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MEDICINAL. NERVOUS DEBILITY. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARKTheGreatKn_TRADE MJLK ÍHJ? 'ffll for Hriniriül J&È'3I&@P jÜÍ& "Weaknese, ftST' js]$ ftJ1 a Beque n ce on Pf T}í.% TWÍ BU Abuse; as -'ív l B Uefore IalangIjOfii.üf Memory, After Taking. TJniveral Liisaitude, Pain in the Bark, Dimnrss of Vision, Premature OJd Age, and many otlu tiIímiíis6tbat leadtp Insanity, Consumption and ti Prematnre Grave. & Full ptirticulars in ourpamphlets, which we desiré to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Drugojists at $1 per packaye, or Bix pnekuges for $5,or sntlbe aent by muil on receint of the nioncy 1-y addressiog THE (iRAY MEDICINE Tí).. No. 10 Mecbanicö' Block, Detroit Mich. jft-Sold in Ann Artior by all Druggiats, and by drupgiBt everywhere HOLL'S ÏMPOVKRISHED BLOOD. Henovats (he system from Ihe ttccuinulfllcd leupure, weak, a ili:ited píúsonoiis properlies, wliich ihe Iilood h;is alsorbod in its aemi-stanant uoudition, undcr Ihe st i m nía t ing stid bent pTodiH'in diet of' llin wín fer, nwaken tíie tirones hihI o; kiiiis í'orn a montid dorinancy toa staléof nulura!, licalihy ac.tvily wijl the liJe-awakenin-, life-sustaining element, BIT i er Ma UT Tome, w Ilion imiouites the diges.ive orirans, fits the food for assimilation into tbe blood, ;ind supplies fh chemie! comli.ions, ncneasary lo cle:uise tlie vitiated li.'e fluid oí" ita worn-out mattr. If allowed to clog tho vital orzan ils iiupuritios burat tbrou'jh the skin Ín Pimples', Botlb, ('?rhundes, Kruplions. Tetter, &c, &c. Kttt]:r Mi itTomo will restore the blood to n herü-hy condition enriehing it, vitalizing both mind and body. Kor sale by Pm-rHsts ■ dd PóaJéw rtnfrtT Rwift & Dodds, Detroit, Wholesale Agents. H. J. BItOWN & CO-, agents for Ann Arbor. 33-4t The dump weather and chilling winds of the approuchinir eeason subjeets ali, to exj osure, no matíf.r huw liealthy, we ure none the les susceptible o an attaek ol GOUÖHH. fOLDS, BHONCHÍTI8, PLEURIöY, Sfitting of Blood, Cattarrh of the liead, which if not properly attended to ends in CONSU.VIPTION. Town's Bbokohial Syrup ís a POSITTVK CUHE. Wïth but the nominal oost of 75 cents you procure this truly sorereïgn remedv. BROVCHÏAK SYHUP is güarantced hy all diuiísriets and dealers in medicine to give knttrk satikfaction. Try it and be convinced of ita kiíal MERIT. MARCAUS LIVKR and Anti-Bilíous COMPOUND cures ali Liver and billous diseuees, puriíies the b!ood, equulizes the circulationand restores to perfeci liealth the enfeebled sysiem. AKKAM), WILLIAMS & CO. Ajrcii ts, DETROIT. For sale by H. J. BROWN & CO., Ann Arbor. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rpiIE LiARCiEST AND BES-T STOCK OF PAIHTS, OILS, ALL KIND8 OF Painters' Materials, &c, AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WIÏTDOW GLASS AU Slzes. -iT1 SOZEBGKS. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. FliíÜ The Standard of the World. ECLIPSE WINDMILLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, Becaose Warranted the Best, and Warrantee Is substanttal. Contalna all Improvementa. -. Prlcea Low est - QuaUiy consldered. Send for catfilogue describí ng article wantod. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ziz and 113 Lake-st., Chxago. WANTED ! PARTIEB WHO WILL PUT TIES OR TiEMBER OS THE l.lue of llie Toledo, Aun 'Atlior and, Nortlieustern Railroad. Tbe fompony has bilis for about 80,000 feet of rak vcrt and cattle pass tixuber lui which it Will PAY THE HIGH EST CASH PfiOE As soon as delivered on the line ol the road. They will also pay cash ter Mes as lollows : 35 cents for Oak; 25 cents for Ash and Taiiiarackt Dimensión : 8 feet long, 8 inch face, 6 inoh thick. öéy Any party who will put milis into the woods and contract for a large tjuanüty can ubtain advantageous terms. For ipMificalions on tiinbcr, Ac, apply to H. W. ASHLEY, Corner Washington and Main Street, ANN ARBOK, MICH.


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