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Bnnca tin ia the best tliat is rundo. [ron is fibrous; gold ia crjstulline. Nothinir is more common ihnn wnter cisterns liuotl wii'n lenil, althousrh thcy foi'in n nHisi d:iii'jfci'ona o4ouioiit to IiiüiIiIi, espeeially wlien new. Nini;ty-oue it cent of oo-il dust ocinentod with 9 per cent of pi tob conSlillllC.4 tllO UlullIClltS dl' [iri'S-iCil iÏK'l in.'iinil.'iiMiiieil at Port Hiohnioud, Pliihvi ol.iliiu. Fop tlic manu facturo of opal nul nlnlxistei" gfam tlio i'ollowin mixture is no ;v iisutl : ETeitl8ir, 20 to 7i per cunt; blue Hun', 17 to 00 percent ; mul heavy spar, 5 to 40 por e ui. Coverini tlio pu Hoya with lonthor wili a.iii laridy u the power of bolts. In mmv (.■.tiabiisliiiKüils Wiici'O thoru isa i.cficionuy of powor, Uiu t'flP;uta of mi h mi iinpi-uvoiiR'iit wduIiI astonisli tliusc nut ui'qniiintoU vvitli its y.iluu. In ntU'iiding to tlu; plionoinctm of vo_et.:U:in it. lias loiíg míen liutitonBtlMlC'll tHUt ÜlO piV'SUlkM OÍ ligilt 9 ausoluiely nccossai-y to tin1 liealih nnd proper rowiU of vejfetatiou. Tlio taine fuct appllrs lo hunian buing.s. An c)(i'ii;iii-ed khvs ■vln n you vuku in tin; niuniing riso nnd ürt'SS ut unce. Never i ie mul "drowsc." ïliere is uu refroslniwut to be drrivcd tlitrulroin. Tliuro is tx vigorous Lonic in Lhc niorniiy air. Mr. V". A. Lloyd, of tliu cryslal Palace iquanuiu, L mimi, status i.iat üuring ;ii uxperiuncu ot' twenly-iivu yuiii'8 lio lias knovvn of no insLance whuro imy niarinu ci-iisiacoan of any kind, BUull (W Uu: crab i.i' iousici', tol' uxaiiiplc, bas boen rourotl tu an udiut coiKlition in ui aquarium. M. A. Muiichot saya lio has boon able, on a pi' scalu, to utiliz.! solar lieat diroctly in a. uuiuütr oí' ciicinical operatiou8, sucii as tho c.ilcinatiou of aluin, tlie manufacture ot' btüizoic acid, tho distillatioli ot' suiphuric acid, ilio produoliou ot' woodciiarcoal in closuU vcssola etc. Gallovvay Ba J'S tbal tho most ciTcctual vvay oi pi'uvuutiiijf diaastrous explosiona in coul mines wlioru thero is not imioli ttre-danip, but where thore is a vast (juantiiy ut' dry dnst, is to keep tlio Üoór of the iiiinu ountinuaüy wet with water alone, or Wit 11 a weuk sulution ot caloiuin cnloride. M. Trouvo bas made an improvcmetitiii Biuniulis' bobüins tbr iiynainoeJootrio machines, lic makes lbo [olar suriacos oi snail lorin, so tliut tiie Buriacos approuch thoso of tho mai;uet graduiilly till tlie inoinunt tliat tho posterior edgo escapes l'roiu the polo and repulsión commences. M. Fantrat bas buen convinced, Ly his atuaios oí' tlio inlluence of forestó upon the muist cúrrenla tliat pass over thcni, that pines and otlior neeuleleaved trees have a strong attraction for tbo vapor ot' water. Ho bclioves tliat tbc resinous trees transpiro twiee as uiiicli as otliur trees ; and lias also observed tliat wbon tboy are exposed to moist air they absorb vustly inoro water tban tbo jatter. Aocording to ï. Nerlinger. the direct appiication ot' peat to sandy soiis does not givo sucli good results as to allow of elispciising with otber kinds of inanures, allboiiyb the yield is greator than if the soil bad not boen ïnannred at all. lle recommends that boí'oro uso the peat sbould be lirst mixed with limo and stable draiuings. Pbotographs have been obtained by J. N. Lookyer of the spectrum of carbol in üXVJfen and in chlorine which correspoud with tbo supposed carbon linos in the solar spectrum. - The carbon liiies in tbo solar spectrum are not revorsod, show ing that the vapor exista at a lovvor lemperature and pressure tban tbo uiutallio vapors in the sun's itmospbero. lt must, tbereiore, exist abovo lbo chroinospbcre.


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