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The standing ruit! of lonswvitjsiw il'iistr.vod liv Ilio enscs which itro brought to tlio surface, is simplicity of dict oud tempemi'ce. One lid, Ie Long Island town is'eaid to number aniong its residents 75 persons wliosn aires 86 years, seventren of' tliem beinir over 00. Jn Eligía nd 250,0t0 woallhy lmidlords hold the title to lite so 1, wliile in Frailee, 6,000,000 small proprlolora are Piigagcd in workiiig out lllü problenn of self-lielp. The Spra;jue mansión and eslate iit Cnuoncliet, It. T., is wiid lo have hail 8ü40,OtW expended or thiown away upo it. It. is not a very attméUve piuco, and would ïiol sell lor one-teutli oí' !lmt slim. "We are in danser of a nalional niistako," savs the (jimttarian, "in hiiji])osin tlint t lio iiitelleoiuul facultics are lo bc dcvclopeii at. Llie expeusc of I all oiliers. liappiiK'S-i wil! liever ie f ou nd in any niatnrity of scholareliip when thu auquÍBÍtiuu has ïUined. tiiu healtli. The London Wor'd snys tlint tliore jsiiot, inmiorai.iy in Loiulon i han lieieiolore, Inu. uuw it is alíamele. The s ories tliat correspondunts teil of Loiidou lile continu the Inst part of Uie statcnii nl. TiiO latUT pari oi' l lic roigu of ilie good Qiiceu Victoria is in umrkoil cojilrast wiih iu earliei' years. Sliarp reiiüiik by C liarlos Unullaugh, ihe Lgl sh radical : '] ntu sorry lo say in iny ol' your i'ich Aniericans, wlio liac money in shoddy, petroleum or porU, try in iiuro[io to forget lliat tlicy are Ameiiuaus and republican?, and only resume t.lieir rcpublicanisin when ihoy lake possosiou ot' lliuil' berths on board llie oceun ." at the London clubs runs ns higli novv as it, üiü in llie days ot' the Kcg'enl, whcu estatcs ivere risked on Uie lurii ot the tlice at Drooks'. At tlic new club, wliere re:;dy money only can be siaisel uiuler the clil'b ïegulations, an offleer lost .SOo.UOO one mglit huely, anoiher $2U,0UÜ, and a "wellknown Viscotuii" wun S40,UUÜata sitisince Mr. Swiuburne appcared as an expoimder of IsilmkspeaiX), heliasfound Mr. Furmvall buzziug about liis ears. The peet brusheü Llie latier away as he would a ily, witli the remark tina he "iieed not íenr a reply." Tiie Ily retorts : "1 do not leur eontroversy with a man who knows li is facts. 1 aiu noi likely to dread it wiih Mv. öwmburne, wlio imagines Üicui." Thero are in the United btateeabout tweive tliousttud deutists. Kveryjear ihey consume ai. out rive huudred thousaud dollars worth of pure gold in the plugging of leoth and abotu one huudred üiousand doliars1 wortli of sil ver and platina for the same ptirpose. There are aunnally ïnanufaetmetl tluee millious of artificial sets of teelh mouiued on gold, platina or rubber. Mouths have beeume gold and silver mines, aud few persons of either sex eau now be classed as paupers so long as they have weaiihpaoked away between theirjaws. Dau Watson, who is known to the pólice thioughout the country as an expert and bohl bnrglar, is in tiio penitentiary at l'hiladelphia. cd why his gang hail not made uu attempt ou tl Noi'lüumbeiiaud bank, while operaiing in tliat neighborhoou. several years ugo, ho said : 'Threc times wo went to do it, and cacli time we were iVustratcd, and by wliat do you Ihiiikï a toriiole bull-dog, the watchunin's revolver, or the strength ofUiesate? Neilher, but by a litile child. You sce, tho watohman generally caine down to the bank trom bis supper, leading his litüo chikl by tlio band. We had it all arranged to pounoe upon llitn and gag and bind him, ana ihcn rob tlio place, but somehow, wben 1 saw thai innocent little one, 1 hadn't tlio bean 10 give thu signal and liurt it, so he oscaped. l'm a bad man, aud 1 aiu't afraid of the best man living, but 1 couldu't uear to ace the litile lüiug liurt." A rctired Paris tradcsinau, advanced in years, reocntly took it inio his head to "buy a c-jllin. Once in bis lodgings, ho thouglit hc wou ld try liow one telt iu it. líe got in ana lay down, but beiiig old and stiff he could not got out ajain. Therc be lay í'or sevcral j dnys,when bis hall porter, weary at not having secu Uim, knockéd at bis door. Hearing groans, tho porter broke the door and t'ouud tbc state of tliings descri bed. Ho broke the gides oi' Ibe collin and released Ibe old man. Witli the aid ofwine and beef'-lea lic was resto red to health. It may not be generalij1 known tliat all the horsc cliestnut ti-ees in Mausacbuselts are f'rom two trees still in existonco and fincly growing on the llunuemau esiato on Washington street uear Frankün street in Boaion. These, says tho l'oxt, wero brougbt over and set out in 17 77 by Toni Kuinrill, of lioxbury,an old Kcvolutiouary Soldier. They thus possess au historical inierost as ancestors of onc o(' Ihe finest varieties of sbacio trees wo have in this región. As it ia probable tliat these trees cannot reniaiu longcr in their present position, ithas been propoaed tliat they be reset on tbc Uomnion or Public Garden. Mr. Moody bas, at his home in Northfield, Mass., chickens, boes, pigs and ducks. "Viib all of wliich," says a correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, "he is quite faniiliftiywitli the exception of Ihe bies. 1 had so man y boautií'ul tbeories about boes, I aiut had been drawn into telling hini ol their curious habits, that ho led me to i eeriam lave, and removed the top. 1 wül never give the part. cular for I turned niy back euddeiily on my friend and, glanciiig over niy shoutder, saw soiuü very unclerica) autics on bis part. Bees are 110 reepeciors oi' persons." Tlic microscope shows a variiuion in tho human hair i'roin the l-ilOOdi to the I-6OUÜ1 part of an inch ; but, notwithstiiuding sucli iincness,it is a massive cabie in cornparison with sonic otber libres. Thus the thread of tlio silkworili is niany times liner, being from the 1-1, JOOth to the l-ü,UU0th of inch. ïhis is, however, nothkig to the eleiidernesa oí' the spider's tJiread which lias been fouud in sonic insianees to be 110 more tliau l-o(J,O0Uth of an inch in diameter. The libres yielded by the vegetable kingdom are of asl.onishhig minutcness. ïhus every libre of flajt is found 10 bo comjjosedof abundleof otber fibrila which aro about l-2,öüüthof an inch iu diameter. Similar Ubres obtained froai the pineapple plant have been ascertained lo be uo inoro than l-o,UOOth or evun l-7,WUth of nu iuoh in diameter. bome oi' Uie most eminent seieiUific nu 11 now iicocpL Uie view taken by Adhcniar, uamely, that continents havo not boun depressod, but overflowed by ihe oceau. Owing to the preotssion of the cijiiinoxes, tlie maas of wmer is iranëferred iVoni onulicinisphere lo the other onoe in 10,UO years, and the sun remaius cight üays louger in one homispliere thiin in Uio otliur. At ilie presunt time the winlora ol Liie southoru polo are eigut üays longer than witn us ; Uie icu conlineiu. hus coilfeequently l'orined ilieMj, and the masa of occ.m is to be l'ound in ihe kouthei'u liemisphere, aud iln: ico cuvci s u spaceupun aiularound lliu son Ui pulo more than twico tlio arca oí all Europe. The extreme of cold ai Lhe An tare tic pola was roached about Guo years igo, since which time iLe chínale has been bücomilig milder, uliile that norili of lhe ecpiator has been growing coUlor.


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