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Iictwcen eleven and tvroivo o ciock yesterday forciiooiiamiddle-aged man Btood on the steps of a Ooiiyrea etwet boarding house wil.'n nn old grlpBack in liis hand and a cobMts stono aiul a lot of okl papers in tlie jfripsnofc- Vlioiitlicstr:uior'si-in;,'Wus nusworua he indulgeü iu bow?, scrapps nnd smiles, and aiinounceil his reaillncsa to take room aml board in the house I until lie eould transaut some vcry important business wiiich callcd tiiin t Detroit. ,, "Yes we kepp lionrders, but- wen, i.....f ara hnvrt t.o bc so caruiui, j'ou knor. I pi-oaumu you have rel6 Reterencésl madam, T have a tliousamt. I aai delijjUted to find tliat you ai-e so choice of your guests. 1 ires;nu' you have licaid of SouatoLbl"du1iiLli . Bmitb t" Bho vraan't quito ""Doirt know Sonator Smithl" ho scUimed, as he Ueiü tip us nanas. We usd to ruu a twnk toirotlier 111 liavc to tcll Mi when 1 jet homc [fon nd a lady 111 lJuü-oitwlio h;ul iwsver heaid ot lum. Yon must have heard of üuaei-al Bücrinan?" O i ve?3." We'll Slicrmrni and I sleep in tho same l.ed wlwii we oau get n excuso rr boing out II u.-a. AVe ft 1waya out slraw-bcn-ying to.-etliei w h n Pi " VV'asliiiigtou. Jast drop „ i,,,. i,,í S.ienuaii and ask lnui if lic knows Jüiitro Collnis-í 8Ue sceined to study over the imttcr and presentís' he continued : M ivbe that would bo too niuch troublé. Do you Uuow the xMayor oí Buüalo?" 'o " öui'1.j-_very sorrj', bocauso it wouia'nt takö wii niinutes totcio-mpn biui. We rent tho sume pew liichuraU, and our wivcs look like tvvin sisiers. Nice man bo is,aud I oaa iimyiue how he would look it BOllie onu w "- himifJudge Collius was all right. IVrhups yon k)jov tho Govcrnor ot i"síi"'seeinecl asbamcd to coufess tnat she didu't. , "lteally, don't yon know him?" he weill ou. "liow uiiloi-uuutc, as 1 am ;,,.t iniin his house, where hu oblicd ïuetarrylor three weeks. The lst thin í Uo suid to me at the depot yesterday was, 'Now, Judge, wlieu jroa eet tó Detroit ilun't go to any ot the üret-olass lioiels, vrüaro all is bustle oud ooufusion, uut put up at bouw quici, moaest boni-ding houao, where titey are very auout theii Kuestg, and wiiere the tand lady has tueapjKSiïanco oía geiiniuearlstocrat ïliutVwlia he said, aud that'i why 1 W Öoiue Womea woald have softened onder tUat, but she had had two moa elluib out of a back r, the iiMitbcfurc, owm,'iiuL-pn, "" luTtery üidu't soïtön a line in her face. rihe asked if he oou ld givo loca 1 l'"Vhy madam, bow can I?" he replied, ""i ain a liere. Our rulo is to ïTquirc roierencos, shc saul as she notioca lus six-üay-oia jwpïT oulW awl ulivxo-t b.iltuiilL'sa Veiadam," bc repllod, as he baokod down ihe stops, 1 ain both surpi-Uod I aud grieved. 1 ba.i inteuded, üefore ip.vh,.r, to-ivuyou a set oíiUverwarawlueli tlio Governor .of Coniieoticut ijieaeuted itte last Cnnstluas, uut your Uesitaiicy shows tu.t you auspect me. Buspiolon ís sometliiuit that touches me ni a touaer spot In nov lbi-c.L to go to i llOtcl, BM-t t'.lC SÜVCf WÍ1 probably go to tlie cjok. Adieu, sus uectingwomiul" , Miiybe hu i'els ba(1 ovor "' maybe she docn't. Bho pivbab y nwt on tho ooriier if tuora vraa a pou uy ietaui'ut iu Detroit.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus