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Silk-growing In America

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Thcrc is good reason for belioring it eilk-growina can be succe.-sfuHv U.U.cJ h.totle United 8tateed ndimllvdi-vrlnped tO 1 OXtMlt thftt in7cryg.mtly.-eclnce ilitaoesnot „lirclv'siop. i.rcsoi.t heavy .ml aw material ued i" U 1.aV ' ?,"f Ik The iiiftliii facture ot silk luis teóine 0110 of our leading and most, pro" "si vo industrie Tluiro aro iww m ',n, ■ Vch give employment to 11111 ' - - ,. n _ Li ....,1 nfcrt omiii. illv 8" ooo ooo worili or moro ot raw „a.erïal, all of which is import.,!. lM.c notable ex tent of the inciense in our importetioia of nw material withui reent years inay be non ftom the Btatemeiit that the importa ot mw into Üili country .advaiKïedfrom 7;is 331 pounda in 180 to 1,oju,ö.w TOundsln 1878, tíilk maiiufaotnring ,;;;: Uni.ed States isat.prescMtn, a líiffhly-prospcroua oondition throug"ot the country, ! especia Hy at Pateraou, N, J., where silb goodsand „ovekies of all kinds are vei-y Buocessfully inanufaciured, aud where seveval 1,,.,,-cMlk milis will probably becrecto,l T„ the course of tl.e year. , Not Iv are Americana mauutactnniig ig guantitioa of silk, but tl.ey are inakii.g Sof superior quulity. It tained that the American milis turn rat the best bitk tliread now nuumiao tU'wíiftt arosoim of the reasons that favor the iutroductiou of silkrrowinif „to America? The mulberry,. the natui-al lood of tilk-worms, flourishes wellin ...any parts oL this cou.ary. The black mulberry is vcry conamn in the South, and attams a Ki-owtli there. U is also stated that o native fee in Conuect icut , nade a Zrus malUcauUs,ov Chinde muiterv of tlic speculative bubble ot 1830 The mulberry is eald to bc of rsian ori-in ; but, liko whoat, bary ryeaiidotlier leailing ccreals and .lauts not Imligunoiu in this oomitry, thas show., iiself capable of aduniablc acolimation in North America. As eommon white and black mulberry ,ave been found to do well In all but toe extreme porüons of the Novth and bouth, we may couelude that Blikgrowing may yet be ndvanfc.geously ca.ricd on in the la.-e inaM MX trom the Middlo Btaies to the Guit ot u,..m „,„1 ilii-oimli tlic southern ri ones westwanC so as to luolude a Sderablo stretch of the Pacific coa8t Moi-covcr, scieiicc is discoveilua Wioua sub.suu.ics tor the mul, cT-it Tl lc:ivcs ut' lhe mock-oraiige avo now said to bo al.uost, Ü not quite ils good food for silk-wonns as are the lo of üio inulbeny ltself. Probablv, thoroforo, séveral naiive ulaiits to the requiremeuts of silk-woniis. I„ seveml uwiauccs vvhere silk-growi,„r bas beeu aitempted in tlus couuU-v-ood succes h8 been attamed. DÏ I Ij'. Hall, of wost üojiowu, jjm sav's of liia experimenta witli sUlcwonnsdui-ing the past scvural years tliat he lias been "uniforiuly sueeossluIiiimUingtlicmin LTgc iiuiiiboi-s. Mr L. tí. Ciw-ier, fonnerlf ot Marsüilks, Frauce, has a pLtutation ot mulberry-twm at Sllkvi.lo, Kansas, a,d imeñas to lutroduoo the üu Uure Pi-obably the most notable instancc of succes in the culture of 8llk-wori, in ihis couutry has üeeu lUat ot the Bister of tlie St, Angurtii Convent, Florida, vrho boga tuelr uiKtortakimf in 1804, and havo So ably developcd t, that thcy now obtain from tliek eilkwoi-msa sillï wliiob compai-os wui with that produced In Frauce. As tlieru is evidenco to show that silk-growing can, with little doubt bo StaLes, it is of panunonnt import.uux that the oxiK-ninou shoi.ld bc, promptly and thoroughly


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