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-Register I See notice elsewhere. _An old resident, Peter M. Burlingarne, died oii Wednesday, aged VI years. Funeral services this afternoon at 2 r. m. -The llttle daughter of Dr. Dunster serionsly ill with typhoid fever, taken in the east. is now believed to be beyond langer. -The tail and handsome lückory raiaed opposite Edward Duffy's store. is to be credited mainly to the eiTorts of 3d ward demócrata -The ('ook House provided for 50 attachees of the circus over the sabbath. The show exliibited in Battle Creek the üuy after it was here. - Thecity fathers lil not mort on Monday evening, the circus proving to be the magnet tliat drew the honorable body away from duty. - A second trial of the steamer at the foot of Liberty streel on ïuesday afternoon, developed a capacity t elévate a stream to a heighth of " Vet. - Thirty-six colored cltizens met in one of the court liouse rooms on Friday evening to consider the political issues oftbeday. Nothingdefinite wasreached. - Hach nnd Abel were nwarded first premium on the largest, ricbest and best display ef dry gooda at the eounty fair. Ladies of Waahtenaw were the judges. - A constitutional amendment referring to the construct ion of a bridge aeross. or a tunnel under, the Detroit Tiver, will be offered the voter at the polls Nov. 2. - A Utrgenumberof important sujfcical oases from the Dominion as well as the states are awaiting the arrival of Dr. Maclean, who will reach the city this evening. About ten members of the eounty medical society. President Kapp in the chair. met at the eommon couneil room on Tuesday and disenssedthe question: Irritationof the alimentary canal in children." - A son of Mr. Norton who works on the campus, was knocked insensible and shoulder dislocated by a horse ridden by a boy named Ronaldson. 11e is recovering from the severe and dangerous shock. - Poutiac (inzette: Louis Berks, marble cutter, has sold out to Detroit parties and going to Ann Arlior. Louis is an honest. hardworking man, and we -n-ish he may ba ven successfal in bis change of base. -Messrs. X. . Covert. J. D. Bald■win and P. L. Page constitut a commiltce. representing the pomológica! society, to report as to plans, as well as offer BUjfgestiona for the erection of a fruit-preserving building. -At a meeting of grangers held at the court honse on Tuesday afternoon, A. Day of the Xorthiield grange, and II. B&Mwin of the Chelsea grange were lected delégales to attent! meeting of state grange called at Lansing Nov. i:- Jacob Laubengayer's horse lied in front of Lntz's place of business Tuesday morning, beeoming uneasy, lipset the buggy to wïiirh it was attached and damnged it badly. In an endeavor to extricate the animal Mr. Zina P. King ame near receiving dangerous injury. -Dr. and Mrs. Cocker were tendered ■a. reception in the basement of the M. K. Churcil on Wednesday evening. The room was tastily adflrned with flowers. A large numl r assembled to greet them pon their sale arrival from the continent Dr. Cocker and Rev. Mr. Alabastr made short addresses. - Tuesday afternoon n coal team belouging to Hall and tied in front of his office took fright at a passing bW'ycle, ran. turning the corner into and proceediiig down Main-St.,until Miller avenue was reached; ashort distance from tlie corner the team mounted the porch of pressman Davison's residence where nie horse feil, and both ceasel to make fforts to go further. A lamp-post on the, corner was razed to the ground, otlierwise the Jamage was slight. -Supervisors will meet on Monday Tiext. Three of the number, David ('. Rose of Sharon, .eandidate for senator on the democratie ticket, E. V,". Wallace, candidate for sheriff on the same ticket, and W. E. Depew of Sylvan. candidato for judge of probate on the repnblican ticket, will be conflned to their duties, mucb to 'their dislike, for the few weeks prior to election. Bills against the county must be presented on or before the third day of the session, to be audited at this session. - One of the tnain attractions of the fair was the baby show, on Friday aftenioon. The following were the entries : Clara, aged 5 months, Mts. Joe T. Jacobs ; May, aged 8 months. Mis. ,T. S. Sherman ; Catharine, Mrs. Adolpli Iloiïstetter; Mabel, aged 5 months, Mrs. S. W. Barkham; Bessie, aged 3 months, Mrs. J. Butherland. There were several others on exhibition but they were not entered. The first premium was taken by Catharine; the second by Clara ; and the third by Mabel. Special premiums were awarded to several of the others. - Until the board of supervisors attend to neecssary repairs upon the jail, escapes must beexpected. The wonder is eonsidering the comparativo ease With which prisoners are enabled to escape, anybody remains there more tban one night. Two persons John Keegan and Joseph Graves departed on Friday vening effecting escape by sawing the bars of the window in the Qor'west corner. Some ftriend outside furnished the implemeht to do the work. Keegan was held for a theft of {5, and his companion for tapping the till of a restaurant. They are at large. - Three thinga conspired to prevent the usual attendance at the county fair. First, the horrible weather, which no one could control; second, the circus that kept away hundreds who woulc otherwise have attended, and tho bibition of salo of beer on or near the grounds. It is a f act tliat a large element of the citizens of Washtenaw county will Jiot attend a fair unless they can procure what tliey desire, viz; beer. And. too, they ave among oui most thrifty and honorable people, inany of thera not going away f rom home more than a few times during the year. When they do, hówever, they will obtain their favorlte drink, and, if not able so to do, will keep away from the f aira. The absence of the Germán farming element of the county was noticeable. The managers have reach ed the conclusión that fairs can not be run Buccessfully on prohibition prioci Pies. Temperance is well enough inits place, but if people are invited to anen tertainment, tliey will not go unless theji ve able to procure what they want Tliis luis been fully demons trated. -The ncw steamer cost $2,200. - !',. II. Dodslcy is purchasing apples ss Lake. - i'oiice report eight arrests, drunks nu rl disorderlies, circus day. - Clerk ('Uu-k wil] draw the panel of juroi's for October tertn on Monday. - Christian Ëberbach is erecting a brickhorseshedinrearof Ilutzel & Co's store. -Dr. Kapp will make a trip tonorthem Michigan noon to look after his timbered landa. - Tlie W. C. T. TL, who condueted the eating house under the grand stand during the fairdidnotmakeany money. -Mr. Forepaugh anticipating trouble with tudenta prepared for such an emertrency. The i'ircus came and went nnmolested, however. - D. H. Jerome, repnblicaTi candidate for governor, rnad the address from TTiannsiTMit he delivered before tho farmers on Tlmrsday of the fair. - A trial of the stram engine whieh arrived last week, in contest with a hand engine, proved conc'.uaively that the former is what the city needs,and finally has. -Vc lmvo received onrcopy of Johnson 's Natural liistory. It is an elegant specimen of the book-maker's art. and most profusely illustrated; bnt best of n!l our yonng folks are captivated with it. and it is of equal interest to all both old and young.


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Ann Arbor Argus