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A youn adv, iiioviiiir m the most exaiie.t social ircles of Galveston, aftcr inucli toil anl practice at tho piano, icíirneJ to play with oousiderablo doxturity a piece eutltled "Picnic Tolk:!." lt is soinetlihig aftcr tlie styie of thc celébratela "Battle of Fragw." The listencr ciu reailiiy (Ustinuish tlie of tlie artillery. thu rattle of tlie musketry, tlie shout ot thfl soliliors and tliu groaus of tlio ilyin. In the "Picnic Polka" tlie noise of tlie wiudiug snnon the trees the joyous carola of the birds are re in-.),aiced. the finale buinii a sUovvcm-, wliioh disturba the sylvau rovelci-s. lt happens tliat u country cousin is iil tovvn just now, ana ilie youni{ laily tliouglit she wuukl play tlio pTeoe lo hnn and liear liis coinmoiit. lie is a pluin, siniple-niiuded youtli, aud althouU nut vcry bri-iit is vciy appreuiaúve. tílie told liim whal tlic ilcco was, and tiien proceed-ed to give hnn tlie "Pionio i"olka. Tin: fust notes are ratlier slovv and hesftntiiig, tlie idua sougnt to üe conveyed benig tUe suleuin solitudo of thé iorest, llirough whicli tlie gentle zayliyr (.not lieiier) siglis. Alter slie jol Uirougii witii ilie pititace slie askcd him if lie did not iuiagiua himselt in a loitge in souie vast wildcrness. - lle replied tuat lie thouglit all tliat slowness uieuut tlie dclay Ui getting oü. 8uid lie : "Xuere is always sonic uarned cuss wlio oversleeps hiniself aud kccps evcryboay ulse waitin'." giie did not care to discuss thepoint witli tUu ignoraiit beast, so, to couoeal her einotioii, slie once more iel herself out ou the piauo. Tne woods wero tilled witu uiusio. Tne mockiii.'-bird whistled as if his tnroat would split, Uie cuckoo filled the syivau büei-b witli iiis repeatcd cry, while ever and auon tiie mouruiul couin,' of the dove internipied the inatiu song ot tlic lurk. "TUm-e, iiow, 1 guess you know v.'hat Huil souiuls like," she said. V„u inoiui tliat "toollo, lootle, tooi e, ciiüji, u.iug-, cnugi?' Vou just bet 1 uuueoíUilKl laat. jVlauy 18 tue lime at a picnic i've heard it trotn tlie inoiiui oí a (Jemijoliu or tlie buughule oí a beer tojf." lier íirst impulse was to hurí tlie puno siool ai iiiw, uut it passed oíf, and once mure slie went at the piano as it it rere tie ywtuj iuhii's liuad, ana ïusuied lor ilouule tlie valuó.- Tie Uiundor rowled, tlie lilitiiillg íkisiiea (.ti-oni iiureye.-) and tue lirst iicavy aiop are Uouim upon tiie leaves. tílie bangea and mangieu ilie keys at a tutu-ful late ; peal atier peal ol deaícuiug tliuiKicr puriurbed mcatmospiíere nnd ív-uciioea U slill louaer íeverbtíratiyns, unlil it wouud up 111 one uiiip as a mwie. lulu, turuiuj; 10 mu awe-swuuK yuutli, she said: "1 upinwo yuu have licaivl iutuothiliif lite tliut ueiore." -Yos, tlwt'i wUat tlie fellow witli the lineii pants aiúd wheu hesatdovvu ou the ouêUrd pie." Tiie auaieuce íound lnmself alone, but iio pickcd up his Itttl aii.l sauntereet out into the street, ucnsely uacoiisoious lliat he liad said anylluu out oí' tlio


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