstttte uf Jt'liii tstl 'lüHii. STATE Oi1 MICHIGAN, COUNTY pi Wüshtftmw, s. Al. i Besaiüji oi the Piotrt for th county of "WasfiteïniVi hïi?én at the in 1, :. Albur, orí Monday, Lht thirtuin day of August, in ynr one ïhous&nd eiL'ïit huiMÏn-fl md fi„-hty. Pzcaeni, Willima I. Harriiu-ui . Ji-dví' Probate. Iifthe matter oi the eatuti oi John Kt-th in;m, 1 ceaaed. . iadingandftling thepotition, duly yeiifledi i CofiR, prajing th;ii a eeiíiíin Itá'nrnitlit jiow on tiie in tbUGúurt, ■■ Ust ■ tniucd to probate, and that lie nmy bc apj ttor thereof. Therenpon it Ia ordered, thai Moiiday, ihê tweni i.tb ];iyot í&p&?aibai Dext. at ta o'cl'iC-J; in the forenoon, be a&signed (or thf heariDv pi hitïietition, and that th) luw oí tíiLitl deceased, and ali t t ïi 1 1 pejbODï liiti-ri-üted in'eaid estáte, arerequired t appear at as Ataran of said ootirt, then to beholdeq i the i'rolmlt office íti the ei t y of Aun Arbur, anaal .f uny UiiTf be, -V ay the prajei of the petitioDör sboulrl not le in 11 led: And it iis fiirilici oTtlei til thni snid yji titlonci icivii notice tothe ui tl pariies und persons intPiested htsaid estáte, o1 -noy of md pp.iiiiou, andthahetvrine tbeieoí,by ennsint: a of this order to bepublishd in the Ann fbíiÍI ftiiGU8, a néwspaper pritíted and Dirdtjnted in sáM oounty. threesuooeasive weeks previous to said diiy of hearing. WILLIAM P. HAKR1MAN, f A truecopy.) Judge oí Probate. Wm.U.íkty, Trolmte Itegister. lístate of Louis 14. lïttolioz, S' TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Washtenaw. as. A t a sdsaion ot the Ërqtjnta Court for the County oí Waahtei!w, hoiaeii at the Probate Office in the city oi Arm ArtOT, on lueaday, the thirty-first dny of Aun-t, in the yearone thouaand eight himdrod and efffh'ly Present, WilliiLin 7). IIiirniaitn,,Iu(leol 1'iolmTe. In the muiLer of the eatftte oj icbps, dëceased. On reu. int' and filinp the petition, ÖuJy vcriiied, of Alfi-fd J. Bnchoz, pTfiTinc thst ïie muy he licemed to sell the real tstute wliercoj said deccu&ed ■ ized. T3renponi1 ieordered . tbat Batsrötyj Wil ltpty-fifth dny oí' September next, at ten okek ia tht forenoon, be insined for the hearing oí unid petltíon, and tlnit the heira at law ot s;iid deceased, tmd nl other peroii& interest ed in siiïd estáte, are reqnired to appeai ut a si ot s;iii Ceurt, thuii to be holde ut tlie ï'7uite Office in the city ofAnn Arbor, and show inue, if anythere be, why the pruyer of the petit osier shouitl not begxauted: Ancl it is furthev mitred that said petitioner give ttotice to the persons iiiterested in iaH efnte, of thj pendency oí mild petitioi, aneï the lioarinir thereoi, by eausino h copy of this ordt'r to bopnblisliert in the Aïtit Afi Iob Akous, a newrtpHpiT iirintert and circalated is said oouoty,three successive treeks previous to said dt%j of hearing. WILLIAM P. HARBJMAN, (A true copy.) Judfre of Probiite. Wm. O. Doty, Prolmte P.CLnttifj-. Istiitc of lf.Il1!! RIoLoney. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ofWiisliienaw, ss. At ü ppasiOD of the l'r tmte Court for tlic ('ounty of Washteaaw, hoWeli at the Piobate Oitice in the ftív ot' Ann Arbor, on day, tne citriitii aay oí septum hpt. id zïih yeir one thousimd eijiht huudiedand eiylify. Preeent, Wiliiam D Harriman, Judge oiPr bate. In the unit ter 01 the slat of Ellen Mto deceaeed On reading and fllingthepetition)dilyverJñ'..d, of Anna Cavenaugh, praying that udimijfcUïaxï n of ■ u;ned fcQ C hurles 81 OfSQ 9. Thereupon it is oidered, that Monaay, the fourth duy of Ocober next, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assined for the haaxiüg pt-titum, tiucl timt the hojvs at la"W oí aaia duee and all other p'jrsoiis inttregHd in s.i tétate, ara retjuired 1 appeai at i Beesion of Bftid eourt then to be holden at thu Probate office in the city ï Ann Ari.ov, aud i'.!v i!.i!'M-. it aoj Hutu be, -wliy the prayer of the tould not be gvuuted s And il in furfher order edt bat snid petHtoMr ifive cotice tu the persons interesti'd io ot the pendency oi aaid petiLiou und the henriiir tbereof, by causluj? copy of l}ils order tobe publiahed m tl o neWSpapw printed and oireul+ed in s;iid onnut y . ihrt-eaucc.'fisive weeks prcviuus tonaid duy of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAHIil.MAN, ( A true copy.) Judge oi Probute. War. Ct.Doty. Probate Register. Kstate of Jlenrv Vink Ie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COrNTY oí Wiiuhtenfcw, as. At a aession oí the l'robiite Cüurt i'or the County of Waehteuifw, 1hU1d nt the Probate üinceiu the city oí' m .rbor, on we in - duy, the cílIiIIi duy ol r-t.tMTiKcr, in the yearuuö tliousand a)A h-Uudred aiul t-iyhiy. Pïesent, wllliam t). lIariim;ii..Judire of PTib:ite. In the matter oí the estáte oi Heary Viukie, deeeaaed. Charles S. Gropury, adminisfrator "with the will annexed of sald aei ifito court and represeiita that íe is rn pit':Tvd ig rendti his tinul account af such adiuimstrator. Thereu po u ir (s ord on;i 1 , t h at Bilt n rtl tiy , the secund day of October next, at ti u plclock iu the forenoon, be assigned for examinifigand allowi:ir .v,!cli ar iiiit-, and tina file U-viei , it'Kntees, and 'höirs at law of aid deceased, umi ail : a iitterested in said estáte, are re'inired to aininr ai a aeBslöD of said ('oiirt, theii tO l: holden al theProbttte Office in tbe eity of Ann Arb r in Baid (.'ouuty, and show oauseif any there ht;, why the sald account should nol be allowed : And it is further ordered that said administrator eire notice to the persons In teros ted in Miid estiUe, of ;he pendeuey oi said uccount and the hearing theraof, ly v of this order to be imliiislied'in tlie Ann Aivi.ou ÁU'.i;-. a uewspa[er luinU'd a ml circulatmj . .. i v. ín fee siicfCbsïve weeks rcto said day of hearing. WILLtAAl I). KAIUU-MAN', (A truc eöpy.l : of l'robate. Wm.(;.])otï, Probate Begfster. Kst;ite of M'illiHin H. Cklkïnl STATE OF MICHIGAN, COVNTY of Washieuaw, sa. At a s-ssion of the Prdbatt (,'uurt foi the ( 'uunty pf WaakteuRW, tolden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arl-or, on WeUuesiïay, the fifteenth day "ofr-toni! rr, in the year one thousand eight hundrd and i ij Present, William 1. Htrrinian, Judvre Of Probateïn the aratter of the estáte ut' Willimu H. Ciilkin, deceased. RlovtimerFreer and James Taylor, execators of the last will ann testament of said deceased, comd luto court and represent that they are now pre- pared to render their final account as Bueh ext'cntoi & Tbtreupon ït ia ordered that Thur.-dfty, the fourteenth day of October next,at temMock intho forenoon, beassigned for examining and allo-wiog such account, and tLnt the de visees, legittees, una heirs at law of saifl decfeud, mtè all other persone interested In aajd estáte, are required to uppenr nt a session of said Court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office in the eity of Ann Arbor, in eid county, and sliow cause, if any therebe, why the did account t-hould not be allowed : And t is fxirtber ordured,that said execulora glve notice to the persona intereated in Baid estáte, oí the pendency of said ncuount and the hearing thereof, by oaofñng ft copy of this order to bo pubhshed in the AsiV Aebor , a aewspaper printed and circulatíag io ;. ' te saia i hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). judge of Probate. u. O. DOTï, Probate Register. I N THE "MATTER OF TTIE ESTÁTE X OF MAKY E. BBASEL. Notice is hereby given tli;U n pursuance of a lioenae and order granied to the undersifíiied puardinn of tbe estáte of Mary XC.Brasel, deceaped, by the llon. Kdfr;ir O. Pnrfee, fcláge Of Probate for the eounty oí AVavne, on Tiujsday , thu 17th dny of August, A. D. Itóü, there will be sola at public auction to the higHest bidder at the front of the ('ourt Bouse in tlu eity of Alö Aibur, roiiniy of Washtezmw and atate of MichiK:ill. ON THE TWELl-TH DAY OF OCXOJJER, A. 1). 1880, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon y. o? In the west half of the northwest quarte af Mctlod Dumber toa in tewnabip two Booth of raogé ix east, and reoorded in the offiua of tbe Eeffister of Dedg iu and íor said county. Dated, Anu Arbor, Au&rust 2fi I FfiEDERICK CONWATj truardian anï Adminiatratir Ileal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY . ,"' Whtenw( ss. Iu the matton of the catata of Maria Ford, i tfotice is lurely eiven' tliat in pnrsuance f au ordorgranted to the underidminisirat.ii- of tho este of eaid Maria rorö, deeeaaed, bj the Hon. Judge of Trobate for thecountj oí WashicniKiw, on tho eleventh (lith)' dayof.Tuno, A. D.1880, therêwill l.e sold at public veuduetotlie iigheit bidder, at tho south front aoorot theOourt Uouseiu the city of Ann Arbor in theeountj of Wsshtenaw, in said stato, on Sjtubday, thk Bbcond daï of Octoiiku, A. T. 18S0 ■ at 10 o'olock in the forenoon of t li ;1t ilay (subject toallencumbrancesby mortgage or mherwiae eiistingatÜM time of ,u-nth of said ilaccaspil v the following descrlbed real eaUte, to wil : A oer-' tain piece'orpareel of land ituaied in the city of' Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw oonnty. Michigan, beinglot nnnilnr tlirei' (3) in block two (2) south of Hu ron street iu rango (ivo (S) east. Dated, Aon Aibor, Auirust 17, ie0. CHAÜLKS U. KICIIMOND, Administra tor. Citj-rSeaveiigrer. The undereigned oöors liis services as Scavengrr. N'anlts, Cesspools, 0., Ac, rlcanrd to order Of by . inble pnces. }luuse d ains aiade to ordiT. Vaults njada. Orders may b left itj. ir. Nichej'B Mest Market, State Streji, 47 imitli Thnyer Street, or mde tbroufrli the I'oatitflce. Wort will be dono as cheap na the oheipest.' iad all orduxi crouiptly atunded (o. W1LLIAM ACTION.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus