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JpTiny Liiirl, who loft i lio Blngqln 1860, is still linie mul hei.rly.' As W dame O to GohlsmiMi slie is a hrnllhy lnoisiii'jf and souiewhut itout, with whilc huir. Diiring Ihe pftsl flfty yonrs Iliirtrniip' i n ' 1 1 have bnn oxéente i in New York city. Anmitjr th negroos. Tlio only I Ul lian was Uulbo, the wife niurdei'er. A Cincinnaii clcrgyttinn recen! I y paid liis ail'eutionale ïc-pecls to the class of men that will spend $öO for caiTÏHge Mie at a wifc'i i'unernl, ntwl nevcr spon i SI foï riding while üic poor woinan is alivc. The weak, cracked voico of the 1Htle old innid up in the gallcry is just ns sweet to the Ono in uraisc tlie hymn is raiscdas the befl-like jiotes of (he hioh-priced soprano in the clioir. - Philaddphia Sunday Item. The passes of ollicials of the India Staie railwaysnro mude of gold and silvci'. The general manager, wuo has thé frcedoin of aü the unes, wears a gold pass on liis watcb-chttin, r. bun t the sizeofa $20 gold piece. llis subordinati s weav silvcr. Florida í'niii-growers are begiiming ío cultívate the lemou with a great deal of care, and with sncli good results that il is believed that in a liitle while longcr this Siato will furiiUI] utmost as nifmy lenions to the trade as sJie uoff does oranges. Tho Only company in the world that. makes fishhooks by machinory s at New Haven, Comí., and has a monthly capacity of 4,UÜO,UUU hooks. A New York house has jusl given an order lor 5,0U0,0UÜ hooks and auother large order üus recenüy been shipjjod lo Berlín. On and affer Octoher 1, tht postage havgc on nevvspapcis addreased to ouniries OP colonies of the Universal 'ostal Union will bc the saine on H'inted matter for tiie sanie destinaion s, viz., one cent for two ouitccs or ach adúitional fraciiou oí two ounccB. The Rngsian l)att!eilclds of tho ycar 1S12 are still beiny exploredfor bones, Which are converled inlo bone-black. lt may thus happen that a man of ihe present day may consume silgar which has been cíecolorized and pniiiied by llicans of the bones of his i'oieiatliers. The Gennnn African Society has at present six different expeditions traveliiig through Central África. The jnoney for these expeditions is obtahicd frum the Gernian Govciiiment or through private bubscription. Dr. Sfnchtigatt is tiie President of the booieiy. In coining $20,000,000 in sil ver and 522,000,000 111 gold at the San Fránciso mint in 1S79 there were lost only pü9. Tlie cavpet, ■wliich had been down live ycars, was taken up last spring ent inio small pieces, and jurmd iu paus. The debris was put hrough the same procesa as miuing dust, and viel .ed $2,500. "Mary Adams" is a mysteriong fact-ry girl, ia a mili at Winthrop, Mass. she wears a Üiiuk veil wliilu at, work, 01" going to and from .the rnill, and goes to chnreli regularly, bnt shakes naiids wilh no one. They say siic is the daughter oi rich Boston pareu ts, who stupped giving her nioney because she gave it all to the pooi and .abored as a city niissionary. The London Echo says : "The ne of siecl lor marine boilers has of late ineieased rapidly ; but, if the latest news lroin the Clyde is trnstworthy, thu Board of Trade will need to be very cautiotls in lanctioiiing its rniploynient, fór it is reponed tho sucl boiiers tbr the Czar's vacht Livadia llave íailed under the tebt, and have ail been eondenined. Bomu eininent i.iiarineengineers refnse to ute it, but suveral new passenger steamers have been litled with boiiers of steel, and agrave responsibilit.T lias been incurred by their ovvners." A muía in the Newark Cement company'i works i-efusea to do service after the heil sounds the hour of noon. [f lic ïh boisting a load lio delibefately allows it toset'ile back. Ai'Ler feeding heallows liimself to be hitched tip, bnt no aniount of conxins; or beatinif will induce him to work until alter the 1 o'clock whistle, Veiy rccently a remarkfihle rlivoivc snit was decided in London idvorsely to a Mrs. Butler, u fashionaWe lady of beauty, niixing in court circles, who was married to ilr. Kingscote, of the guarcls, wlio obtained a divorce from her, secondly to Uapl. Butler, of the saine corps, a fauious cricketer, who lias now obtained a divorce, the: e being tliree co-repoudenls,Mr, Flower, Lord Artlrur Hill, and Lord Marcus Beresford, with two of wlioni the jury found her guilty. She is to be again mnrrieii to Lord Marctis, the tliird. Moeting the otlier day oue of the gentlemen witli vrhom it was thought to prove hor acquai' tel, at the Charing Cross railway terininus, she bogan áttacking him with her longue in terius moro familiar 111 the east tlian in the west end ciroles, and, on bis attempting to nmke oll, dashed on himwithan uinbrella, aud actually Üoored him wilh a righl-haud box on ;he ear. Ina report sent to (lic British Forcigii Office the Acting Consul General at Bangkok meutions the diseovery of valuable wpphire mines iu that part of Siain. Mines of inferior valué have Jong been known iu the ueighborhood, amfabout live years ago noff minus were discovercd by a native hunter. Beinsr, howcvcr, in a remóte and secluded position, it was long beforo thcir fame spread to Dunnese and lndian gcm traders -and wilWi'8. Jiventually they beoanie more wiilely known, an.i lnrge numbers flocked to tiicin, especially l'rom British ljurmali. Tlie largest sapphiie hitherto found weiglied lliree inuutred and seventy carata in the rough, and when cui turncd out one Uundreü and eleven carats of the liuesi water. The ruin-. onyx, anil jaile are also fouud in ihe disirict, butare appirenily of in.erior qualily. The Duke of Argyll, writing to the Nature, giYes, aU believes, tiie unly case aniong fea.hered tribes in which vocal is replaced by instruiiiental music. Tlie peculiar nouiid made witii the bill of the woodpeuker uron trees api areutly servt-s the saine purpose as tlie song of otlier bii'ds. and enilS when theeggswre.hatolied. Tiie Duke had lately an opponüuity of closeiy obterving bovv tlie leser-si)Otted woodnecteij or jjtcus minor, buhaved at pairnig tune, and the roiults of hisobirrvation excite curiosity. He is quito certain that tb sound mada by tiie bird ha8 nolhing to do wilh tbe quest for lood, "Tne bird selects one particular spot upou the tnuik or bougli of % tree, which spot is nalurally soiior! Ou lrorn the wood bqmg more or less hollowwl d' dccay. Tho blrd re-r Ui run tu 1 1 1 i s premis spot conünnallv tUirin Lite uay,and produces thu sound by siiikiiig on tho spot Viitli its bill, tiie si ruku ieing rupeaied willi arapidiiy whic.i is reully jncoiiiin-ülifiisibJe, lor il quilo eludes tb eye, Ji is eflecteü uy a vibialury ínotion ot' tuo heuü, but Lbc vibiations are so quid; lliut lbo luiion looks liKo a singlo sliuko. Áller sboii pauses tbisslruko is iiHin and Bgain renowL-il, souiciiinea t'or bc eral iniíuiK'a logellicr. iJurmg cnch interval ihc fVouiljjüCkcr looks luund it uial below it with evident Uilignl, nuil wiili apijarcnt clialicugo ol luiiiirauoii. Tiie uo.iUtiHil uL'iinstJii cru.iL i inoreor lesswculeU. 'iliuwliuia i, riorinaace c. íucu ily lakos Uc placo o. 8on ai ou.ur Oinls." Tlic nest ia nui in Lbo eaiiu! uceas t lie ouu stnick by ilie bin oí llie íiiiile. isiunlar ionoruiíá spois in ihe irees m Uie iiLigbborliuod aie eelected if irvaiU nbic, so ibat tbu obsurver conciudi-a liiaL iiie hen bht vssiiesit8 on the nest is Gult'iuided lioin diü'erent diruetions, aun v.iui sucii vuriciy in Ihc soima a Uie cuanue ui nee niay iiroduce.


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