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Alabatna 35,000 dein. Arkaiisas 30,000 detn. California doubtful. Colorado 4000 rep. Connecticnt L',R18 rep. Pelaware looodem. Florida 3000 deni. orgia OO.OdO dein. niinois .'Í0.0OO rep. Indiana 7000 rep. Towa M.OOO rep. Kansas 55,000 rep. Kent vieky 50,000 dem. ■ JDeuisisiia 25,000 dem. Maino 1000 rep. Maryland 20,006 dem. ilassaclmsetts 10,000 rep. Michigan 38.000 rep. Minnesota 20,000 rep. Jiissiseippi 30,000 dem. Missouri 40,000 tlem. ïfebraska 20,000 rep_ levada óOOO dem.. Kew Ilampsliire 4009 rep. New Jersey 7,000 dem. .New York 20,000 rep. Kortfa Caroüna SOM dein. Oiiio 35,000 rep. Pennsylvania 30,000 rep. Rliodë Island 6000 rep. SoutlHiarolina 10,000 dem, Tennessee 40,000 dein. Texas 70,000 dem. Vermont 30.000 rep.. Virginia 10,000 dem: West Virginia 12,000 dém. Wisconsh) 24,000 rep. Miss Fannie .1. Chaffeo, only daugliter of Ex-senator Jerome B. Chaffee, Wtl be easily remembered by the older uesitfents of this city as tlie bright little danghterofthe-tlten plain Mr. Jerome Chaffèe, who was clbing Business in this city asa moderate dry good's merchant. Time works clianges. Mr. ( ihafféc took tireeley's advice and " went west," bacame a millionaire and United States senator tor Colorado: A fewyearsago, abouft the time Fantiie Ctrsffee was Born, IJ. S. Grant was tiie hinnble proprietor of a tsnnnvg gliop m THinnis. ITe became a colbnel, then a brigadier fjeneral, next nmjor-genoral.afterwards rieutenant-genoral, and finally fnll general oftfte United1 States army. From general to president, lie could rise no liigher in any repuRIl'c: There. lias been a wedding and the son of a tanner marries the daughterof tu former Adrián dry goods merehant. That is to say, had this inanïage occurred a few years ago tliis would have l)een the proper undferatanding regarding the antecedenls of the high contracting partie.- Adrián Presa; The Kpiscopal" House of Bishops damandi au enforeement of' the laws gainst polygaffiy. Tlie bishops are right. Tlie laws gainst polyg-aniy shouM Be enfoiwd'. Xot many yeara agoit v-as quoted as an evidencs of the injustice ofthe laws of N'. Y. state, that at the same of courtthe1 same Judge sentenced man scven years in prison for a pair of boots, and another to ftnrr years for taking liFe. The criticism was just. iiitt iiow nauoh greater would be the argrnnent of the critic who sliould arraign the Faws whicli sternly prosecutetlie indlvidnala vho commit bigamy and leave untoncfted, though they glory in their shamfi, an entire community bo popnlonsand influential tliat it is almoston the v-erge of becoming a sovereign state, which is given over to the worst polygamy. The Phiiadelphia Record estiraates the costs of the parades of the presidential campaign of 1880 in that city at half ;i millfon of dollars, and those who are familiar with the details of such pageante do n-ot think the estímate too high. But New York has eclipsed Philadelpïiia and other cities havo rivaled her. Besides parades are hardly more than incidentals in campaign expenses. Ifow mucfi thee doos a presidential canvass cost the country ? One statisüean figures it at not less than forty Boillions of o!lnrs. Bnt he gires no grounds for his figures and it i.s hardly coneeivable that an eighth o: the whole expenses has been squanderel in parades in one city containlng but about one-sixtieth of the population of the country. During the last íifteen years the indebtedness of the United States has been redueed abont 1900,000,080. 1 laving paid out thïs immense snm in cash is it to be wondered at that the country Biiffered from aperiod of business stagnation in the midst of the drainV What need is there to seek f tirther for the causes of ttie panic of '73 y Mr. Sprague's troubles again come to the front through the report that his wife, Kate Chase, was the guest of a Buffalo hotel at the samo time Oonkling was, and that they traveled together to a patace car with locked doors. The isiïue of '84 wil] be the tariff. The qviestion " WTiether the many shall be taxed for the few " will be decided in that campaign. Virginia was the mother of pres'dertts. She was suceeeded by Illinois, and Ohio nfiw claims the maternal dirtinetion. Grant for 1884. The republican party nright as well prepare themselves for he '■ man on horseback."'


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Ann Arbor Argus