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Dexter Department

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The great political excitement has jartially subsided, and it now retnains , impjiri to the people the rnsvAi theref. The all-absorbing topic of thedav or months paal must naturally have itevesting news thereto attached. leinocrats n different districts and loalities vsrill evince Lnterest in learning ow their fellow brethren stood for tieir party, flrat, last and all the time. A beautiful daj and early voting inicated ü i '■ ''1(' polled here, ui Buch proved to be the case, Eor at 1 cloch our streeta were a maas of movng humanity Lnterspersed with the ïsual amount of republican bulldoserg agertocatch an unsuspecting demorat iy their lushinglies, and extravaani Bxhonoration of their untarnished andidates from that which would have itendency to rtain their politioal ineirrity (Y) providing- of eourse- that bey ere soft epougb to take"any tock" in what they said. The prohibitionists denoutiefid C. R. Whitman f or advocatíng principies de■ogatory to their cause, but this mali;ioua calían! iound lint few takers unong the average voter, as theresult x'low will plainly show. Large posters were conspicnous on very available spot warning "honest ■epublicans" Kgainst "democratie rickery " and bogas tickets, which ahovred the depth of their wisdom .md the rtóicalousnesa of tbèir "soare" as ;]iere was no sucl) tickets out. Repubican calculators swoie by all that was Ügh and liolv that our town would acarcely go democratie, and, as is usual the case we never scored a greater victory. It was oliviovis to all that Joe T. Jacobs" gratuitous slaughteroí hats,caps anfl olothing In general, wouja gain him considerable votos, and so it did. Considerable aplitting was índulged in by both partios, and forsomeunr known reason so estimable a candidato as Edward Duft'y received a lion sliare of it, We siated in a previous issuo of the Argtjs that oertain allegéd demócrata were suspectoil of using subterranean efforts to this end- but ltickily eaough tliey were possessed of but little influence, and accompüsbed but little harm, aave showing tbe vvill- niimis the pownv. The popularlty of onr candidato for tbe legislature, Jas. 8. Rorman, vas altógether too fliuch for Jas.McLaren bis republican opponent. In his own town of Lima Gorman scoring tvvo to his one. The greenbackers polled 42 votes which were curiosities for the amount jf eutting they received. ïhe names of W. I). Ilarriman and 3. E,. Whitman seemed a power, for they received tha largest majorities on the ticket. The constitutional amendment in regard to Detroit bridge reeaived but little atteiition by eiflier iait y. Of the votes cast the majovity was largely No. David (. Bose was disgracefully saerïflced, running nearly 7U behind thé ticket. Withal the democratie majorities went far beyond our most sanguine expectations. The tottöVfing are the majorites of each candidato : Hancock and English electora 03 VV. II. VValdby State ticket 62 JoeT. Jajobs (Rep.) 16 James 8. Gorman 67 Win. I). llamman '■ E twiii . W allace W) E Iward Duffy 30 Michael Séery 80 .1 icol) Knapp ('l C las. H. Wnitman 88 Howard 8tephenson 57 P itrick McKcmaii 62 Chas. S. Wooclard 59 Martin Clark 60 Conrad George W


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