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JEPORT OF THE CONDIT1ON -OF TIIÜ - First National Bat OF ItTZENT .ARIBOIR,, At Aun Albor, in the Stutn of Michigan, at the close of business October lst, 18bü. IÏESOl'liCK3. 1-oans and disoounts 4251,539 45 Overdrafta iw os I'. 8. bonds to iwcure circulution 100,000 00 U. S. bond.1 on lmriil ld.OOO 00 other stocks, bonds and mortgagea fi, 00 00 ]uu i'roiu approved reservo pgents 2';,.").r)!.4ó Due from State banks and bunkers 12,178 02 Real estute, furutture and Bxturm 17,000 i 0 Ourrenl expénaésand tazespald 1.211 51 Che.'ks and othr cash ("ins 1,842 1 Bills of other National Banks 12,207 on Fractional currency (indudin nickelsj... 5'!9 Bpeaie 9,i 29 15 Legal-tender notea 18,490 oo UedempLion fuñí1 with U. S. Treasurer 5 perceulot cireuhitiun) 4,000 UO Total 1470,930 08 I.IA11II.ITIK3. Capital utnek paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fond 40,000 00 Otber undivided proflis 9,D9 36 National Bank notes outsuindiug 89,300 00 Dividends anpaid 8 00 Individual depoits subject to check 218,8666 Demand certilicates of deposlt 1!,IÏ73 95 Certifica chccks 1,000 00 231,537 GO Total $470,920 95 STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countt of Washtenaw, B8. 1, .T. W. Knight Caabier of the nbove named uank, clo solemnly swear thut the aboT6 statement is true to tbe best of my kncnrledge and belief. ,1. V KNÍGHT, C.isliier. Subscribed and sworn to Tefore m tl.is7th diy of October, 1880. I,. I). TayIOE, NoUiry l'ublic. Correct- Attest : PHILIP BACII, ) E. Wl-:l!,s, -Directors. J. M. WHiiELERj Registration Dïotice, Notice is herí by given that a pension of the Board of Registration of the several wnrds of the city of Alm Arbor will be held in the respective varcts ot' a i i city, tor the purpose of r&gistevinfr che electora, On Tuesday, tlie 2(th Uay of October, 1880, v.onii. uw..;. g at ; U'UIOCK a. M. and CÏosfHj; at 7 o'cloek p. m. of tb;U day, at the lulljwiug uamed places : First wnrd- C. Krapf s ehop. Secoiid ward - Hutzel & Co.'a store. Third ward- Court House. Fouxth ward - M. Eogers1 atore. Fifth ward - Hu ron bngine Houae. Sixth ward - T. K. McDonald's store. Bated, Ann Arbor, October 7, 1880. JOHN XAPP, Mayor. W. W. Douglas, Recorder. fJHïll5 Wlndcw Glass, F!::: Eisss, ï R?9 Bu Ml qBLij P.Ibbed and Rotlih Pint lor !. I ' ■;! J i;-', V,T Br Ltabu, Oo and Knro0 S RBI B ft H W I1 elod "', -Vrr f [81 SS B ï Si S ï; Sash Bar. Frtjrh ui (i, r li(V iWM MÏÏ'fttfriï iG claD Lookin.i Olrae Platos. ','1'lLJ-A 'r-;Sïa5 toa anJ OU, Cotei, Fut!v ' -.: : . ;-„1 ■■ ■;. ■ '. i'.,i„, .,-..:. 1 ■ huildtaT. or in at 12 & 14 Congreso St. East, Dotroit, Sieh. Lots for Sale. I will sell 10 lots in Koek 2 north Hange 13 east, in the fourth ward, city of Ann Arbor, vcry chcap. Title perfect. Ttrms reasomible. For particular addrtas E. U. PT1LE8, 39 lt Whilmore Lokc, Miei). 50,000 COXJPO2TS AT GIDLEY & WHEELER'S 22 East Hurón $t., Aun Arbor, To every peraoD pnrchaaing "ockIs nt onr store to the iniouut of VXFTY CKST8. wIU be Riven oke g uit pon, whloh tMitiUes tlie bulder to one shure in the EurtteleB belcw mtntionud, to be drnwn by holdera of 50,000 coupons. The dletrlbutioi) to bomtide by impurtiitl judies, acoordïnff to oorrespooding oaniberi plaeed upon taob ariicle. 1 Clouph ft Wiirren Órgan, at Prof. "Wilsey's ?I1O 1 Kstey Organ, :it Prol. .). Ii. Sage1! 100 1 Bedroom set at Muehlig & Bro.'e 6ö 1 Silver Tea set, at J. C. Watts1 40 I Ladiea' Gold Watch, al J. Baller &Soq'b 'M 1 Silk iJreea pattern, at D. F. Bchairera 40 Complete stook of Mi]linery and Ladiea' KurnishIng Gooda, alo affeoïfi for Mrs. A. M. Clurk's perfeet-iittiDg tailora systein. Estáte f Olivar i,. :i,i. QTATK OF MICHÏGAN, COUNTY n L',W?!.ht! .""w ■"■ At " "Ion "f th Prut,,ito v" , ,í '" ''""",'-v "! W""1"""'"'. holden „1 the I róbate Office i„ the city „f Ai,n Arb, r. on Tlinr. day.thetliirtieth day of September, in the yer om-thuuBandeiKhl hundred and eiehty Present, WIHímidD. Harrimnn, Jurk eof Probate doc-eVd ra"lUr thc e8tate ol Oliver L. 01d, Ou readingand aHngthepetition, duly veiifled, ol I.iifv A. Oldn, praytng thai o oertuin instrument now on Blo in this oourt, pnrporting to be tl:e laat willand teatament of said deeeaaed, roay be ailnutted to probate, and that 8hc maj bc nppoiuted exeoutris i reof. Thereupou il ie ordered, tliat Muiidny, tbc Hrat dny 01 November oext, at ten o'olock in tht forenoon, ue aasined lor the heining of s;.W petitiou, und tht thed(jvisee,legateesttndheiratlaw of Baid decaeed.and all other persona internted insiudotate,ure reqmredto appear at n seasion of ?aid (-onrt, then to l,e holden at the Probate Office in the cüy of Anu Arbor, nnd show canse II any tbere be, wh j tho prayti of thr petitioncr JböuW not bo irrnuted : And it s lurther ordered töat said petitioner ttive notice to tlie persons interestcd in suid estáte oi thc pendencv of suid petition und the honrinj; thoreof, by oansina a oopy ot thia order to be publiahtd in the , nn A bbob ABOüs.ajiewapaperprinted snd circulated in said couüty, threeuocoMive weeks previ. mu to uiddy of heurins. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atrtlocopy.) .rudgeoi Probate. Wm. (t.l)QTY, Prohate Beirlater. Ette oí John rñiininghani. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, CUUNTY ,, , w"ntena, sa. At aaeaaionof the Probate Courlforthe County of Waahteonw, holden at the Probate Office in tbeoity of Ann Arbor on M.nlay.tbe tourth da; of October, in the yer one tlionaand eijfht hundred a:tñ eightr ■ Plesent, William I) Hainmnn.Judge of Probate deoeaaed raaUci ol the est"u' ' JoL" Cunninghjim, On readiiigand Mlngthe petition, dnlyreriied of Murj Cunniiiítham, prnying thal a eertaiu 111Btrument nuw ou flle in thi court, pnrporting to te the lasl will and testament u! s-.w) dc-ocaaed, may be adraitted in probate, and that she may bo apP'.infrd admlnistratrix willi the wil] annesed Ihereuponii is ordered, that ■ onday, the flrit day ot Noremher next, at ten o'clock In the BSBignea tor thc hearing of aid petition, and that the devisees, legateen, and heire at law of eind deoeased, and all other person interested in saul estáte, are required to appear at a semion of smd oourt, then to be holden at the Probate onïce in the city ol Ann Arbor. and sh.nv cause, if any tnerebe.why the prayer of the petitioner shoiild notbegranted : And it is fuither ordered tint ild petitioner give notioe to (lie persone inteiwttd in said estáte oí ih pendeney of suid petition m3 the hctirinjf thoreof. by caosm? n oopi ot this ordto be pnblished In the Ann Abbob Aroc a newxpnpeTprintec! and circnlated in said eounty tbree sueocssiTe weeks previons to s;iid duy of hearing. Wll,LIAM 1). HAKRIMAN, (AtruRcopy.) Judgo of Probate. Wji. G. üoty. Probate Register. Estáte of Kllpii Moloney. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, as. Notice i bereby giren tost by nu order oí the Probate Court lor the county ol Washtenaw, made ou the fourth day of October, A.D. 1880, ix mouths from that date wee allowpd tor creditore to present their claims agninat the Mtatt of Ellen Moloney, Inte of said county deceHsed, and that all ereditors of laid deceased are requii-ed to present tlipir claims to sniil Probate Court, at the Probate Office in tbe city o Ann Aibor, for examination and allowanee, on or iwfore the Hfth day of April next, and that such claims willbeheard liefore Baid court, on Tuesday. the fourth day of Jnnuary, and on Tsesday, the fifth day of Aiiril next. at 'ton o'clock in the forenuon of efich of said dayfl Bated, Ann Arl'or, Oetber 4, A. D., 1S80 WTLLIAM D. HAREIMAN, 41w4 Judge of Trobate. Estáte of 3Iicliael Kutier. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby gires, that liy an order of tho Probate Court for the County of Wa ibtenaw, made on i he fourth day oí October, A. D. 18S0. six montba from that date wcre allowed for cieditors tu present their claims agaioat the estáte of Michael Jiutler, late of said county. deceased, and that all crédito of said deceased are required to present their claims lo said l'rohate Uourt,M the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arhcir, for examinatlon and allowaoee, on or before the flfth day of' April next, and that such claims will be beard beforesaid Court on Tuesday the fourth day ofjanuary, and on Toesdoy, tlie üfth day of April next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon ol' each of said 'hiys. Pated, Anu Arbor, Otober 4, A. D. 1SRO D. HAKRIMAN, 41w4 oí l'rotiate. JOTICE OF DISSOLL'TIOlf. The Lnw flrm of Crainer, Fruoauff & Corln'n. is tliis day dissolved ty mutual oooseni and by expiratlon oftbe time afreed upon Jdr -:v] partnership. Measrs. Craniei & Corbin will continue the Uw and coilection Imsincs as heretofore. October iHt, 1S80. 40-Gt CBA.MEB, FETJEAUFF & COKBIN. The d.imp weather and chlliing -winds of the approachiiiL' senson -abjects ai.i. to oiposure, vr, moiter how healthy, we are none tht. kss susc-op1i.]e to ar attack ol COUGItö. COLD8, BRONCHITIS PLEÜRI8T, Spittibo hf Rlood, ('attakkii of thé bead, which ïf nol properly nttended to cnds in Town'b Bnn'0HiAL Strop is i POSITITB , With but the noininnl cosf of 75 cents yon procura thia truly tnvereiQn v in BRONCUIAL svui't' is gúaraniuá hy all flinKfists and denier in medicine t i gUm Kwafcu: 11 ainl t.e conviiiced of itsHKAL UERIT. MARCEAU8 LIVKR and Anti-Bilioua COMPOUND cures uil I, veranil bilious disease, purifies the blood, eqnallzea the circulatinn and restores to perfect healt,h the enfeebled ayslem. FARBAND, WILLIAMS & ('O., ff-lits, DKTKO1T. For sale hy II. J. liliüWX & CO., Ann Arbor. HOLL'S ÍMP0VERI8TJED BLOOD. Renoretg tbc system fïom the accuxaulated Impure, wcak, vit'i:ited poisooous properties, which t he blood bas abBorbod in its semi-stagnant coitdition, undt-r (he Btimulutlng and liejií producios diet of the win (er, a waken the tissues and organsirwn n inorbid dormajtcy to ft atateof natural, healthy actívity with the life-awakeDing1, life-sustaining element, Bitieb Malt-Tokic, which Invigorates'the digestivo oripatts, 6ta Ihe food for assimilation into the blood, nnd iu;plies iht ehomicHJ condltiona, uocessary to cleunsethe vitiated life flaid of its woru-uut matter. Ii allowedto d Uie vitul orans, its Impnritiea burst throuL'h the skin in Pimples, Boiíb, Carbuncles, ëruptions. Tetter, Ac, te Bitter Mai.tTonto wil] restore the blood to a health; oondition enriohicg it, vitalfzdng hoth mind and body. For sale by Drugffists i nd Dealen eenerally, SwiftADodd, Detruït, Wholesale Agente. H. J, BKOWN & CO., apcuts for Ann Arbor. 33-4t


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Ann Arbor Argus