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PARTIE8 WHO WILL PUT TIES OR TlföüBER ■ OH THE Line of tlie Toletio, Ann 'Arfor and Northeastern Raliioüd. The Company has bilis for about 50,000 {eet. of culvert and cattlc pasa timber for which it will PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PRCE Au soon as doliverrd on the U" of th road. They will al3o pay cnah ior tiea as follvi: 35 cents for 0%; 25 cents for Asli and Tauiaracki Dimensions : 8 feet long, 8 inch fiice, 6 inch thick. BrsT Any party who wül put mil's Into the wooda and contract for a large quauLity can ubum ad vantageous ternis. For Bpecificatious on tiTtiber, Ac, apply to i H. W. ASHLEY, Corner "Waphinton and Vain Streets, ANS ARBOK, MICH. JET EMPOBIUM And Artist's Supply Depot. 217 Woodward Avenue, Detroit FANDBEW J. BROVr, Proprietor, Dealer In Picture Framos, Looking Glasscs, Oil PftinUnga, Engravlngs, Chromos, Artist's MaterI ils, 'and Art Specialtlcs. OI.D {TRAHE8 RE' IS.öEI. IÏN'SKY Ss SEAIIOLT'8 Bakery, Grocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. Kor Wholesale and Retail Trade. Wc 8hall also keep a supply of DBLHIJFIjOtTE, J. ST. Swift & Co's Rest White Wliont Flour, Kye Flour, Tïuckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. ■At Wholesale and rettiil. A eeneral stock of QEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS onstantly on hand , wbich -wül be sold on as reasmalile terms as at any other house in thn i"ity. i Cash paid for Butter, Kggs, and Country Produce generally. fioodsdeliverea to any part of the city witul t extra charge. & gEABOIjT. Anu Arbor. Jan. 1, 1S79. RA1LR0ADS. MICHIU CÏTNTRA1, KAILKOAD. .Tl i.T 25, 1880. aOING WKST. [ li o "2 I I . h % . S 2 .5 . s i STAT.OH8. = L igg. -it i.l.Lêlili4. U.M. A.M " P. M. ■ l'.M. Detroit ,leTe, 1 7 on 9 8SJ 5 M 4 05 8 1" 9 31 G. T. JtiTietinn, ] 7 lf 9 .-„'i 8 10; 4 20 2S III !(■ Wjiyne Junction 7 ,r2 10 hj fi 42 4 -ir, s .',' 111 q ípslliinti, fl 20 10 48 " OS 6 O.ï 9 1 11 (12 Omldi's, 8 80 7 20 Ann Albor, s 40 11 00 7 :tí 22 'J 3-4 i 1 1 17 Delhi, S 58 i 7 40' I Dexttr, B "1 1 7 SB, 5 39 6 ML Chelsi-, 9 22 8 11 i 5 52 10 10 QrusBLnke, 9 50 1 8 35j 6 12.10 30 P. M I A.M Jaoksun, 10 20 15 1! fl 00 G ÜJ 11 00! 12 40 Albiou, 11 04 IS 50 a 7 45 11 40 1 16 idaial.uH, 11 so. 1 30 J 8 11 ;i2 08 1 37 v . M . k S a.m. Battle Créele, 12 19 1 M X B 41 15 80 S 00 Öulent'Utg, IS 52 9 lil A. M. Knlimmzoo, 1 15 2 3f 4 Sd 9 .15 I IS 2 12 I#ti'U, I 1IU 5 2ó 1 1" néontur, 2 10 6 vi 1 03 lowniriie, I 2 a.'i ; fi 12 2 ís Nile, 3 05 4 IM 6 07 2 47 4 16 Huchunnn, 3 19 7 02 3 0 Threi i;ik 3 VJ 1 7 27 N llviffnlo, 4 n3 4 :'S 7 40' 3 37 Mioblirun City, ' 4 30 5 10 8 08 4 0Ï B 2a Lake, 5 13 S 02 S M 4 .p2i 18 Kiinulnuton, 6 00 fi 801 9 16 .'. 40 7 KI ChicnL'O.iirriTe, C 50 7 40 10 35i 6 30 8 00 aoiNG eaht. A. V. A. M.ip. M. P. .V. . 1 . M Chicago, lente, ! 7 00 9 CIO ! 00 5 16 9 10 Kennmgton, 7 50 9 Sí -4 60 6 OS 10 00 Ljike, 8 38 10 30; 5 42 6 60' 10 Mieliiiin City, 'J W 11 18 6 80 7 41' 11 Sfl NewJluffrtlo, i 4Í,I1 32 6 58 II 62 Three Oakü, 10 03 7 18 , A . M . fiuchonan, 10 32 7 40 l?K0 Niles, 10 45 12 18 8 10 9 00 12 45 Dovapiae, II 13 1 S 38 1 10 Pecatnr, 11 39, [ 9 05 1 32 Lnwton, 1157 8 22A. M.l 148 Kiilumní-oo, 12 88 1 SS 10 00 6 60 10 25] 2 25 Onlusliirfr, 12 53 i . 7 08 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 7 40,11 10 8 !S Marshall, 2 25 8 0" p 8 08 il 35; S 46 'a.m. , Albion, 2 82 821 U.M. 8 85 11 50 4 12 .Taokacn, 3 45 4 051715 9 SOlIS 4.1 500 Gra8 Lake, 4 10 : 7 :!S 9 50 , 6 26 C'lielstfl, 4 40 8 02 10 0! 5 60 Doctor, 5 00 1 8 lfi 10 10 6 05 JMM, 6 10 1 8 25' 1 - - Aun Arbor, 5 22 5 07 8 40 10 35 2 (f, 6 25 Geddes, 5 29 - - ; 8 48 , Ypsilouti. i 88 5 28 8 M 10 4! 2 20 6 41 June, 0Ï 6 45; 9 IB 11 OS; 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, 6 35 6 15 9 45 11 8B 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I S0: fi o'lo (!0 11 So! 3 35 pO HundftVflexcepted. ISuturday and ttunday eiepted. t'Daily. H. B. LEDTARD, Oen'l ManaRer, Detroit. H. C. Wentwouth, O. P. & T. A({t.,C'bicaí;o. Toledo and Ann Arbor Raüroad. Taking effect Sunday June 27, 1880. QOIÏÏG NOUTH. GOING SOÜTH. Eip. ÏIü.rMliil MniliMix.iExp. - STATIONS. : A.M. V.M. P. M. A.M. I'.M P.M. 7 .55 12 051 6 10 TOLEHO 9 30 3 05 7 50 7 58 12 08 6 13 North Toledo 9 27 1 3 00 7 47 8 10 12 22 (i 20 Detroit Junction 9 15 2 477 35 8 18112 SS 6 30 Hawthorn 9 os 2 33 7 27 8 27 12 48 6 40 Samaria 9 01 2 501 7 18 8 40! 110 6 55 Lulu 8 50 1 os 7 lis 845Í 119 7 00 Monroe Junction 8 45 151 7 00 8 5S j 1 35 7 10 Dundefc 8 86 135 6 50 9 05 157 7 22 Azalia 8 25 115 6 40 9 18 i 2 27 7 3S Milnn 8 12 12 5016 27 9 25:540 742 Nora 8 Oti 1 2 :!s J 28 9 32 2 55 7 47 Urania 8 00 12 251 6 21 9 42 3 17 7 68 PittsfieW June. 7 50 12Or, 6 0( 9 55 3 45 8 101 AKN ABUOR 7 55111 850 All trains run by Columbas time - 7 minutes faster than Aun Arbor time. J. M. ASII1.EY,. Ir. .Superintendent. DETEOIÏ, HILLSUALE AND SOUTHWE8TKRN BA1LROAD. To tnke effect April 4, 1880. OOINO WEHT. GOING KART. Mix. Mail Exp. ' ExpMuil Miy 1 1 STATIONS. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M.'p. M. 1. M. 7 30 8 25 5 45 Ypailnnti 10 4 3 15 S 10 8 00 8 44 6 02 Pitts-fidd June. 10 2'J 4 68 7 S8 3(1 8 57: 6 13 Saline 10 lrt 4 48 7 12 9 00 9 15 6 30 Bridgewater o Ml 4 88 6 35 9 50 9 38 0 48 MnnoliPBter 9 3S' 4 l.rl 6 0 1(01120 822 Hilledale 758 24ñ! 250 1 IB 11 SO 8 HO Bank ere LÍÍIJL8" 2 V' Tramp run by Chicago timñ - 20 minutes ülower tbanColnmbus time. W. F. PARKER, Supt., Ypeilanti. CANAOA SOÜTSIKltlN RAIUVAV, Tlie Ouly American Route Tbrougli Canada Trainsleave M.C. R.K. Depot, Detroit, oity time, as füllows: Atlantlo Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., AVagner car to Boston. Fast Day F.xprcsn, daily, IS noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Limited Express, daily exeapt Runday, 7.15 p. in. Wagner car to Buffalo and Ilodieater. t LïgbtDing Express, daüy, 1135 p.[m. "Wagner tai to Buft aio and Roohester. Toledo trins icave : 50 a. m. exccptSunday ; 3 00 p. m. daily ; 7 15 p. m. Sunday, Forinfnrmation and tickets apply to II. W Hayes, agent M.C. B. R., Aun Arbor. M C. KOACH, Western Pass. Agent, Detroit. FEANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Buffalo, N. Y. -lEEA'fi' WKS'ST.ISIV KAÜ.HMVVjT Depots fuot ot Xfaird and Biush ytreets. Detroit time. Detroit time. I,e:iTe Arrive. Atlantic Expíes, tJ.rda.m. 11f.00p.ra. Day Express, "Í.35 a. m. 6.S()p.m. New York and B ston ExpreBS, t9.45a.rn. Detroit Expres, li.45 p. m. SteamlMiHt lCzpress, Ï.OO a. m Fast Express, 11.60 p. m. S.4O a. m. JPaily. DailyexceptBunday. tExcept Monday. S" Forinformation and tickets apply to H. W. Hayes. Agent M. C. R. E., Ann Albor. W. H. FIKTO, WM. EDGAE, Western PaBB'rAg't. Gencml PafB'rAsent ETNA illlAll COHPANT. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Aseets .Tan 1, 1876,, 6,792,649.88. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Lïabilities, includi"f Re-Insnriince Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilitips, includinj Ra-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, AnnArbor. GET YOTJE PI10PEETT IN8ÜEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AIÍN ARBOR, - MICII" The oldest agency tn the city. Established a quarter oï a century ago. Uepresenting the following first clasa copinaniei Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets Oïer ?B,nO0,OCl( Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asaeta over $3,000,001 Nianara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Aaaets l,442,40( öirardot P., ABsets over J1,OÜO,00( Oriënt of Hartford, Asscts J700,00( Commercial Union of London, Assots $3,000,00( Rafes low. Loases liberally ndjusled anc "' '■■ c. H. MILLES. Eggs! EggsfEggs! THE PtTHOCTH ROCKS, one of the best hreedsof poultry, ia on sale hy WM. Bl'SII Superior, P. O. nddreps Ann Arlior. Price S2 per dozen, orS3 for two dozen. Thisisthe Corbin, Newington, Conn., breed, among the best for eggB and table. MR. BU8H bu on mie, prire 75 cents, the book of 100 pages on Plymouth HocbB, containing full dlrections for muii'nL', breeding, care and management of this vnrk'tyoi fowls. It ia an admirable work for amateurs. No one eau aíl'ord to be without it. l LEGAL NOTICES. Bfortgftge Sale. DEFATTLT HAVING BEEN MADE in comí i t ií.iif ut a certain mortgage bearIng date the twenty-eïghtn ilay of November, in the year of onr Lord one thounuiid eïght hundred and wventy-six, made nnd exeeuted hy Marcrnret Ryun oí' the villajre of Mancht-ster, countv of Waphf iiiiw and Stüic of Micnitrnn. to Williana F. Oston of tlu1 township of Pitiflpïd, önir.e oounty and State, and rocordpd in the office of the Iteyisti r of Deedi ot' Waahtenaw County aforeft&ld on the tïiirl ietli rlayof July, A. I. 1878, at 1.60 o'clock i'. m. nt iid tav, in liher -r'-l of morty afres, on paire 7tiR, and Iheamouni cltiimedtobedQeal the date of tliii notlce is SA34.P7 'm himdwd thiity-fonr dollrirs and eijïbty-spvpn eents), also tliirty dollars na a reasoxtabie EtoHcitrre or ntLorneya fee, irt addition lo hII other loyal êoat if any proceedinp shouïd ltaken toforeeïope ihis mortfcafre, and no prOcpd ingaat law ör in equlty havïng bepn fnatftutPd t recover the patne or any pnrt thereofi Ñotioe ï therefore hen by giveo, thai by virtue of the powei of cale in Buid raortpupre contnfnrd I si.aü rp]1 oi; Sa'I UBDAT, TUK NlNTH HAVflf' DCTOfcltll TU'Xt, at ten o'pIock in the rorenoon of sald day at public vendue to the hiphesi bidder nt i l:e ïonth f' opl dooroi the Court Bniifip in thf city ofAnnArbor, r.nunty of Wtwfifcnaw aforepflïd 'fh;i!" bei tig thp bnildine whercln i! i Circuil Oonrt r.i Washtpnaw pounty is hild), uil thwp corliiin t'i-f "f or p ol Land Bitnnte In fhe villape of Mnnchentpr. in the ronnty of Walitenaw and S;!p of Michffrnn, known nd dfNmW'd a folïows, to wil : Tí (ing lot numlier ñve and sin in biock mimi e? forty-tire In the vilhier of Üaiichcster, in said eonnty and Star?, accerdliiR to )h recorded plat iht-reof. Iauü, July 15, 1W0. CMMPTOfïK F. 7?n.L, A tl min ist rat er of the ■ tatp of Willi&lO F iBÏua, deoehMd. Kfftate of Atïnline McOmn#r. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜXTY k of Washtenaw, bs. At a seiwtonof theProbnt Coart for t)e County "f Wadhtenav, holden nt tb f Probate Ofliee, in thecity of A nu Arbor.ottThorsday the si xteenlli ñjiyol SppTeraber, iü the yeaï oöe thnntmnd eiehi hnndTed ond i Ighty. Pi ent, WilUsn D.Hmriman, Judifro' Froiinto. In thf mivttcr of the estáte of Adaline McOinber, deoeaecd. On readinc and filnur the petition duly verified of Charles MoOmer, prayiug tbat or some other Buiiuble perRon, ma y lie appolntcd adoiinistialoT of witd estáte. Tbereupos it in ordered, that Monday, the pievenj h Say of Öctober nest, at ten o'clock in thf torenooi), be assirned for the hftñn! oí b-aïA petition, and that theheirsat law of said decessed, and nll other penonn intere&ted in anirt estüte. tf required t-oappenrat Rsession of aaid oourt, thee to hp holden at the I)rohfite'.-ifi'c-' in the city of Ann Arbor, anrl ihow oaxiw, if any tlieie bf, why thf prayer of the petitioaer boiild ooi bp d And it is ïurther onlcret1 tbnt s.tiri petiiioner ivo notlce to the persons interested in aajd i of the poiulency of aaid petition and the hearine- tberpof, by cansinc :i eopy of thla order to be published in the A.v.v Arbor Aitourt.a nevapapex print ed nnd clrcnlated in said coanty, tbrtesuccesaive weeks provioup to py.iñ dnyof hearirp. W1LLTAM T) HAERIMAN, f A true copy.) Jwlye of Probate. W.M, G. Doty, Probate Eenister, éstate of MarrE. MltoheïL OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTKTY )O of Washtenaw, se, Noticeiahereby glventhat byan order of tbc Probate Court for tneCouoty of Waahtenflv, made on the sixteentb (!;■ ol SeptemHer, A.I.1880, six months frmn that flate were allowed for creditowto present their claims against the estáte oí Mary E. Mitchell. late of said county, decensrd, and that all credit oía oi said deceased a're requiredto present f heir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Offlcein the city of Anu Arbor, for ex ii mi nat ion and allowanf-e, OB or hefore the Mteenth day of March next, and tbat such claims will be heard hefore said Oonrt, on Thunsday, the sixteenth day of December, and on Wednesoay, the sïxteenth d;iy of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said daja Dated, Aüü Arbor, Septemher If., A. I. 1880. WILLIAM D.HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. Téstate of Honry Conlen. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KZ5 ofWaahteoaw, ss. Ata sösalon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdpn at the Probate Office In Mi" city .'f Aun Arbor, on Wedneaday, the twenty-seeond day of Peptember, tn the yenr one tlionsand eighthundred andelghty. Present, William f, tlarriman, Jtidgeof Probate. Tn the matter of the estáte of Hem y Conlen, deceasi d . Allee DoTiOfran, the adminibtratrix of anifl estftlo, comes into rourt and representa tbat she is BOW prepared to rentier lier final account as BQCh administratrix, Thprcupon H is ordered, that Tanda?, the twelfthl:iv of October next, af ten ocloclr in rlp forenoon, be assigned for exatoininfr and sllowing such account, and that the heirs ñt law f said deceased, and all other persons imeretel In said estate, ro rpfjuircd io appear at a eession of Baid court, then to be holden at the !.}1' Office in the city (f Ann Arbor, in said county, ajtd show canse if any there bp, why the sfifd account should not be illowed : And ir ia furtherordered, that said adniinistratrixitlve notfee to the in te rest ed in said estáte, of tb1 pendency of said accounl and the hearinji; thereof, by oausing copy of t bis order to bepuhliahed in the Ann Arbor Ar - ars, a newsp.iper printed and ;;rculatinLr in said county, two successlve weeks prevloos to said day of hearing. WILLTAM D.HARRTMAN, (Atrueeopy.) Judge of Probate. Wh.O.Ooty, Probate Register. Koul Estiite for Snle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY of WashienaWi ss. In the matter of the estáte of Louis lï. Buc-hoz, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in purnianceot an order grftnted tothe undersfgned, adr.iinistrator of the estáte of smid deceasod, oy the Flon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on tbe twenty-eigbtb day of September, A. I. ÏSKO, there will he sold af public vendue, to tbe histhest bidder, at the tast front door oí t lie Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in tbe eounty of Washtenaw in snid State, on Tl'FSnAY, TUF. SlXTF.KSTII Bil O NOTEHBX, AD, 18S0, at ten o'clock in the toreroon of thht day (sul eet to all eoeumhrances by inortgRi-e or otbetwise i xisting al the time of the death of aaid deceased] the followiDg deacribed real estáte, to wit : The west hi'lf umi tbe eet half of the east half of lot Ko, one in hloek Nn. fonr also lot No. 2 in block No.4, alliu range 6 DOrtb of Hu ron street, (lieir.i? the sanie preralses formerly oecupiei by Ior Koliotrgl aoeordiug to the rrrorded pïftt of the Tillare (dow cityj of Aun A rhor, exrepting a part of lot No. '1 (itovesaid, commeneinp at a point on the Dorth Haeof snid lot elgfaty-five feet west of the. nortbeant eornerof aaid lot, niBiiinfi thenee eji?t to the eñst line of p;iiil lot, thence ionth on the east line of said lot bíj ty -on e feet, thenre northwesteriy to the place of beginniogr, heretofore dt-eded to WillianiBoa bi h].so exceptin and renerriDg for the use of the Raid city of Ann Arbor for purposen of a irreet all that portioo of snid premisea awve deacríbed wbiflb i? now covered hy Detroit street. AKo, the folloving pieees of land in lots S r.nd 4 in Work 3 nor'h of Ilnrnn street and in rniiRe 6 eaat. ïi e first is boundeil and described as followK ronimeii' ing at tlie nortbwPBt corner of lot No. 1 of il e subdivisión of sald lot S and running thence northeasterly aloníí the easterly line of ]etroit streel thirty-two feet to a point s'xteen feet north.':;-■;! 'lv of the rmrth line of saiil lot Xo. 3, thence at rigM angles to Detroit streel one hundred fpet, thenoe north twenty-foor riet-rees eart feet to the nortb line of aid lot ft. thence eat on sniil line to the noillirnst cnrnor of H:t;d Int :i theiT'e south flfty-three feet tothe north lineof naid snhdlvision, Ihence west on saidlintt one bundred and forty-seven and one-fonrth feet, thence northwesterly at right anules to Detroit streef seTenty and 5-12 feet to the plnee of beginninfr. The above 3esciiotioB is a part of the ame land as flced.-.l from Enöeh Ti rhnne by Circuit Court Commissioner to Louis K.lluchoz and is rtcorded in liber 47 of deedB on TJizc 4!)fi. Also, the followinff: Commernne on a pmnt sixteen feet northeasterly "f the soutb line of said lot 4 in paid Mock 3 DOTtn range 6 east running theneo northeasterly ajong the tasterly lineof Detroit street forty-six feet, thence soutbeaaterly ut rit'ht anules to Uetruit street efghty-seren feet to the south line of said Int 4. tlience Bouth twentyfourdegreea west forty-eifcht feet, thence northwesrerly at rfeht anules to Detroit etreet one hunrtred feet t. the ilac of beglnnlng. The ril ove Safcription covers a part oT the land deederl from Terhune to Buehoa and a part of a pieee of land deeded from Josenh Collyer to Samne! J. Button, said deed ík recorded in li er ■'i, page fiíío. Also, let Ko. 7, and the vresterly half of lot Nn. (1 and all of lot Xo. 8 (exceptlng the part of said lot s lying iouthwesterly of a line iin'en rods eouthw'esterly froin and parallel In the center of the GorhaiD road orMiller avenue) accordin? to Hib pial nf lots on tbe southwest quaTter of seotion 29, and in he city o Ann Arbor, recorded in the líepiater't Office of Wasbtenaw countj-, ia líber P of ,i, i dg a: p. 237. Alo the east two rocls in lenp-tn of the north one-third of lot 2 in l.lock S north of lanpe fi past in tbe city Of Ann Arhor. exceptinR the brick harn on said lnnds. Alltlieabove described lands hoiim Incalí -d in the city of Ann Arbor, couuty of Wasbtenaw and state o' Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, Pept. 28, IStO. ALFKED .1. BUCHOZ, Admininistrator. ËDWARD DÜFFY, Wholesale anti Retail O-IELOCIEIR, A Large, New, and Clean Stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries ALWAYS OX IIAXD! Togcther with a full and oomplete stock of BOOTS, SHOESi AD KUCBER (JOODS, Alao n elioiee assortment of I.mlird' and Gents' I ndcrwcnr, Hoslerr, niovcn, fft. SpeL-iuliuduteiueiitioilcifa cash custoiners EDWABD DUFFY, Tor. Ulain and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor B3T Cash paid for all Fatoi Products. , LEGAL NOtlCES. Notioe r Electiong. l hercbjr riven that m thc 'fiKr.'il ,i tion tobe I Id in Ihisstaie , i, the fírít T„,.8(]„ I r,,ll,,v.i,,g office a„ 7 lepara of President and Vlce-rrertdJi trnor, aecrctaiyof Klatr, Si , .,,'!"- General, rni1Mm„ ,,; the Mate Lal,d üffl2 I General, Knr.erntciidra1 of I stiuoiii.n and a Mi-nibi ís fot ÍS Heeond fíd) ('onpressionnl Distriol of ibis Pint', which Ihi.cmiiiry bcli.nt".: „1m, a Senator fnr Fourth Mth] nintriet. o. tnpowd of w ',' tennw rou.iH ; al a Represéntame in the aS Ugl pitare fo, cach of n,e thiee [lepn ltrirtiimohiíl. V „nty i.diSí niso ? Judge of Pnibate for Wn,bteiiaw Bberifr, Treasurer.R. isterofDetïI ProavcutiiijrAttorrey, two Ciicuil Coui CSiniity Surveyor niid lwo ( rs At sald („n .„-.„., , raeni tu theeor.atttntii n of tbi State will W 9 mltted to tbc people of the State for tbeir ndooSS : : ns Koet Ion ís, „r ArticleUa J"iU r.M,l,,,i,.I1 X,-;,U ■ Pee IJ The Leplslatnre sliall huve on om-h ti imi nnd i oí plitions. anfl n xvch n,v, ' deun pmper, to anthnrize tho i-)ty of iw troii lo aui ir the eonstrnetinn unri itiainténañtS u ratlrnad hrldgeor tinme] ai'r.ns tlie Detroil rtti at or Dww khí] citv.tu in amoi:nt ii"t evce3 oiip pet centuin ol Ihe asaotwl v.ilue ot Ihe laxakí property in said cily." ' .TOSIAII S. i ASE SlirrirT of Tïashi.'i aw ( ounlt Ann Arboi, Mich., August U, 188U. FHtatp of fieorjre Bronner, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜU O of Al a sessiemof I Coi.i-i for the Ci nnty of ■ l.t.-naw, h..iden ai a Probate Ofllee r, tl e citr of Aun Arl.or ,n f aay, tiie seventeentb day f s(,. .-i,. ■ . r ip, tú yearonethonsaniieiííln hundrrd and pijhiy nt.William D. llarríman, Judce of l-rdUl In the matlter of tlie estiüe of Georce ünnnj, [jl I1' ílMíl. ' ' CatherineBronner, adminiítratrix of eonijs nto eoun and reprecentij that í,e Is 3 prepnred torender her üna! account n suchai minjHtraMix. Theroupon it !s ordered, lliat Sainrday n, nlnlhday of Oitober in:xt. a! ten o'cloek uuÊ (orenoon hea-wined tm (j In i;ji and altad mich account, and Ibat tlieheirs at l'i ,,f aiM neased.and allother pcrsonsinteresled In s-.M E tiite, are ajipoar ai n session r.i sa( coim ÜK'Pi to t(j be holden ai the PiohateOfflrein thtm Irbor in said county.andshon cause Ifaií there be, wby the aM act.mnt sbnuld not t lo wed. And it is fnrther ordered thai 8iíJ niinistratrix gire notice to tbeper?on interM in hí;I estjitp ni the pprider.ey of said account n (lie hearing thereof, by cr.iisinsr a copy of tliif der to be pnblished Ín th' Atin Arbob AkgM newspaper prijitcd and circnlatlnR n saíd corniti ■ ssiTt'H-ctks previoB to siil ilay of huí Ing. WILLIAjr T). HARR7MAN (A truc copy.) .TwUgeof Probatt Wn G.DOTT Prohatp TíEstáte of Oven Coiilon. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COU2ÍTT kJ of Washtenaw, s". At a sesión of the ProMí í'otirt for the Ctfunty "f TVashtptmw, holden nt ítie íOíBceinthe city of Ann Arbor.on UVJnesday, the twi nty-second day of eptember, a thf yeHronp frhouaaud fL'l-t hnndrpd an Present, TVilJiamD. Híirriinan, Jiulpe. In the matter of the estáte of uwen Conlec' dece.ised. Alicí' Doncean arlniiní'itratrix nf afiïn ostatf comes in to courl and represente thaf she is nnwpre! pared to T'dtr lier final account as eock adxninistratrix, Thereupon it is ordered, thai Tuesday thetwelfft doy of Oceober next, at ten o'ciock in the fortnoon, be osfiignt cl for examining and alloir(ngaij account, and that the heirsHt luw of Rail decSj and all otfaer perrons interested in said ostnte.irs required toappear ut a session of said coiirt,tíient be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Au Arbor ín sald couaty, and show canse, if ."ny tliw he, why the said account .hould not be alI(H And it is further ordered, that said administra Sire notice to the persons inteTeeted in said estul of the pemlenoy of said account and the hcariij tltereof. by causlnp a copy of tb is order to be pal Hshed in the Ann Ahboh Argus, a nevsH printed and circulatinp in pald connty, twos! ceysive wt-eks previons to said day of hearing WILLIAM D. ÍI ARRIMAN, fA true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Gouvernenr .Drake, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Waflhtenawt 68. At a session of tbe Pro bate Conrt for the county of Washtenaw, holdn at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. Monday, the twenty-neventh day of St'ptfmbtr,] in the year one thousaud eight hundrtd ui eïghty. Presen t.TTillimT. Híirrlmnn, JudifeofPmïwti In the ruatteiof the estáte of Guuveruüur Dnkl;! deceasid. On readiTipnTir! ftlmc thepotition, fialy veriflii of Job A. Marshall, praying that a ceiluin ídsit ment now on tlfe in thiscojirt, inirporting tobetN last wil! anti testament of said deeeasea, mtfh admitted to probate, nnú that Philip Bach maj ba appointd execnlor fhereof. Thereupon it is orderod, that Mondar, the twenty-fitth day of October ncxtt at ten o'rlockintSi foreüoon,be aísipned for the henrin;.' of fKid petition, iirjfl tb.'tt the deviaecs, legateef, and bffeiB law ofsüi'.l deceased, and all othfr persona ífl8wlj ted in Biiid otíife, ure required co appoar fttnowM nf snïri oourt, rhr-nto op holden t the Prnlwn line íti thp city of -Vnn Arhor, nnd show otase íÍm fcherpbe,-.vhy the prayer ',f the poiiticner sb nol heraoted: And itia furtherordered thata petitioner sive notice to the pe intfiested in srurl estáte, of the pendeney oí petirion, nnd the hearing thereof,by caufitng aM of thift order tobepubiwhfd in the Ann AkbofA ot's, a newspnpfir printed fimi circulatpd in m oounty, three sucseasÏTe Treek? proviona to lij d o, hearing. WILLIAMT1.H.RIMi, fA truccopy.) Jndge of ProM Wm.G.öott, Probate Register. listóte of Setll Sinilh. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CO Fifi of Wuhtanaw.M. At asessionoftbeViobi Cotirt for the Cuilntynf Wnehtenaw, hoirte-n 1 FrobateOihcemthecityof Ann Arbor, on Wetfnn day. the twenty-ninth duy of Heptember, in"1 yritr one thousan ! enjht hunired -ind i'iiihty. Present, William IX Harrimun, Judgeof Proba In the matter of the estáte of Beth ■ dtceased. IJNoah V. Cheever, ndministrator ie bonn Tv'ith the will nrjnexed of s:iid estáte comes l coisrt and representp thnt he is no preïtwwj rPnrler his a:itttinl account as auch acbiiiniitl' Tliereupor it ia.ordpreil, that SaturdJi" ixteenth day ofOctober ncxt. at ten o'clOM the foren oon. he assigncd for examinÍDgDdlW insí such account, and that the deTÏsee, leRlw and hfcirs at law of said deceascd. aml 1 JP persons ntere.-ti'd in s-aid ostate. are reijuiK ;i ï - ï ■ í ■ :i r at a sessinn of said Court, then to fx1 n"ai the Probate Office in the city of Ann J'W' suid county, and show cause if any there be,r 1 account &hou!d not be allowecl: AMf furtherordered that said adminislrator gtTew" to the persons interesten in s:iid estafe, of tnel denoy of said account and the hearing tnerMM rausing :i copy of this order to bc pulilisheda Ass Ahbor Akgus. a newspaper printed ar culatingin said county, two sncccssivc wcetipr vious to said dav of harinj?. ul( ' WILLIAM D. HAREIM (Atrueoopy.i JuJge of Prol Wm.G. DotV, Probate Résister. Estáte ol TCilliam H. Calkln. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUSJ O of Wi shtenaw, ss. At a session of the Pw Court for the County of Washtenaw, tiom' the Probate Office, in the city of Ann ArWifl Wednesday, the fifteentli day of September, yearone tnoiiinnd eiKht hundred and j Present, William T). Harriman, .Ttidge of Pg In tho matter of the estáte of William H. U"1 deceased. MortimerFreer and James Taylor, eiecnw"! the last will nnri testament of said deceased,iJ luto court aid represent thnt they are n0Vl pared to render their final account as sucn "' tors. x A Thereupon it is ordered, that ThursoW; I fourteenth day of Ootnber next.nt ten.i'cl"'' I forenoon, beassiKiied for exnminirjg mul a I sucha lunt.and that lic devisees, Icaitce5, j beirs at luw of said deceased, nd all ntherpew"! terented in euid estilte. are required to "IT'i'ij session of said Court, thtn to be holden ' "J bate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. in p and show cause, if iiny there be, wny tiic w f count should not be allowed : And it m ""'L,, dornd.trmt nitl ex.outora t;ive notioe to intfieated in Miid pstüte, of the pendeDCJ J 1 iiccount and the hearine thereof, by cnu of this order t.o be pubHshed in the ., n newspaper printed and ciroul' said coun'.y. three succesaive weeka preïiou day oi hearing. WILLIAM D. HABEI?tó I (Atruecopyl. Jiulge of P'M'I Wm. G. Doïy, Probate Kegister. "N THE MATTER OF THE I J_ OF MAI1Y E. I'.liASICL. Notico ii en that in pursunnce of a license and order g. ; to the undersisned guardián of the estáte jvj E. Ilrasel, deceased, by the Hou. r.dgar a Judge of Probate for the county of wJ 1 TucBday, the 17th duy of August, A. 1'. 1!T'y will be sold at public aui'tinn to tho tiisM" .,.;■ at tbe iroot of the Court House in the citr Arbor, county of Wushtcnaw and state o' & gan OS THE TWKLFTH PAY 01 A D 1880, at 12 o'clock in tlie forenoonk thi' '4 interest in the west half of the n' ,r quarter of section number ten in 10" i#{ south of range sixeast, and recorded m w of the Kegister of Deeds in and for saia cou' Dated, Ann Arbor, Antrust '2.% 1880. FKEDKÜIOK CON'WATi j liuardian and Aam, Comin)ssners' d STATE OF MICHIGAN, O of Washtenaw, s. The undersigneji been ppomted bythe Probate Court foi tv, Commissioners to reeene, examine, uil claims and demanda of all persons estáte of Lcwis L. James, late of said % fíj ceased. hereby give notice that six raoo fltf date are allowed, by order of said F1"."", tl' for' creditors to present their claims g ; „„'. ( tateof said deceased, and that they '" ,jki il,,, office of Cieorite C. rage in the viHKl,J) in snid county, on Tuesday, the tweatj- , December, and on llonday the twentj-" of r Mnrcb next, at ten o'clock a. ., o) ec days, to ieceive. examine, and adjuai ilated, September -'1, A. I. ÏSSC. CHARLES gg City Scavenger. ,: The un-lersient-a oll,.rs lus services' Vanlts, Oesspools, &c, &c, cleaned to onw the season, at reasonable pnces B " y made to order. Vaulta n.ade, ('rdn "Uj ■itJ ie ■ Nichei's Meat Market, Ma BouihHThayer Street, or mude tbrwjb „flioe.,1 Wort will be done as cheapastue and a!l orders promptly attnJd{1I ACl'0'! I


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus