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RAILROADS. MICHIttAS CENTRAL KA1LR0AD. JL'LY 25, 1880. OOINU WIKT. w f . SS" .2 . Si STATIONS. 5 ]M a .K C !Sp XÍÜSíüt n . .. , a.m Ip.k. p. m. ;p.m. r.M. Detroit, lsnye, 7 on J gff 5 551 4 o.V 8 1 9 50 G.T. Junction, 7 g 9 55 fi 10 4 jol 8 ÍS 10 1 Waynu Junction ; 53 10 20! 6 41 4 41;, 8 Ml 10 , Ypsilanti, 8 10 481 7 05 5 05 1 9 181 11 o Ocitdes, 8 :l 1 7 20j ! Ann Albor, 8 40111 00 7 831 5 22 'J -H 11 1 Delhi, 8 53! 7 461 Dexter, 9 041 7 56 5 38 9 54 _ Chelsea, 9 25 ' 8 11! s 52 10 10; Graas Lke, 9 50 1 8 35! 6 12 10 sO Jackson, 10 20 12 15! 9 00 6 55 11 00! 12 4 Albion, 11 04 12 50j 7 45 11 40: Marahal], 11 50 1 30 -■ 8 11:12 03 13 Jluttle Creok, 12 19 155-3 8 4112 30 je Galesburg, 12 52 . 915 Kalamazoo, 1 1! 2 3G 4 5(1 9 35 1 15 2 4 Lavtuli, 1 53 s 25 1 4ï Deciitur, 2 10 5 42 2 02 Dowaffiac, 2 35 6 12 2 2:i _ Nile, 3 05 4 04, 6 07 2 47 4 1 Uuchanan, 5 19 1 7 02 3 00: ThrmOaks. 3 49 1 f27 ! New Burfnlo, 4 03 4 53 7 40 3 37 Michlgun City, 4 30 Í 20 8 08 4 02 5 2 Lnke, 5 IS 6 02 8 54 4 52: 6 18 Kensington, 6 00 6 80 9 ! 5 40 7 in Chicago, arriTe. 6 50 7 40 10 3S i I 6 30. 8 00 OOINQ KAST. h ■Tri L _?__ _i_ _ á__ __ A.M. A. U. P. M. P.M. P. M Chicago, lenve, 7 00j 9 00 4 00 5 15 ! 9 1 Kensington, 7 50 9 50 4 50 6 05 10 0( Lnke, 8 3810 30 5 42 6 60 10 - Micliifan City, 9 20ill 13 6 30 7 40 H 30 New liuffalo, 9 49 11 3S! 6 58 !ll 52 'Three Oaks, 10 03 7 18 ! A. M. Ruehanan, 10 32 7 40 ]■ 311 NileB, 10 46 12 18 8 10 9 00 12 J5 Dowafriao, II 13 ! 8 38 1 lfl Deciitlir, 11 39 1 9 05 ! 1 32 Lawton, 11 57 ■ 9 22 A. M.! : 1 48 Knlnmazoo, 12 33 1 1 38 10 00 6 M 10 25 2 25 Galesburp, 12 531 ! . 7 08! BattleCreek, 1 28 8 15 H 7 40! U 10 1 3 18 w I Marahall, 2 25 3 00 L 8 08 11 35j 3 46 A.M. Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 351159 4 12 Jiickaon, 3 45; 4 05. " lfi 9 :ï()'12 45 5 00 QniB Lnke, 4 10; 7 38 9 50 6 25 Chelsea, 4 40 8 02 10 0 . 5 50 Dexter, 5 00, 8 10 10 19 '■ e 05 TVlhi, 6 10; 8 25 ! ! Ann Arbor, 5 22! 5 07' 8 40 10 35 2 06 6 25 Geddes, 5 29! 8 48 Ypsilanti. 5 88 1 6 28 ! 8 55 10 48 2 20 6 -tl Wayne June, 6 02 6 45 9 16.11 08! 2 44 7 05 G.T. June, 6 35 6 15 9 45 11 35 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., fi 50; R 30i10 00 11 50i 3 35 8 oP HundavHcxcepted. itíuturday and Hundny exepted. tDaily. H.B. LEDTARD.Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwohtb, G. P. & T. Aiít., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday June 27, 1860. GOING NOHTH. OOINO SOUTH. Eïp. Mix. Mail MallHlx. Ëip. A.M. r. M. !. M. A.M. P.M P.M. 7 55 12 05 6 10 TOLEDO 9 30 1 3 05 7 50 7 5S12 08 6 13 North Toledo 9 27i 3 OOl 7 47 8 10.12 22 S20 Detroit Junction 9 15! 247 7 35 8 18'12 35. 6 30 Hawthorn 9 O81 2 33 7 27 8 27 12 481 6 40 Samada 9 01! 2 20: 7 18 8 401 110 6 56 Lulu 8 50! 168! 7 05 845 119 700 Monroe Junction 845 I 511 7 00 8 56' 136 7 10 Dundet 8 36 1 35 6 50 9 05! 157 7 22 Azalia 8 26! 115; 6 40 9 18; 2 27 7 35 Milun 8 12 12 50.' 6 27 9 25 2 40 7 42 Nora 8 06 12 38 fi 28 932 255 747 Urania 8 00 12 25Í6 21 9 42 3 i7 7 68 Pittafield June. 7 50:12 06 6 0E 9 5513 45 8 10 ANN ARBOtt 7 55 1 1 1 40 1 5 50 All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLKY. Jr., Superintendent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWE8TKRN RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1880. OOINO WEST. OOIHO EAST. Mix. Mail Ezp. Fxp, Mail Mi ! STATIONS. ' A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M.!P. M.P.M. 7 30 8 2.ï 5 45 Ypflilftnti 10 40! 5 15 8 10 8 00! 8 44! 6 02 Pittsfteld June. 10 22! 4 68! 7 38 8 30 8 571 6 18 Saline 10 10! 4 48 7 12 9 00 9 15! 6 30 Bridgewater 9M; 4 33 6 35 9 50 9 356 48 Manchester 9 35J4 15 5 50 100 1120 8 22; Hillsdale 7 S8' 2 45 2 50 _1 15 11 30 fi :i(l _HnnkpT 7 50 2 30 2 15 Trainu run by Chioago time - 20 minutes slower than Columbus time. W.F. PAKKER. Supt., Ypeilanti. C.AIVAOA ROVTHEilN RAIMVAY, The Only American ltoute Through Canada Trainn leave M. C. R.R. Depot, Detroit, city time, aB follow8: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Faat Day Express, daily, 12 noon,Wagüer car to New York and Boston. Limited Express, daily excopt Sunday, 7.15 p. m. Wnprnercar to Butfnlo and Rochester. l' Lightning Express, daily, 1135 p. Jm.' "Wagner car to Buflalo and Roehester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 3 00 p. m. daily ; 7 15 p. m. except Sunday, Forinformation and tickets apply to H. W Hayes, agent M.C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Western Pass.Agent, Detroit. FRANK E.SNOW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt. Buffalo, N. Y. pREAT WESTERN RAILWAYVJT Depots foot of Third und ürush streets. Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. Arrive. Atlantic Fxpiess, J4.00 a. m. lin.oop. m. Hny KxpreBS, '8.85 a. in. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Express, '7.00 p.m. t9.45a.m. Detroit Expreaa, '12.45 p. m. Stenmboat Express, 7.00 a. m Fast Expreas, "11.60 p. m. 3.4O a. m. JDaily. Dailyexcept8unday. tExceptMonday. S" Forinformation and ticket apply to H. W. Hayes, Atient M. O. R. 11., Ann Arbor. W. H. KIRTH, WM. EDGAR, Western Paas'rAg't. General Pats'rAjrent INSURANCE COMPAE Capital, - - 3,000,000. As8ets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.7?.. Surplus over all Liabilities, includi-if Be-Insurance Eeserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includinf Be-In8urance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACKi Agent. Ann Arbor. GET YOUR PKOPEETY INSUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AÏOT ARBOR, - MICH' The oldest agency In the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Kepreseiitilig the ollowing tirst clnss copiDariies Home Insurance Co. of N.Y., Assers over 8G,000,00( Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Ae.-n-ls over S3,000,00( Niágara Fre In. Co., N. Y., Assets Í1.442.40C Girard ol P., Assets over 81,OOO,O0C Oriënt of Hartford, Assets S70(i,iii( Commercial Union of London, Assets $3,000,001 Kates low. Losses liberally adjusted ant promptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! THE FLTHntTII HOC KS, oneof the est breeds of poultry, is on sale by WM. IiUSH Superior, P. O. address Ann Arhor. Price Í2 ter dozen, or$3 for two dozen. This is the Corbin, Ncwingrton,Conn., breed, aniong the best for eggs nd table. MR. BUSHhason anie, price "Scenti, the book T 100 pages on Plymouth Rocks, contiiining full irections for maling, breeding, care and jnannement of tbis variety ol fowls. It is an admirable wort for amateurs. No one on aflbrd to be withODtlt. LEGAL NOTICES. Commissioners' Xoiice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COtTÑTY 0 of Washtenaw, sh. The Undersigned haviTig hem apiir.inted hythc Probate f'ourtfor shid Conntvj Cotnxnlsftioiiera to receive, examine, ud adjuat all r.hijtnH and demanda of all persons agihst the estáte of Leiris L. James, late of said couLty deceased, hereby a&ve notice that six toont hi front date are illowed, by order of t-aid Probate olirt, for creditorsto present their cl. -imsagainst the estateof waid deceafjerl, and that ihey (Ml inwt ut the office of (eorge C. ragein the village ot Bes ter 1 11 aid county, öti Tuesday, the tveuly-tirst day of Hcceniber, and oh Mondiiy the twenty-tlnst day oí March next, at ten o'clock A;M.,öf each of laid dayg, to leceive, examine, and adjiist said claims. Dated, .September 2i, A. D.1S8Í: GEORGK C. PAGE, CHAKLE8 8. ÖREGORif. Conimisaioners. Estáte of Marv K. Mitciiell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wtishtenaw, ss. Notice ishereby given that bran order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the sixteenth day oI Septemiwr, A.D.l80, six months from that date were allowed for creditors tn present theireJiiiins against the estáte oí Mary E. Mituhell. late of said couuty, deccased, and that all ereditnrs of saM deceafted are requfredtO present thrir claims t o said Probate CouTt, art the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor, fur examination and allnwanee, oo Off beforethe bixtéenth day of March next, and that sueh claims will he heanï hefnre snid Court, on Thuredity, the sixteenth day of December, and on "Wednesday. the Bixteenth day of March next, at ten o Vloek in the foren oon of eaeh of said days Dated, Ann Arbor, September lfi, A. D. 1880, WILLIAM D.IIAKRJMAN, Judge of Probate. Estáte of Ellen Moloney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby ji vti n , that by an order of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, made on the fourth day of Oetober, A. D. 1880, six months from that dateweteallowed for creditors to present their claims ngainst the estáte of Ellen Moloney, l;tte of said eounty, deceased, and that all crepito of Baid deceased are required to present their clnims to said Probate Court, at the Protmte Oih'cc in tlie city of Ann Arbor, for examination umi allowanco, on or before ihefifthday of April next, and that euch claims will be lii'íird beibre said eourt, on Tuesday, the fmrth diiy of Junuary, and on Tuesday, the tifth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of eaeh of said days Dated, Ann Arbor, Oetober 4, A . D., 1SS0. WILLIAM D. HARPJMAN, 41w4 , Judge of Probate. Estáte of Mïchael Butler. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw,ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waan tena W, made on the fourth day of Oetober. A. D. 1880. six months from that date wew allowed for creditors to present their cl.'dms aaiiiBt the estáte of Michael Butlear, late oí said county, deceased, and thai all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court(ftt the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the fiirh day of April next, and that &uch claims wil] te heard heforasald Court on Tuesciay, the fourth day ofjanuary, and on Tuesduy, the fifth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oetober 4, A, IX 1880. WILLIAM 1. HARR1MAK, 41w4 Judtce of Probate. Keal Kstate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Louis R. Bnchoz, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuanceof an order pranted to the undersigned, administrator of the estáte of said deceaaed, by the fion. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-eigliih day of September, A. D. 1880, there will be sold at public vendue, to the hihest bidder, at theeast front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, ïn the county of Washtenaw iñ suid Sfrtte, on TüESDAT, THESiXTKKNTII DAY OF NoTHMBF.R, A. D. 1880, at teo o'clock Ín the forenoon of that day (subject to nll encumhrances by mortgageor otherwise existiiiff at tbe time of the death of said deceased) tlie following; desciilied real estáte, íowit: The west huif and tke west half of the east half of lot No. one Ín block No. four also lot No. 2 in block No. 4, allin range 6 north of Huron street, iheinp the snnie premises formerly occupied by Dor Kellogg) according to the recorded )lat of the villag-e(now tityj of Ann Arbor, excepting a part of lot No. 2 aforesaid, commencing at a point on the north line of said lot eijfhty-five feet west of the northeast corner of said lot, running thence east to tbe east line of said lot, thence south on the east line of said lot sixty-one feet, thence northwesterly to the place of beginning-, heretofore deeded to WilüamBoa h, also excepting and leserving for the use of the Raid city of Ann Arbor for purposes of a etreet all that port ion of said premiae ahora described which isnow covered by Detroit street. Also, the following pieces of land in lots 3 and 4 in block 3 norlh of Uur on street and in raiiere 6 east. Tbe fiist is bounded and described aa follows: Commeivinjr at the norlh west corner of lot No. 1 of the suhdivision of said lot 3 and running thence BOTtheasterry along the easierly line of Detroit streel thi; ly-two feet tn a pnïnt sixteon feet northeaitterly of tbe north line of said lot No. 3, thence at rijrht anales to DHtroit streel one hundred feet, t heiue north twerty-four def-'rees east forty-eight feet to the norlh line of said lot 3, thence fuut on said line to the nortfaeast corner of said lot 3, thence soul h flfty-th ree feet to the north line of said subdivisión, thence west on said line one hundred and forty-wven and one-foiuth feet, thence northwestei ly at rieht aníriea to Detroit street seventy ntï 5-12 feet to the pllice of betrinninp. Tbe abn've decrlption ia a part of tbe same land as deeded from Knoch Terli une by Circuit Court Commissioner to Louis li. liuchoz aud is recorded inliber47 of deeds o page 496. Also, the followiDfj: CommencinÉr on a point sixteen feet nn, iltonsterly of ibesouth line of said lot 4 in eiiid block 3 north ranre 6 east running thence northonsterly along the tnaterly line of Detroit street forty-six feet, tlience southeastcrly at ripbt anglesto JJetruit street eiphty-seven feet to tb sou tb line of s;ud lot 4. thence nouth twentyfourde-rees west forty-eight feet, thence nortbwesterly at riffht angles to Detroit street one hundrf d feet to the place of bezinning. The above : poription covers a part of the land deeded from Teihrme to Buchoz and a part of a piece of land. deeded from Joseph Collyer to 8amxie" J. Sutton, said deed i recorded in liber 5, page 650, Also, lot No. 7, and the westerly half of lot No. 6 and all of lot No. 8 (excepting the part of said lot 8 tytoff southwesierly of a line sixteen rods sou thwesterly from nnd parallel to the center of the CJorham rond orMiller avenue) according to the plat nf lott on the sou th west quarter of section 29, and in the city of Ann Arbor, recorded in the Register's Office of Washtenaw county, in líber P oí deeds at p. 237. Alo, the est two rods in 'length of the noi tli one-third of lot 2 in block 3 north of range 6 east in the city of Ann Arbor, excepting the brink barn on said land. All the above described lands beïng loealed in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Wachtenaw and state of Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, Pept. 38, 1f). ALVKED J. BUCHOZ.Admininiêtrntor. T INSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocerv, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep eonstantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES&c. For Wholesale and Betail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of XIEXjSZXJXjOTJIÍ, J. M. Swift & Co' ISest 'liite AVhent Flonri Kye Flour, ISuckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &v. 'At Wholesale andretail. A seneral stock of GEQCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS eonstantly on hand, whicli will be sold on rs reas onable terma as at any otlier house in the rity. Cash paiil for Butter, Egg, and Country Produce generally. GoodsdelWered to any part of the city wlthi out extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 1879. EDWARD DUFFY, Wholesale and Ketail A Large, New, and Clean Stock oí Staple & Fancy Groceries A.LWAYS ON HAND ! Together with a full and complete stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AJiD RUBBER (JOODS, lso a choiee assortment jf I.adics' and riilt'lnili'rnriir, llutlrr), :lons, c. tipccial iiiduccmeuts offert'd cush euatoaiers EDWARD DUFFY, Cor. Mnin and Ann Sts., Ann Aibor %f Cub raid for all Fnm Fioducti. LEGAL NOTICÈS. Nolice oí Kiectíons. NoticfiühpifbyHiVoh that at tíie general i Uun to be held in lliis stute, on the flrít Tu,.1 Kovelnber next, the follbwiuK bfficers nr. ."' (16c ted, tI! " Eh-ven electors of President Mió Vice-IWi ofthe I 'Tiit.-.l States, a overnor, LiwitewSS rÏDör, h.crt-taiy of StSUe, BlíiteTreasurer j Uonernl, ommiFsiuner öf tile State Lam] rul Aitnrney Generol, Superintendent of puw stiliclion and a Slcnibër óf the State Board of 's canon ; also Hepresèntative in Congresa f,„ , Becond ï(Jj CoDgrcssioiml District of thisS '.,. wlnch thiscounty belongs ; lso a Senator fo, ]-ourtu (-Ith) Senatorial District, composed of w teiiHw conntj ; alm a P.eprësentatiVe in the I s! Lecislutiite for mch of the threë Represent. Districta ii,u. wliicli VV'HihteiiHw cb'ütitr I diiïï also a Jiid.;e of Probate for Witshtenaw cr.iint Sheriff. Coant, Clert, TreMtirer, "bTerffi ProseCÜtiDü Atlorcey, two Circuit Conrt Cöm. sioners n Coimty Surveyor and two Coroners Atsaidekction the following propoted ua ment to th constiintion of tlm State wili hV . iniltcd to the rbople of the Htate for their ad or rejection, t.o Sland asStction 6, of Articl, u pro vid ed ior ly joint rèsollition Ho. 29, of thei Mature of 1879. ' l "Sec 15. The Legislature shall iiaye po, on such tcims imd eonditions, and in siich bn as shall ilci in proper, lo anthorize the cilv of Uoit to aid in tLe eonstrnction nnl mnintennnr, nulrnad bridge or tunnel across the Detroit ri at or near naii city, to an amouM not excenl one per crntum of the aesesned value of the tn, property in said city." ' JOSIAHS. CASE Sheriff of Washten (tod,1 Ann Arbor, Mich., August 14, I8SU. lOstati' of Cotmrnmr Drskfj OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0ÜN: J of Washtenaw, sa. At a aelsion of the I bate Court for the county of Waahtenaw hol at t!ie Trobate Office in the city of .Ann Arbor Mimrtajr, the twenty-seTenth day of 8eptpnl in the year one thousand eight hundred eiirhty. Prtent.WiIliamD.HnrrIman,.TudireofProb I n the matter of the estáte of Gou verneni Dn deceaed. " Onreadinfrandfllinfrthepetition, dnly Teril of Job A. Marshall, prnying thut a certnin lm ment now on rtle in this court, pnrporting to be last will and testament of said decenscri, mt admitted to probate, nnd that Philip Bnch ma appointed exeutor thereof. Therenrmi it ia ordered, that Mondny, the tl ty-rltth day ot October ne.xt, at ten o'cloctin assiened for the heitri nu of nnid tition, nnd that the deriíees, leñatees, nnd heir law olsaid deceased,and all other personninte ted In siud estáte, nrerequired to appear atasen of said conrt, then to be holden t the Probnt, tice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse. H thcrebe.why the prayer of the petitioner hc not beRranted: And it is further ordered thnh petitioner tfive notice to the pen inteiested in said esUte, of the pendenoyof , petition. nnd thehearinsr causiifaeo of tlii order tobe published in the Ann Arbohj ave, a newspaper printed and oirculntcd in oonnty, thrce successiTe weckt previom to i day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMA1 fAtrnecopy.) .Tiidge of Prob Wit.6. Dott, Probate Eeglster. Estáte of Seth Smith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UN1 of VVashtenaw.sB. At aseanion of the Prol CnnrtfortheCoantyof Wathtenaw, holden at 1'robateOth'cein the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedi day, the twenty-uinth day of September, in year one thousand e'.t H nnd red and eiihty Present , William ï). Har iman , Jodgi of Ptobi In tbe matter Of the estáte of' Seth Sm deceased. I [Noah W. Cheever, ndtninistrator cjebonlsi with the will annexed of said enlate i rourt and reprenents that he is now preparrt render his nnnual account uu uch idiuinis ril Thereupon it is ordered, tht Sutunltv, aixteentfa day of October next, at ten u'rlock the foreuoon, be assigned for examinin and allí ing such account, and that the detisees, legiui and heirs at law of said deceased, and ai) persons interested in said estáte, are rcqniVid appear at a session of said Court, then tobe Mi at the Probate Office in the city of Ano Aiboj said county, and show cause if any there be,i the said account should not be allowed : And i further ordered that said administrator jiive nol to the persons interested in said estáte, of the p dency of said account and the hearing thereof, causing a eopy of this order to be publinned in Ann Abbor Argvs, a newspáper printed and culatingin said county, two successire weekt r Tious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAIiP.lMAÏ ( A true copy.) Judge of Probl Wm. G. DoTY.robate Eeeistcr. Estáte of ■nillinm H. ( alkin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UN1 of WasMeuaw, ss. At a session of the Prob Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden the Pro1atc Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, Wednesday, the tifteenth day 'of September, in I year one thnnand eight htindred and eighty. Present, Willïam T. Harrïraan, Judce of Prohi In the matter of theestate of Williaw H. Calk deeeased. Mortirner Frcer and Jumes Taylor, execntoi the last will nnci test ment of snid deoenwd, col luto court and represent thit they are no pi pnred to render theirfinal account ne ench eiec tors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tlmrsday. t füurteenth dny of October next, ut tenn'clork int forenoon. beasêiDed for exnmioing and llowi such Rcconnt. and tlmt the devitfefs, lateM, ai heirs t luw of said deceascd, and &oXhvjpenaBi terested in euid eatate, are reqoired to iipptw ai seesion of snid Court, then to be holden ot the Tl bn te Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in auid conV nnd show cause, if ny therebf, vhr tbe iM : count phould not be nllonTed : And it is further deredfthnt nïd executora yire notice to the pent interented in pftid estáte, of the pendepcy of h nccount and the hearintr thereof, by ft en of this order to be published in the ArN Aï AHfifS, a newspaper printed and circulating eaid county, three Buccesaive week preTJout tos day of hearine. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copyï. Jildge of Probfttt Wm. G. Dott, Probate Register. Estáte of Oliver I Olds. iTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT kj of Washtenaw bb. At a session of tlwTtob Court for the County of WnshtonKW, holñen att Probnte Office in the city of Ann Arbor. ot Ihv day, the thirtieth dny of 8epterober, in the J one thousand eight hundrod and eighty. Present, WilliHin J. Harriman, Judeeof PwW In the matteï of tbe estáte ol Oliver L. OM deceased . On reading and filing the petition. du!y tÜ of Lucy A. Olds, praying that o ctrlaiD inïtn ment now on file m this conrt, pirrjortiiigtoi the last will and testament of said deceateri, w lie adraittcd to probnte, and that she mij UH pointed executrix. thereof. Thereupon it ie ordered, that Monday, %ht fln day o! November next, at ten o'clock in ti forenoon, be nssigned lor the heunn of snid ?' tion, and that the devisees, leñatees nud beinrt of naid decensed,and all other peonf inteie'in snid estáte, are requtred to appear at a mmW of said Court, then to be holden ut the Frotut Om'ce in the city of Abü Arbor, and show i if any there be, why the prayer of the petiti nhould not be x runted : And it is lurther orÖitë thut said petitioner give notice to the per interested in tmid estáte of the pendency of" petition and the hearing thereof, by etwix1 oopy ot this order to bepublished intheAwwAiW ARftus,a newspaper printed and circuïatediniW county, three sueceseiTe weeks preyioui toiö of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Piot "Wm. G.Boty. Probate Register. _, Estáte of John CtiiminliBin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CüüSfl of Wnthtenaw, sb. At aaesion of theProWJ Court for the County of Washtennw, holden W Probate Otïice, in the city ol Ann Arbor, on day, the fourth day of Octobtr, in the yex thousand eiht hundred aud eighty. Piesent, William D. Hflrrimnn.Jndge oí fnW1 In the matter of the eatate of John Conuiug deceased. , On readiug and filing the petition, duIyTenS1 of Mury Cunnïngbam. praying that a eertaí & Btrtiment now on Öle in this court , purportiBl be the last will and testament of said dewMWi be adinitted to probate, and thnt ahe iuay i ■ pointed administratrix with the wili . Thereupon it u ordered, that ' onday, tbe v day of November next, at ten o'clock in e.'í noun, be assigned for the hearing of wí Pj ll and thftt the devisees, Icgntees, and heir at !■ said deceased, and all other persons interest" j Baid estáte, ore required to appear t seM,i?iJ said court, then to be holden at the Protmte yJ in the city oí Ann Arbor, and sbow canw. uj there be, why the prayer of the petilioner wXf-j not beranted : And it is further ordereo I Baid petitioner give Dotice to the pereon interr' in said estáte oi th pendency of Baid petitiou the hearing causing a copy of tl' derto be pubÜBhed in the Ann Arbob Aer' newspaper printed and circulated in said " three successive weeks previous to id dij "WILLIAM V. HAKRIMAIÍ. (A trae copy.) Judire ol PioW' Wm. O. Dott, Probate Kegiater. Mortgnge Sale. DBFAULT HAVING BEEN MAI in the ccmditiona of a certain norlgg ;, iiifi date tlie twenty-tighth day of f0Tcmbú the year of our Lord one thontmnd eight trnuBand seventy-six, made and executcd by "'!?. Eyan of th vlllage of Mnnohester, eoonly ' " i tenaw and State of Michigan, to WilliW , Osius of the township of J'ittufteW, aam W and State, and recorded in tlte office of the Jw ter of DeedB of Waahtenaw ('ounty afores."! , the thirtieth dayof Juiy, A. D. 1878. at 1.60 "J, p. M. of aaid duy, in üher 5-1 of morlgage, on n "(;t, and ïhe amount cluimed to be dut at th dl1 u, this nulice is S!:i4.87 (ix hundred thlrty-fp'"" , ars and eility-seven cents), also tliirty iinlia ,, reasonable solicitor'ü or attorney's fee, in id ,i K all other legal cus if any proceeding stll""lj. biken to foreclose lhi mor gige, aad no P""r, ngs at law or in equity Iiiivhik unen iustit'K?" ( recover the same or any part thenof: .„ft hcrelore hereby given, that by virtue ot'Z! ,i )f pale in said mortgarf containeii I shall w" , Satuiumy, the Eighth daï of .Ianüaht t'Ktg en o'clock in the íorenoon oí aid day l f p1 vendue to tlie hlghest bidder at the w"1,", dcorol theCourt House in the city ofAnn-a ,h, ounty ol Washtenaw aforosaid (that M1'1'., buildins wherein the Circnit Couit for V) "%!! countyia held), all thone certain piecea o' r tn f laúd sitúate in the villafe of Manchester, ■ ounty of Washtenaw and State of.M"Jw known and dcscribed as follows, to wit : " j.i ota nuniber flve and six in block nnmber fo7 J o the village of Manchester, in aaid eout" btate, accjrding to the recorded plat thereol. Dated, Oct. 15, 1S80. COMSTOCK F. HIU'. rAdminiatrator of the ealate of WiU" Oeius, deceaseá. City Scavenger. (f The underaiprned oflars his serTiceaM1', 'nnlts, Osspoola, Sec, &c, cleaned to order he seasmi. at reaaonable pricon. Hou yj ma Ie to order. Vaulta made, ürdera m T , i t J. if Nichei'a Meat Market. State M' pol. outh. .Thaver Sln-et. or mvde throutn '' J #tr tlioe. Wort wiUbe done aacheap ai the e""f nd all ordiprouiptly ""f,11 ..'íj CII01'


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus