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The Great Comet Of 1843

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The followinjf extract, froiu Profoss soi' Pit'foo' li'i'luri! on coiiiuis ind liWf leoi-8 conmina a düsinptioit uf tlm wonderful cornet of 1843, Of W lié i GouKl'a contet is BÜppöséd tö have been a reaineftttiiioe I '■Ah,, ui hooh on thoSfóth f Februai-v; 1843, i-OiiiM f ï"Otlo in niMiiyof ine lowiw Of New Engiaud ëiltiOilly Portlauij Mame, coucciei il uwwi „ors of the streeu, gazingup towaij} the sim Proiecüiig tliBir eyes in pa slmdows o' hoiiM-, tlidy iaw i brilliivutobjeétotoseio the sihli Bw o rnai-velous Bpec auic liad iwvcr bcfiH beun seeu. A fcUougUtful fiea ciipUin; ,Mr (Jiiu-k, broii!?lit out 11 is .sexiautj aai BsiieataUy nieasured the dUUuicjj of the strauge objeel froiu (he llmli 01 tho sim. Tlioso unique olwcryatioiil aiexm record, and gubniitted to riid oritiuisiii, atiest tho aocuracy of thé observer. li a bou i a woeU tVoin this timo a woiiderfuüy tmlliaiu comee was socii skirtiag tliê horizon soon atter Bimsot) ftinl reacliiiig muré tUad onu-lliird oí Uie way round tliesUy.- ]l was now á Uiil wiiliout. a liuud, ís It was al first a lujad wltliolll a uul. but they were inoinl)O'.-s of tlicsainc uomet. Tue bcsl deteniiiua.tion oí lt paüi was acoonipliahed by üiu rtwtingmslwd tronoinor, iSeiM-B J. m:um:i. -- "- purikelion it passed iiearer Uw sim uian aiiv knowu coiuot, witU the smrio exceulion of thatof 1ÖSÜ; roniput"ïed by air Isnao New ion, Am " i1; diacuasioua of whicli iu ile PriiKi-pa hebronolicd tbc fti-st ftpyroxiiHinloii to the irue tlieory of Uie cüiueiiti-y tail Tliesè twocOinctsapuroacueU 80 close to tlitssun iliat it wouiil eicem nuüe liossiblo tlmt thcy touched iu turface, oí ai least swept ui ïiearer ihtiii the solar corona; K would have buen au absurd hypoihesis ihai uioy wen ejected trom Uic sim at uie umu of ueiiotroiioli, luid il uot beön lor t.ö faut, tuat tlie coi net of 168U waa eit on its way ilou-n to tlie Siuij uiiu lor the rewartable plieuomdua vvliieM we aroaboutto dcbcriuö lioiiccrimig tlic coinet of It3. It nuiy be chuuicd as a nul inipossible hypoihesis tluitoiirli of liiee ouiuots was at some lorniof linie ilc product of a ei-uptiou in ncL-onUiK-e with Büffoii's liiowry of the origm of comets. it wou ui ton lv invoivc nforcu wliich wouliLdoublö t'hc ïrrtsitest vdooity givoii lo tuu soUuliold of hydioguu. Uut a uster mtei-prutatiou of iw ijbenomeuoi) and onc wluc.invoKUuieiicccssilyofiiiicxtruva":uiL volcaiiieaotioiij is to be lound ui p i , i ....„. -, i , ' : ; m 1 1. t lli me rent lio ii uui juii i-mm - - nicteors. lt is simply the splasli ot the ntóteors; In itbouttui liöur ainl a halflhe comnt of i, liUe that t ltíSO, wunt round the suu from one BMW to the otlier. What would have bccotne of me tail, trüich vas reucluiig outtlüoutlü0,000000of miles ïroin the Bun to tlic oanh's orblt? Tliöre have been tliose wiio have aotaally udoptecl the iiicredible, L may y the impossible, bypotíiub Uut the taU rotetrf throu-l. tl.iS ittinrtUM oilciilfc devcU bplng oeiilriftigal Wroü wiuou ■" w üiiitwl powew üf thë unitertö could nut liave sastó'nicdi Nol


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