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Out Of Their Own Mouths!

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GAlïFIELD'S OATH: Washington-, Jah. 14, 1873. ".T. A. GAkfield, a member of the " United States House of ftepresfenta" tives from the state of Ohio, h&villg ' been duly sworn, made the following " statement! jt . ■ "Inever ovroed, received, or agreed ;' to receive any Stock oí the Credit ' Mobilier or of Uk Union Pacific rail' road, or any dividendo or proflta aris" in trom either of them. " James A. Gai:fíi:li." . .ƒ.-,■ fb' T1LM PULAN!) COMMITTER: Washington, Feb; 18, ist:;. TIip special committee appointed ühöer the followüig resolutton of the House, to wit: beg leave tö make the following report! MR. WILLIAM D. KELLEY: The eommittee find from the eviience that in the early part oí the secdihI session of the Fortieth Congreso, ni id probably in December, 18G7, Mr. Ames agreed taitb Mr. KelleV to sell lüm ten shares of Credit Mobilier stock at par and interest from July 1, 1SG7; Mr. Kelley was not tlien prep.ired tö i pay for üie stock foT liitn until lie could bay for it. On the third day of Janua ry, 18(;s, there was a dividend of 80 per cent, on Credit Mobilier stock in Unioil Tacitic boiuls. .Mr. Ames received the X)nds, as the stock stood in liis name; ' nul sold them for 97 per cent, of 'lie face! In June, 1S(S, there was a. cash divided of 60 per cent;, which Mr.AméS I also received. The proceeds of the bonds sold and the cash dlvidends and interest thereon fröm the previous July amountcdto $1,047; so that after paying for the stock, there was a balance of dividends dnc Mr. Kelley of SvïS- Dn the 23d day oí June, I8ö8 .Mr.Ames ■ ave Mr. Kelley a check fqr that sum an the Sergeant-áfe-Anns of the House j of Representatives, and Mfi Kelley receivecl the money thereont JAMES A. GAtiFIELD: The f acts in regard to Mr. Garfield, as found by the eominittee, are idéntica! with the case of Mr, Kelley to the point of reception of the check for $329i He agreed with Mr. Ames to take ten shares of Credit Mobilief stock but did not pay for the same. Mr. Ames refceived the SO per cent. dividend in bonds and sold Üiem for 97 per cent.; and also feceived the 60 per cent. cash dividend, which together paid the price of the stock and interest, and left balance of f329. This sum was paia over wm. Garfield by a check on the Seigeant-atAniis, and Mr. Garfield then underatood this siiin was the balance, of dividends afler paving for the stock. Luke P. Poland, of Vt. N. P. Banks, of M;iss. Geo. V. M'Crary,oi Ia. Wa. E. Niblack, of Indi Wm. M. Merriek, of Md. NJEW HAVEN PALLÁDIUM; They sliould be expelled from Con3 gress, and that promptly. These gentlemen, Messrs. Colfax, Kelley and GARFIELD, have üci alternative. BUFFALO EXriïESS: Kelley and GARFIBLBhave so misvfinvfismitfiri the facts. and emleavored to disguise the trahsaötion as á loan, tbat a more severe punishnient wöuld not be out of place. NEW YORK TIMES: Messrs.Kelley and GARFIELD presen! a most distressing figure. It is the clear duty oí Congress to' visit vitli punishment all who took ('redii. Moliilier stock fromOakes Ames. THE NATIOK: The investigatjon into Col. MéComb'a campain-n lie, has provecí terribly deadly. lts effect on Congressional reputaticms may he briefly sümmed up iu this way: ïötal loss, one Henator: badly amaged andunserviceablèfor politica) use, two Vice-Presidents and eight Congressmen. 8YEACUSE JOVEN AL: Theothers [GAKFIELD & Co.], who in a lesser degree are compromised by the revelatioba before the ïnvestiating finmmittM. will be ht'ld resnonsible to the exteni Of their complicity, either by ut tve participation ot in attempting to tonceal their relations to the Credit Mobilier. JIAKPERS' WEEKLT: DiBgraced in the eyes of thë public for owning Credit Moboilier stock. which was in fact and intent a fraud upon the "ovcinment. Also for Deceit and EvasioB.- The High trust of Legislation Misused.- The People wil! not long respect the Lawa if they lose respect for the Líiw Makers. ALBANY EVÈNfNQ JOURNAL: We think Mr. Kelley, Mr. (iARPIELD, ani some of the others do not stand quite as well. Their wrong: waa that they did not lraiiKiv ana uní; u-u luc uuui - 1" ilicy concealed and preváricated and misrepresented. Those wlio pairt for tlieir stock like Dawes stand much botter than thóse ■wlio waited, like Kelley and GABFIELD, for the dividenda to pay for ic SPRINGFIELD BEPUBLICAN: A Eepublican County Convention in Gen. GARFIELD'S district has Invited that eminent public seiVant to resten. We look to see otlier constitnencies follow Buit at Vhv next election of Corigressmen, if nut before When these men come to " rttti" aeain, tbey will begin to realize thedisadvantage of being handicapped with a disgráceful record. INDIANAPOLIS JOTKXAL: All the signs of the times indícate that the people ;u-e thoroughly aroused about the prevalent corrnption of the day. Tlu nartv must purge itself of those men. ,., „ üur institutions and our hberties are in da nner. Every member of Congress (GABFlKLl) & Co.) who deliBerately handled Credit Mobilier stock is unwortliy of confldenee. !{()( 'II ESTER BEMOClïAT: II lóoks as if the only thing ostalilished was the pelrféct LaipuniQr of iascality at the Capítol. Politica! dishonesty has won anotner greal triumph insteadof niecting witli a disast nms defeat. The uiiilty (GABFIELD & Co.) are remanded to the bar of public opinión for sentence and will receive no lenieiit condemnation. TIK) Y TIMES: He (Gen. Butler) however made thé pioua Credli Mobilier GARFIELD wriegle and squirm like a Bklnned eel. Por a man who stands upon trial for iast misdetneanors and bega the mercihil indulgence of the people,condtict of GABriEÜD in the hnsinessis strafigely imprudent in a personal sense.. Perhaps Butler lias got a twist on luni and dragged liim into the Work. ÉUFFALÖ COMMERCIAL ATVEBTI8BR: Tl e prominent Congressmen whot ñames wëre first tisèd in corinëetion with the Credit Mobilier were Blaine, Uiiwes, Kelley, Binghatn, Scoflela and GABFIELD, andj besidés these, Vicé President Colfax. Mr. Blaine comes out of it without a stniii tapón his record. Iüs colleaguea (GABFIELD i& Ck: J certainly did liold the stock ftnd lied about it. F UIL A JEL VIII A E VENINO B VLLETIN: Mn Dawesiïlr. Söhofleld, Mr. B;ngliam. Mr. William JJ. Kelley and Mr. GARFIEL1) Mere all engaged in negotiations with Ames. The aüempt to excuse thein by dcclaiingthat tbey had 110 farioVfedgë that tliey weife doing ahything disrepuiaMe is very lame. Xo ohe believes that theso. men. experiehced in all the tricks of the lobby w re hatures sü childlike and simple as nol tb i'ülly understand whatthey werö about; LOCKPOIïT JOURNAL; HoAvever lenient mav l;ave beeh thé judgmentof Congvess toWard the Jlobilier oftenaers ((ahfi ki.d fc ('.), there is another earthly tribiinai before wnicn they tiiust appéat and stanq trial, sèldota misled by technioalities br by the pleádlngS and subtleties of attorneyö: Tlit' calm juügmenï 01 ine, American peöple will not be clouded by sophistiics and ssvasionS. To put away all bad men in the party will lint harin it: . Only the bad men tho stay in it -vil wreek it. JNJ)J ABATOJAS NEWS: If theCrödit MoUiliéra ftrè tnbepnnislied, it will be unfiür to stop wiüi k and lï In tlie alphabet. Go Clear tbrough. ... , Ames and Btoottá ave bnd, but nrt worse thaii ('ulfax, Dawes, (iAIlFIELU. etc. Though Congress rriay notbtand witn nifaniy the Credit Mooiliers aWindlers and liavs, tlie revelation of theit guilt bas made an üüpression on the peoplö lliat will not be forgotten. Tbe Credit Mobiflers will be WÖlcqm cd With bloody hands to hospitable politieal graves. TVEW YORK INDEPEFDENTi .. For $5,000 he (GARFIELD) was WÜ1 ing to sell to tl ie McClellan contractor hilinfluenceas Legislatpt. For $5,00ö he was willini? to use his bositibn a9 iriiardian of the Treasury of the nation to make the District goyernmeñt awara abrofltable fcontract. 80 far as most men can see, 15000 Vaa art eittaragant pvice 1'or any sefviee VliiCh Mï. HAKFIELD coukl vender tlmt did hut üei)ina on iiis offidal position; and if wö can udge, the breaking away of tlie WUIiamsburg daM 110 more cleafly indicatèd the worthlesanesfc of its construction than does such an act as tlns. thUS far nnexpiained, the giting away ot the ! moralfoundationsof a liiau'scliiiracter; A'KU' )( RÉ TlïinVNÉ: Now let us ero slowly over thë list: JAMES A. GAKFIELp of Ohio hart tenfihares; lieneverpiid a dollar; re ceived $329, vliicH alter the investiUation began he was aüxious to have considere! ás a loan íiom Ames to mm: These metí betrayed the tritst tí the people, dec eived their constituents, and by their evjunons and falsehoods cpnfessed the traneactions to be dia graceful. Pass no veolutioil Drop it where it is. , .. llemand the wliole business to the peoïjle. i=itj tr. Ames establisliés very cleariy the point that he was not alone in this oíIf he is to be expelíed fof bribery thö [Ril W11U WciO Uliutu öiiuww fav " "" 11111: UTICA IIÈItALDl All in any way identified witii Credit Mobilier stocks and operaöonshave hail theirday, and must ■ sink out 01 Blght; The suspected per'ëonïi are already jead cocks in the pit. aiulnèednotliópë to regain public có'nfidehée. Fot heaven'S sake. luiry our dead out of Bight, that they may not offend the publifc nostrilöl The Rebublictilis are not oiily in favor of the expulsión of Ames and BrookSj hut Severely ceösnring if not ëxpelling KeUey aid GABFIELD. „ . liad Ames and Brooks bëeh cxpellea and Kelley and GABFIELD cënsnied, v e think ll reasonáble demanda would have been satisfied. LAWRÈNCE (Kan.) JOURNAL: The very natural inferénce is that if sucli men as Colfax, lïrooks; OrAllFIËLD Dawes. and l'attevson havo hot heen able to witlistand the temptation oí ofticifil lile at Washington, the" öomiüon hefd long siiié.e üiti&t naVebecome still more seriously tainted; lhe Credit Mobilier business has liftëd the veil, and the people have caught a Klimpse beliind the scènes. They arö sbocked al frhat they see, and theirindienation Bnda voice in a general judRment of coñdenínati( pj These Credit Mobilier gentlemen 1 SVa escapad expulsión at the hand; oí Uieir fellows in Cohgress, but they Lave not escaped the condenination of that great eourt of the public by whom their caae must flnally be adjusted. ÖÏNCINNA TI CO MMÊRCIAL: And GARFIEÍiO'S noble soul waf sadlv tíetturbed. ..... Ames had testifled the second time asto the guilt of GAFIELD, fljring ituponMm clemly Stid tiiimistekably. The most confemptibletbing tlms tur at Chicago is the cnatter about GAKFEELD. , . lic has not a íeCord to run on for President. Á BEFUBLÍCÁX ÖÖtfVENTION IN OABFIELD'S DISTRICT: "Resolved, That we anralgD anddenouüee JAMES A.GAKriELD forhis COTrupt coiuiection wiUi the Credit Mobilier, for his false dcnials tliereof be-' fore i comMttee of his feera in Conirress, for fraud upon his constitnents ín cirenlftttng among them a pampnlec purporting to s(t forth the findinR ot said eonimittee and the evidence agapsfc him, When in fact material portion thereof were omitted and garbled. Resolved, That We further arralen and charge him witb corrupt ï.nhen in selling hisoiücia! ihfluetíceás Chairman dl the ('onuniucc on A.pimjpriaiHma wi $5 000' to the DeGolyer PSvemönt Klfls! to aid tbeoS In securing a contract fro-ri the Öoard of Public Wörtra of the Di-tiirt of Columbia; sellüg bis iiifluence to the said Ring in imposing üpon the peopteof saiddistricia pavetnent wnicn is aliiiiist Wbrthless it a priB three times its oost, as sworn toby ofie ol t-'10 contractoráí seiling nis inflaence to aid said Bing in securing a epntratft, to piocure whicti it corfiiptly'Rpeiit $97,0w r'for infinönee;" selliag his hïflneifCe int a matter that invölVed nú qüe&tion of l;iw iipon the shallow pretexf that lie' wasacting asalawyer; selling lus mïliicnce in a matjnerr bo paltiable and cleT as to b( so fonnd and dcclarert by su important and cöttfpetent cotirt up-' on . .aS' e solemnb tned.


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