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Milán, JSov. :í. -('dor is sold here at SI per barrel; eider apples six cents per bushel. -The election for York was very quiet althongh a ful! vote was cast. -The township Of Milán gave areput)lican majority of 9; the greenback vote U. - Josepli Oles and wife have gone to Pennsylvania where they intend CO reside. -The electiOD m } orK resimea in a majority for the republicana of 19; the screenback vote was 40. - Mr.MfiXeill who lived one mile and a half süuUi of Milán died on Nov. Ist, of typhoid pneumonía. -A. Smith has bought a lot of Mrs. Ada Wileox on the county line töad and will büild a house upon it early next season, -Edwin Willits made a stirriiiR speecli at Alilan on Oct. 27th, ai two o'clockP. i., and E. P. Allen in the evening of the same day. - Easterly & Wliitmarah have placed a lamp-post and lamp in front of their store. Otter merchante here havo not made a similar example. -The greenbackers held their last meeting óf the campalgn for this vicinIty on Xov.2:)th,the speakerwas a mui luuued Wright, said to be a member of the ('anadian parliamenfc - Edward Guyar.d Miss VoraThroop only daugliter of Don. Throop, wen married at the residence of the bride': parents on Oct. 3Oth. A large nmnber of friends of the happy couple were Lnvited. The ceremony wasperfonned by Hev. Dunning of Stony Creok. - It is a notieáble fact at the church at Milan Unit the farther people sit trom the pulpitihe greater amountof tobaoco juice geta loose from their iniiuüis and is lost upon the Hoor and other filth accumulates during meetings. Now if there is only signiflcance in Uio above fact Lt is quite au easy matter to comprehend it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus