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- B. FMler of Saline lias beet) jjranted a patent on a car-eonpier. - Thnrsday or laflt week was cout! candida! es" day at Ypsilnuli (air. - Jolm Goulden of Preedom went over to Manchester, becaie intoxicated, and paid $fi rr the fm. -Mr. 8alyer, janitor of tb' Baptisi cburch of Fpsilanti, wife and "vf chiidren were sick wlth maiarial fc.vcr last week. -Miss Kittie Vromer, who was bom of missionary párenla in fliira, is paged to teach nc-ar Ann Aroor.- - lintou Oor. Adrián Timos. -Mr. Eupene TT. IToyt of near LansIng, whoue deatli ocourred Hept. 1 '-í- ■ R married Vi Miss ('arrie Cleveland of Ypsilanti eleven mnnths ftgt. - Supevintendent, ITenrv T?. Palmer will hold a public examination of teachers at the school house at Bridgewft' "r Center, on Saturday, Oct. 0, at 9 A. M. -Mr. S. W. Slinrtleff of Ann Ar'tor tmvnship Bhowed us yesterday a snrip from an apnle tree bearing a full bi - snm a rnriositv indeed for this seas-n of the year. Thore WCT8 1,778 entries at the Ypsilanti fair. The first prize, a modal of val iic $25, for bydcling, was won by Gil. B. Osmntt, " state news" editor of Detroit News. -As Tas. Brarman was driving near the railroad track Monday afternoon al Manchester, his team beeame frighteiied at a hand-ear andhe was thrown out upon the track and serionsly injnred. - Andrew Smitli of Norttifield isharvesting a second erop of hay, and reports he is securing two tons of clover to the arte from seed sown last Bpring. Wliat a wonderful producing year for crops this has lieen! - Oetober mth, the Germán Lutheran Bynod of Michigan, will hold its annuai session at Salem church in Soio. The new orgíin manufacturad py uaviu aimendinger of this city, will be dedicated on that occasion. -John Gilbert of Ypsilantl, bas boW bis extensivo shops in the 5th ward-of thatcity to parties in Canada, who propose to establish a mannfactorv foT the making of tbresbing machines, and will give employmentto a considerable number of persons. - It is now ascrrtained that the person who entered the Baptist chnrch of Ypsilanti and damaged the organ and other things is a lad of eigbt years named ArmstronR, ádopted son of Mrs. Armstrong of that city. He entered the building in the day time. - Our nominee for the 3d district Mr. James S. Gorman, is a native of Lyndon towhship, and bom in 1850. He was reared upon a farm, and at the age of 18 lost an arm while threshing. Ilis earlier edUCatiOn was seoured at the Chelsea Union Schoo'. which he attended six years, subeqüently taking a law course at Michigan University from which he graduated in the year 1876. Beginning the practice of law at Jackson with J. A. Parkinson as partner Mr. Gorman was assistant prosecuting attorney of that county durinii his partner's term. He afterward established a law offloe atDexter,andlast spring was elected justice of the peace. Mr. G's election is assured by 700 majority.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus