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MEDICINAL. ÑERVO uTD"Ë"BÏLÏf y! CKAÏS Sl'CClliC MICIHCTN'E. TRADE MRt.The GrnatEn. TRAPE M JHí' %. üTi unfuil n;' cure L%''■'■ %t BefbreTakiBgESill Unlveral Lasaitude, Paiu íd theLacktDlmneBsof Vision, Premature uro Age, and mmiy otherdisena66 that It'ihl to ! urüirjity, Uonmimptión iiud aPrematnre 'have. Jföèr Kuil píir'inulíirp in 'iurp;imphlets, which we dösiretü sendtree tjy raailto ever one. The SpeeiflcSl 'díciiielfl sol3 by nll Prupriptí'at $1 pwpaokae, ot ix packftee for 5,r willhe Bt'ni by umi] on recaipt of tlü1 money by addroosúia THE líBAY MEDICINE CO., No ) Keohanios' Blook, Detroit Bflwb, JSrPnMm Aun Arbor by alJ Druggieto, and by iTUJígisÍB evorywhere SCOVILL'S n pcerless remedy for Scrofnln, White Swellings, Cáncer, Eryíipelas, Gotit, Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Ciirbuiicles, Snit Rheum, Malaria, Bilious Complainta, and all diseases nn Impure Condltion of the Blood. This Grnnd Keinedy ís a compound of Tegetable cxtracts, the chief of whieh are SAR8APARILLA and STILLÏNOIA. The cures effected by SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVEB SYEL'P are absolute and their record is undisílgurcd by í'ailure. For sale by all Drug'glsts. M0TT;$ ÜVEB P1LLS. Tis hú CaMie Vegstabls Esgulator, Thoy rectlftj torpidity of the JAvcr. Tlnij oiva tone to the Stotnaeh. They act, -without yripinft, npon the boirets. 'ihoij Jtcmove biTv frnm the blood. They purify, regúlate, iiivigorate the to(Uj. Tftey cure all bilicits coiitplaittis. R06ËRS' WJWSYRUP Instantly destroys WOEMS and is reeommended by phj slelana as the best WORM MEDICINE Ín uno. bakers pm mm ■ for 1SJËJST and ESEJRST. For Extcrual and Internal Use. The greatcst Pain Reliever of the Aga C Bor sale by aH Drusists. JOHN F. IIEX1SY, CURRAN & CO., RDLE ritOPRlETORS, S4 Coücec T!acc, New Vork. BEST I3JCHEAPEST! LEW1S' CONDENSED STRICTLY PURE! We vrtll give $10O.O0 for nny Alam or other adutteraHtn fotmd in this POWDMM. JSSW Indorsed hy tlie Broolclyn Board 4HHK of nealtb, ana by the best enemista . VK in the United States. It ls s'raoiïciER taan mk cfíTK it kever faii,s to íiBA Amaice lislït ïjreud vllGQ ÊKM&IJi uscd a3 cflrccted. MH&slE) ïtiSCOMMBNUKÏJbyevoiy JMHl - housekeeper Trtio has given it a ÉrfBt Itisancntlrelj-XEWINVETT393 TIO3T, without auy of the bad qualiBH tles of soda er saleratus, yeast or ■1 otlier baktog powders. ILSa It ha3 In ltselt a tendoney _. - JSaufcto Eitstain and mourlli ilio ■ system. Good food maies grood health ; and heoith Js lmproved or impafi'ed In proportlon aa tlia lood we eat 13 nulrtüous or otnorwiso. Lewis' Bakinu PowtEB alwuj-M maken gewi food. One can of thlñ is worth two of any other baltlng compound. It makes bread whiter and riclier. More taan hall tae complalnts of bad flour arlse from the use of common baklnff powflers, whioh often make tlio best ot llour turn out dark bread. The most delicate persons can eat lood prepared wltU it Avitliout injury. Ncarly every other ba!dn? powder ia adulterated and is absolutely liijurloua This ls made from Retlued Grane Creara ot Tartar, and Is PEHPBCTLÏ PUltK. It makes the BEST, ligUtest, and mout nutritious BREAD, BISCUIT, CAKE, CHULLERS, BUCKWHEAT, INDIAN, AND FLANNEL CAKES. A single trial wlll prove the uperiorlty of tilia Powder. MAKTTPACTUItKIÏ ONT.T 31Y GEO.T.LEWIS&MENZIESGO. PHILADELPHIA. iaawuü'iuur v 'tipijfel VflZL1Aii beid, V.'.t . f mlVJfèi I Wholesale & Retnl]iialrr in HipU i'; '■ 3 PWSNOR è AlfBRICM I H E? i bLHBI Bibbcd and Iiongh Plat for I LI BV 1 HM I Sky Lillila, Cut and KnamS m 1 Ril ü II elcd Gl-iss, stli'tr Plawrt I I Bf ■ I ■ ■ W II Kl H". F'retich and Gi -r(h(AmLABéí@MsÍ n;:'n Looking (üius riatca. i Ml ■ I srfr-'-J IPam1I Let'd and Oil, Oolors, Putty, riinyV5Rs?f?TÏ3i ? J ' iiu'iiün8i r 1 want k , r#-r n. r ij Jl r auJ lhtn6i wrlte tor esli12 & 14 Congress St. East, Detroit, Mieh. ; HUW lo 1TTA1S SUOCESS Witliout health, lil'u is a f'ailure. Yellov Eyes, Sallüw Complexiox, Loss or ApptrriTE, DysPEPdiA, SickHeadache, BiiJousNESS, and Cünstipation, is the reeuit of a complaining Liver. MARCEAU'S Livee and Anti-Biliodb Compound is acknowledged as a sure eur for the enfeebled jstem. Possessitig "CA'sCAKA SAGRADA," with olher nicritorioua ingrediënt.1!, makes it an infallible remedy for Eqtjai.izing the Circulation, puritying the Blood, and restoring to Perfedt the enfeeblod svstera. 75 cents per bottle. Town's Bronchial Syrup cures all Lung, Throat and Ohtst (iiseasea. 75 cents per bottle. Fabkand, Williams & Co., "Wholesale Draggists, Detroit, AgtnU. For Ktlle by ll.J.IIHIIUM & CO. A ET EMPOIUUM And Artist's Supply Depot. 217 Wooúwavd JLvenue, Detroit ASDREVT .T. I5ROTV, Proprietor, Dealer iii 1'icture Frames, Looking Glassos, Oil Pnintings, Engravlrijrs, Chvomos, Artist's Materials, and Art Specinltlcsi OLD .ÏKAJIES RIv GII.DED.


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