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-Mr Mills, one "f the pioilit (1 Qet. 20: has rescfaed Detroit áorses Bxe bj itunable to work. - Yvr. Jl.Xicliols of Dovbf , Tiaa raisert 769 bushels of potatoea tbis seasoa off of two aeres of land. -Mts. Fanny BHlitigs of Albícm, a pieneer Mi !i ■ fttoinineni the state. -The S-Tin!, psodaee exc bsnáliag wbeat sptiod i fe Of 75,6Gfl '." tOO,QGe - Charles Lake oi unty„ has beau aoeateé en b gtoacrge wi forging; the name ei tósitefi-fathei bo i note forftóO. - Mra. Rutli Sinvdy Of ifudsoTi, npon second trial tor wjiting obscena Uinguage upon sidewalks, waa imiKieiML $186 r 06 days. - A son of George "W. Culver of Jackson, aged six yeri,died a tem áiaysagoi from che effects of a.kü:k fvom a horse received last year. - A painter naraed Means of Jaclson city. was attafrked nearSummit. Dobbedl oud teïribly beatra. Three men veré enirtigvA in the assault. -A Battle Créele man recently diseovered that $1,700 had been depositedi in a bank tliere for him threeyearsago,, and lie knew notliing about it. -A few day ítgo Uro Monroe fishermen raised two nets and took therefrom over six tons of Ssh'. Thw i a fish story, bnt it is dnly vowebed lar. - ThecroBsing of the Michigan Central at the Grand Trunk the Detroit, Butler & St. Louis RaötOad, was completed, except one track, Sunday. -Manroe eonnty owes 27.000. lier real estáte and personal property oqtialized at a eash valuation is $1568,672 upon whieta au assessment at three milis is ordexed. - Adïian begins to feel the beneii(-i;ü eiïorts of the compi.Ung line of railroad, and real estnte ja growirur firmer, buildings are' goïrrg n. and tenement houses aro toding oecupant. - Alex. T. Navarre, democratie nominee for county treasurer of Monroe countv, met with an affliction on day night, by the suelden deatli of his 6-year oíd son, Charles, from membraïuius eronp. -The board of ropervisors of Oakland county which closed their Oetöber session Friday evening authorized the prosecuting attorney to eogage tl ie services of Judge Baldwln to aid Mm ia the Dr. !N. C. Hall murder case. - C-ieo. Cummings, a blackaroith by trade, in the einploy of J. McNames, at Marshall, went to bed in apparently good health on Friday night and was found deadinhisbedimSatunlay toorning. Cause Buppoeedtobebeartdisease. - Young Crawford, who stole Ï900 from his unele, G. G. Lomason, of Hoehester, and has since been recaptured, went careening over the mountaiiiB and prairies to California and back and distributed S8U0 ot ms iuuus on tlie wny. -John S. Kimball of Kimball, after whom the township of Kimball, St.Olair eotinty, was named, died on the 24th instant at Romeo, from an accident in falling into an open cell;ir. 11e was. over 70 years of age, a pioneer and staneh democrat. -Wvandotte líerald: Singa of perity and better timesare abuiidanton, every lmnd. OW buildhtg? are being repaired and reflttèd tor uw tenants, new business enterprises spánging up or being talked of, and business of all kinds is increasing. - Oliver Sprague of Riga, was in August thrust into a Toledo duiige&n and kept there 14 days, on charge of stcaling a liamess. At the end of Uvo weeks, he was discharged without a trial. He now sues for S10,(K)ü damages and poses to make Toledo pay it. -Caroline M.Waldion, ('Uas.X.AValdron and Mary E. Waterman, heïrs of the late Ilenry Waldron of llillsdale, have given $5,(100 L01 the establishment of a chair at llillsdale college, to be known as the "Waldron Professors! iip." The trustees may apply the funds in any department they choose. - Robert F. Jolinstone, editor of the' Michitran Farmer, and the oldest nalist in Detroit, died Monday night of lieart disease, in the frlth year of hlff age. lie passed away without a struggle and without a moment's waming to his wife, wlio lay beside him, and to whom he had just been speaking. - The citizens of Tuvlor. Wayne' county, held a meeting a few days agO' to protest against the Wholesale pothunting done thereabouts on Sundays. The sliooting is mostly done by Detroiters, who keep n a constant firing all day, every pleasant aunday, and uo great destruction aniong the song biid8„ domestic poultry and squirrels. -James Eyan, aninsane eonvici, was found dead in the cell of tl ie Posón [nsane Asylun at JacksouTucs.lay mornIng, whete he had been coafirod abont tui months. An exattiination led tothe conclusión tliat death was cauaed by concussion of the brain, iiiduced by bis; own BCt,bwaa in lus, usual health when last seen alive by lüs lsetper. Ryan was sent Detroit in November 1879, three years för larceny. - AFlint lady reeently visited Detroit, stopping at one of the principal' hotels. Sha left her mantle in the parlor on a chair, a few minutes, and whem she returned fouad that it had been stolen, and tbere was no clue to thothief. The aext week a wornan called at üie lady's house iuFlmt weariugthestoien mantla. There was a gcene, and she left themantle witli tlie owncr and took herself away as soon as possiblo.. - Mrs. S. Conger,nearirecumseh,lmd a severe cold a few days ago, aiwl, ing shc wouUl take (KMB8 eougn mecucuiv, went to the naBdiclne-case and took. three oe föar swallows whun she discowwnl fchat &he Lst taken a solution of coiTOSivt' sul'.] in .nt e kc Ibug; poison. lier lifowas saved by a prompt adminiateatto oi antidbtes, But she' still BttffetS froin. the sffecte of thepoison. ftottle not boing labeled: was the' canse of the inistake. - Wat. H. Iïamblin, an active and industrioua young man, uaving puoueiy stated that He could lmsk 100 busheteof corn in a day, and hls assertion bcinir disputed, agreed to prove it. He accordioffly went into a field belönglng to Wm. Bnssey, of Hartland, Eivingstom Co. at sunrise on the morningof Ootober ui. took the corn from the sliock and boundall the stalks. When he atelippeát ■wovlt ur Bimdown and the ooien wa pickl n ipd measured it was I und iskwl 121 b hels 'Sbe faets ui this cuse axe knowu to ui Lhe iieitiWJoi"Sv.


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Ann Arbor Argus