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- Forpp"1?'" show reali7P5 ?6,tJCO in Ooldwater from tickets sold. - Ilnn. Henry VV. Lord yf'ifí Vi1 fjie republican f orlotn hope lor congres! ín tl e Detroii diatarict. - Rev. Mr. McNair. COngeffc1 rllist, wlllUbor in the Master's vúujavii tt Wiiyne, for $70d peiycar. - Jackson has i Vetetaü Boldirr'8 TTanrnck club, WrÜi W. W wefp oí U.c Patilot fot pre; :dt til . - ('a'vin Weed nrt nlrt residext of Tomii Ins to1iftíiip, .T;ic!-son Co., (lied Tnitfy, Pertembet 28.íiged Sf peaffl. - ïmic! Buni ('r. of firai-H 1 RRe,na heen öotalrhted fnr tlie legitíatüM by t)ip fien ocrats u. Ü.iil strüon of kiel.sou countj . - . (tc1; (vy. ;,1 of TToliy. VHP tim over and killed by tlie Plítit A Peí e jSiavqvugAe prnvel train three miles soüth of Edjly, on Sal im!"' - John Stnit1i,f coiorod cent atici sxton of the M. F. chtircli Of Montoe is in jïiii, fi'avfod vitli tspping u boot and slioe retail dealer's till. - Judge Morris is enjraRtd oti the bench ai Monroe. goirigthrmigli a fortv Case pa'enriafi of whic.h flVe are criminal, twehtythree civil, to imparlauce, ten chancery; - John Stront, .Ti-., ís tVie detnoeratic iiorrrtipf for senator of iíonrop ronní y. Kotninees reyiresnitauve. f'irst 1ttict, John C. EisptirnHiirr. gerond. Waltei Haflíctt. -The nominntion pf Tton. T-Iirpiip. Priiiple öf jari-soh for congress is t most pxr.elleñt one, ainl will bt aft tu make the contest a sharp and doubtful nne, despite the large tppliblíran m' joritv. -The proliibitioiiist? aro etideavonDg to raise a snbpcription of S,000 With ■whioh to start ati orfian ia Jaclfon, which will bp a (töod tbing for soine hnpecrmfcros printers and writers- at lfeast, as long aa 11i money lasts. - Nelson Hanclali. a JroUBf? man of Mnni-oe City. and brakeman on èhe Lake Shore Botíd, was terribly oruslied at the freight depot Tuesday aítenioon ■ftiiile making a coupliniï. Tl;e ptyc cians annottnce tiiat he cnnvot live. - Jolin Hall, a thrivinpr ITennetta fnrïner, bas rftif-od sixthotisaiid hnshelS of pot'atoes this seascn, all of vTiich have been nirelydug and stoml. Thii largequantit y was the product of thirtyfiVe iicrcs. and parties have alvcady ff ifd Mr. II. i'isflOforhiscrop, 01 ttiirty cents pprbushei. ■Mrs. Mary Pitcher of AclnanUaped 92, an 1f12 widoW, rereived a fall AYednesdayof last week frotn R sfrml!; c-art in which her rrandson prof osed t o draw her, and the shock, added to lier feeVile condition frorn old acre, resulted in her tleath Tuesday ''-' w a )ensione,r of the United StateS. - Matiaffei of the Bratioh county aCTiciiltnral soniety set apart three days during the fair to be known resin ■ctively as demor-JTitir, greenback and rcpuirlican. GfeOrge P.ganfotd of the Laiïsmg Journal appeared to speak on me nrst dav. but refnsed becftlife the sdfiety would not prive the use of the grand stand free. He spoke in the court house in the eveninft. -Jack Otto, of Nkpolfeon; leW his home in that township tvo veekfl ajro. sint-e Whieh time his vife lias hfiird notbihg of his whereabovits. His stcp(i:iifriitpr, a yoüng lady and the child of his vife by a forrnerhusband,ípft home with fequal abrnptness a week aftr-r ward, nhd a rnmorisin circnlation that thcy are probalily togeth'erin some butof the Wöy locality. - A feliow named ijfeoree Shiw teinpted to Wil his wifr in Detroit tke btber 0ay, bnt failing, put tWo or three búllete uto hiir.self and iinforliinatrly these dirl not kill eitlier. the wom had left hitn hecause he loved whisky better than he did her, and abtised her, while he avert that he shot the vomart beoanse he loved her so wel! and shë reftired to live wit'h him. fijtther oppressive love. -the funeral of Win. Browh. senior member of the Üpton taanufafeturinsj company. of Battle Creek, occurred Sündav afternoon: ít was 'conducted by tlie'sír knightiS of jaekson, Kalamaoo, Marshall and Battle Creek, over 200 being present, and was the largest !uneral ever held in Hattle Treek, the streets beitig throngfed. 'Thft Urton manufacturinfi pompany's biiildincrs and the MaSonic hall wBre draped vvith drape from top to bottcm. -The personal property óf the, late Senry Waldron of Hiüsdiile is varimis-' y estimíited at from $400,000 to $6Wf,000 n money, notes, boinis. inörtgagfes and the like; Viis real bátate is also vciy arge. After his death it was learned that his Will ana papers were all in his. private safe in bis bank, and that nd livilie beinff knew the Cötobinatioii) consëquently the next day alter bU funeral work was commenced upón lt and by means of drills án expert gained admittance. -Mary Lnskey, a girl 18 years old; whose parents reside at JSIr. Clemens, was employed as a servant by a JCMi Smith, of Ilbchester, Oáklánd Cö. It is said thatslie wasengaged tobe married tó a sbn of Jtrs. Sniith. and tliat oil Mondaymominghebrokeoffthéhiátelii Whetlier on account bf this or for sömC other reasoh, Mary went to a drugpist about 8 o'elock Monü&y aftemoon aiiti purctiased two ounces of eêrrosive sublimatë for the avowed purpose of kiliing vermin. She returned to tlie hóüse, swallowed about half of the poison ihd sooil coitimenced to suffer inteiisely. A physician was called 'hut was unable to administer any antidotes vith sticcessflil resiilts and tiiB poor 'girl üied after enduring great agony until one o'elock Tuesday morhing; - Sbme inonths ago Huph Ross of Owosso, marHed Miss Lulu "White, of the same place, the ceremony beiirr perfottoM by & minister in Mooioe county. wiiere the iove-lorn Lucy was visiting, and whither it is alleged she ïnvited Hugh. A short time afterward they ref-unied to Owosso, bttt the ster parents of the bride. Who had been opposed to ílugh payitlg attentlons to Lulu, did noc relent anti say, "Bless yoii, my rhildren." Nft to anv extent. They carted Lulu off to her foom, albeit sbe was of age and duly married, and talked shoot to or about ITugh. Thislatter fiU' in the tès didnt have "sand" enohgh to gi t lii wife- jieacealily ií lie riiiglit, foreibly i f he must- and iu the nicaiiüme she becatné aiienated from hiin, H ts nlleged. }Hqv be eeeks tolieal his bnüsetl. bangcd and liiistpred heart by a suit for licavy (!:un:ies lítainst bis o! lurate father-in-law, charglng him wíüj being responsible tbealien:;tio, loss of society, etc., tbat lias t'iisued since bis Jíomoe county uianiage.


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Ann Arbor Argus