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An Old Glasgow Theatre

An Old Glasgow Theatre image
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Tho lïrsf, Glasgow theatre, ei-eelc'l in 7h2, was uoLtjing more than a woodcn booih njaced nxunst i.ho oM wall j of tlid bishon's paltoc, adjoining Iho callmdi-al. TThitt'fleW, wlio was one of the gveatet eiiemies thp stage lias ever known. Is BBÏd to Iiíitc Riiurred on soini of Kil l'ollowors to desIVpy (hé "Dovil's lionso." Tlicy atteckéd it with stonn?, nnd, but for the building aaainst wiiich it Stod, woiikl speedily iiavo WTfleked it; as it was, thejr weve disporsed ocfovo any mischief was done. Hut a day or two afterward, the preacher told the conirregation that on the preceeding night he had dreained he was in heil, and Lucifer was tiiauiiig merry over tho opening of the house. 1 1 s s hcarers rushed out of tlie meeting-house ot tho theatre.and, tliis time flghtiug Satan wjlh 1 1 is own clement, set it on fire. Only the Btftge, lioweyer, wn bnrnod, nnd by the assistancè of sorae planks, tlu; pröprietoit contrivod to tempowtfily rcjciir the damige, nnd open the house according . ment. A few yoavs ... """rarcl cortain more enlighteued pcople began to unsider Luni . .- )uj,(iii:ait, a city as Glasgow shonld aiTofd beller accommodaiion tor the UraniH. ,„..)-,. howcver, was not tle opinión of the govenrrng v-j„ers, tbr no person wiiliin the juiisdiction of the Corporation was bold cnough to let a piece of ground tor the pui-pose. At length a plot, was foumi at the west end of the town, the propricior of whicli was in luccd to gcli it for live shillings the square y;u-d auciiormous price in those days. ÏLiS was in 1762. About cighioen year at'tervvard, the tlieatre thus crectcd was again destroyed by incendiaries, upon w.lnch Jackson, tJio maiiii"-er of the Ediüburgh liouse, aiter mnch ditlicuUy, and after benig threatened witb law suits, sucecedea in secumig a site for a new thcatre in Dunlop sueet, the iïrst stone of wüioli was laid in the year 1781.


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