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What The Argus' Advertisers Exhibited At The Fair

What The Argus' Advertisers Exhibited At The Fair image
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A visit to llora! hall revealed the faot that afar better exhibition in all departments was presentad than at the fair of 18Í9. A.mong othei exhibitorsi are the following : Mr. .1. F. Schuh, exhibitorof the Davis Vertical feed sewing machine, is one of the chief attraotíons of floral hall. H is plainly Been that the Davis' work is far superior to any other sewing machine work. The Parisiau dolí exhibited by Mr. Schuh, and made by Mr. and Mrs. Schuh on the Davis sewing machine, créales a great deal of attraction, and is probably the finesi piece of sewing machine work ever exhibited in the state. The Davis takea flrst premium on work. and flrst premium on lar, rest range of work. Last bnt not least that carne under our notice was the Bne collection of business writing, off-hand flourisltfng, card-writing and fine pen drawings, exdbited by Prof. r. S. Haines, who has ipened rooms in opera house for the enefit of those des'iring to improve their writing, or to become skilled in the nse of the pen. To examine his specimens and to see with wliat ease md grace the pen is made to perform ts work when guidedbya masterhand, s to be convinced of his superior skill. We commend him to all lovers of this nost useful and beautiful art as one who is fully competent to instruct. The display of Hack & Schmid at the fair last week is worthy oí mention. Their exhibit of black and colored cashmeres with beauttful trimmingS to natcli. in brocadea and polka dota in all the new abades, was the admiration of the ladies. Their cashmeres are the celebrated Luben's make, the best in the world. Their shawls and beautiful ilack and colored silks in all the latest ahades, with handsome silk and velvet (rocadea andotheT styles of trimming to match. Their display of fancy and iomestic dry goods, the tasty arrangement of their department, called forth ?raise from all the ladies, and was a credit to the firm of Mack & Schmid. Their show of towels, table linens, sretons and prints, were fine, with a 'uil aesortmentof fancy artioles, all of which were displayed with taste and admïred by all. A simple machine forthe manufacture of tile attracted the attention of farmers. It is a new thing for every man to manufacture his own tile but by this machine it can be done at onehalf the price that tile has heretofore cost at the manufacturera. Tile can, by it, be laid continuoiis and of various sizes, perforating the top as often as may be necessary to carry off the water. Three men will easily make and lay from 150(1 to 2000 f eet of two inch pipo in ten hours. The machine is so simple that wo predict every farmer whose lands require draining will purchase one so soon as he is convinced of its utility, and that can be established in a few days upon trial. Either the gentlemen at the fait will visit the county in person or the right of sale will be conveyed to some one a resident. A. L. Noble of Star Clothing House notoriety made a very handsome display of clothing for men, boy's and children, and gents furnishing goods. i lis space was divided by curtains into the shape and appearance of a parlor, and in addition to the elegant exhibition of clothing was two flnely executed pictures of his children in India ink. and a handsome case of birds which added very mueh to the effect. Xxe noticed some extremely beautiful kilt Buita for children, two stylea of reversible overcoats, neat and nobby for young men, a variety of patterns of business suits in plain and fancy designs, and a beautiful Worsted coat and vest in French diagonal. The latter especially was in every respect equal to custom work botta in material and workman8hip. The two show cases wen; tastefully arranged with silk handkerchiefs, neckwear, Buapenders, underwear, linen collars and cuffs, gloves, mittens, &c., &c. The leading st vlos of scarfs-vere the Claucus and Edison, both being new, novel and handsome. It is needless to remark that Mr. Xoble carried away the blue ticket. We quote from a local exchange : Bach & Abel made a display and worp awarded the flrst premium over all competitors by fourof the most competent judges of dry goods in Washtenaw county- for the richest, largest, and best display of Dry Goods. In Rlancing over the display of drygoods, we wereparticularly attraeted to the south-east part of the luül by the immense display of Messrs. Bach & Abei. Kever before havo we seen such a largo display of ricb dry goods at a eounty fair. Our attention was first called to the display of silks and satina. We were shown handsome silks at 60, 70, 80 and 90 ets. Heavy dress silks at S1.00, S1.25, S1.-39 and $1.56. Handsome satins at $1.00 and $1.25. Colored dress silks, heavy, at SI. We admit that Bach & Abel lead in silkp and salins. Our atteiition was next called to théir display of dress goods; we were shown a pile of eashmeres that extended nearly t the roof. Being a little inquisitiva and thinking that perhaps some day we would have to bny sometbing in that line, asköd what the price was, and to our srreat astonishment we Mere informed that they were only 4ö ets. per yard, and a!l wool, -10 inches wide. We were also shown cashmeres at 50, 00, 7", 90 ets. and il . Messrs. Bach & Abel claim to bc headquarters f or all kinds of dress goods. They buy in lanre quantities and by so doing get extra discounts, henee it is very easy to see how they ean sell so mnch cheaper than their neighbors who bny their goods in er quantities. We advise all ladies in search of goods in this line to visit this establishment before purchasing for we think it impossible to beat thpir prices in Detroit or any other city. Tlieir display of shawls, cloaks and dolmans was simply immense. We were sliown cloaks from $2.121 to $85.00; also dolmans from 15.00 to $50.00. Their Paisley shawls at $20.00, $90.00, $40.00 and $50.00 were vory handsome. ïhere were quantities of cloaks and dolmans on exhibition bnt none in onr opinión could compare with Bach & Abel's. ïhey are sole agents in Ann Arbor for Sprjnger Bros. celebrated cloaks and dolmans, the name of which is sullicient. Our attention was next called to their immense display of ties, handkerchiefs, kid gloves, buttons, ribbons, etc. We were shown lace ties from $2.00 to $8.00 ; lace liclius from $3.00 to Sl.rj.OO. ïhey also had on exhibition a show case containing some very elegant and rich goods. Our attention was ticularly called to their silk haiidkercbiefa embroidered by hand in all colors, at $6.00. All the fair ones who examined this case admitted tbatitoonbained the richesi Koorts, and they were arranged the neatest of any case on exhibitión. Thetrimnierof thisease was John Wahn, one of the Leading, Gepman, salesmen oí Bach & Abel. We have endeavored to ment ion sorae of the goods on exhibition of this popular Brm, and to recount a few of the most beautifal and attractive fabrica thai mei the eye of our reporter, but that acribe feela that lus powers of descriptlon are utterly inadequate to the taak, and in conclusión canonlyask his readers, eapecially the fair portion, to cali at once at Baoháfc á.bel's store, where they are all on exhibition, and see for themselves.


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Ann Arbor Argus