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Eaten By Mountain Lions

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A most horrible and ghastly illustration of the experiencia of man in his assiduous piirsuit of wealth is that which was given by a party of prospectors who returned from theGiinnison ilistricts. The following narrative will be valuuble to those conteinplating a visit to ti i ose regions, and will servo to admonish tlieni in wav that ttíey will forti fy themselVes not only against one predieament, but against a niultiplicity that mightariae. Two pvopcctors completad tneir ontfit at Pltkin aiul departed in search of pay dust and salable holes. ïhey travelcd on tbr soine days and stopped only fora few lionrs and tlion to cxíuniiie-the dceeptive'TORk that aróse before them 01. bo!h side. They at last reaclied a smalf vatley in the mountains and were passing through itr wlicn suddenly a nömber of niountain üons made their appearance and slarted immediately for their prey. One of the men made ati eflfbrt to repel tlie attack from tliese hiileous beasto, while tlie other sought protection in his legs and, running to a p rojee tiúg rook on the moumaiii side, wasenabled to see Uíe lerriblo enconnter between his comrndo and tlielions. There they were iu bloody battle, while the shilling claw of the bcastswere seen to combino and strip the flesh from the inanvvho battlinu; with the stock of his gun. Thecoward who unt'ortunmeiy lived to teil his story gaya that siidilenly the prospector was on the grouiul and tliat hUenragedadversaries- were devouring hiiu. Thinking ihnt [)ossibly one man would not ap]o:ise thetl appetites, the looker-041 thougliL it abont tinte to leavo, and so hastened away. He was now without any weapon against the iiiv&sion of hunger or llic chili momitain vraathei', and his onlv course from inevitable dcath was te reach a camp. To return through ilie valley he dured not, and by making a circuitous route he trustoil that lic wouid strike the tmil. It was a. most, dirk and a slight rain beg;m to fall. ile starled on, however, and wanted to reacli tlie trail bcl'ore ttiglit was thero to lead him astray witH her mynad of Bt&r-lighta. This was when lie eoinmitted li is error, lor he wandered from the right direclion, and Wearied and discouraged lie sat down and built a lire; Tlio liglifc camc to -uccor liim, but iow baoger advanced, and soou visions oí' a comfort - able cabin and plenty of food danced befo re hiin, as if gloaiiiig upon bis misery. lle did not succeed in lindiug the trail that day, jmd when nightlall caine he ate a few iine burrs and laid down exposed to tlie eleinents again. ïhis coiitiuiied for eight days and niglits, and at last ho acoidentally discoverod a tnil. Ue ruaolied this, and wlien he should have been overjoyed at his prospecta all hope seenieU to desert iiim, ancMiu laid down, not caring what caini'. He ranained there soine houra probably wheiva party of prospectóte carne aloug and found hiin almosi iincoMseious. Tliey admiuistered a little brandy and succuedcd in reviving hiin. A meal v:is prepared, but lus stonmeh, that had beun denied food tor so inauy days, refusetl to retain it. .Jie was taken up and strapped upon a horse, being tlnable to keep lus suat without it, and the nari'ow conditionof ilic trail preventing thetn froui riding beside aud supportiny hiin, Dr. A. .1. lloue swjjfgesU in tlie TVuiisiif'l (nis oi" the Na iminl Eclectie Medie] Asriociatiou that. triangular viaN outfht to ba manufacturad and esclustraly ulapied for poiaoooui ■ rujis uséd internally or exterually vli:c,h ai-e Hable to be swallowed through misapprehonsion. If the public could be tatijfht that such a vial incalió po: -on. au I tl. en the profession and the drugghda would uniformly adopt the plan, it miglit prevent many cases of accidental poisoning. Obstinate neuralgia of the sciatio nerve has been in a few cases overeóme by cutüir,'dovvM upon that largo bmidje of nérvea aud stretching it quite foriiibly. The ft'reucli maKe cugmu: lor export from potatoes, and mucta eau de colo', ie couies from the same Süurce.


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