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How To Dispense With The Confectioner

How To Dispense With The Confectioner image
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As fui' as the appotite is concernid, al'tci' n luvivt.y dinuer (i dos-ert squilc a superlliii l y. A lio mino lime IcW housckeepors considera dimnr.ooM píete witliout th is flniflhiug touch. The Freneh, on informal occasions sel 'oin do more tlian serve a lidie fruit and a cup oí' bluk ooffee, Ilere, lunvever, it seems to be thousht neceasary to próvido pastry, ;i pudding or n cnstard as a dessert con roe. Tue-e tilinga liccume doleililly monotonous wheii thcy ftppear, as tiiey are apt to, day it'ier day in the sume torin. lí' it is not possiljli: to pnrehato IVom t lie Frcncli bakers any of tlieir charintng liuicy pnttio, wiiic.h are soinciiines out of ri'íich of pookets an 1 homes, it isalways possible to decórale ihose served at lióme in prceisoly tlie same niAliiicr as tliose seen in the shop wiiidows. Talie ;i bunchof Mala, g rapes, a lew c.ranbeiTies, some brandy ehorries, it' one lias tliem, any fruit, in tact, that will keep its forin ; if it ÍS to be usud at once, that preoiuition is uniieey. To pivpire ihese frniís wilh a cañdy 'coating' is a very simple pro ces. Make a syrup of one cup of silgar, four tabíespoouí'iil of water, two of viiiegsr, a suiall piuch of sotla ; when it bo,ls sth1 iu tho soda, stír as little as possible or tho eandy will not bo olear. ïhen separate the fruit f rom the siem, divido tho orango into its natural parte, make little stars. rings or any lancy s!i;ipes of tho skin, cm citrón also into pretty fonns, dip each bit of fruit into the warm syrup. and lay it on a grea.-ed paper in a cool place 'to harden. A reat many eau be propared at once, and kopt in a dry place until nceded. If the tirst dipping is hoc. successt'ul, go over the oparation ayain. When a pie is made, let it be baked on a pcnoctly flat tin, with a iiigh wall of fea.hery crust about it. A nioraiigue top is a pretty iinish for sucli a pie, tliough that elaboration is not necessary. Arrange, in any lorni conveniont, üie sugared fruits on the top wall of crust, keeping them in place with a Htlle fresh uandy syrup, and tho result will be satisfaciory even to a ïneinber of a decorative art society. The expense is really uothiug, and the labor very little. Toniato Cocoa-Nut Candy. - Prepare the nut by renioving iho dark skin anil grating as liuely as possiule. Dosiccatod cocoa-nut niakos a tougli, indigestible candy. About weiglu for weiglit of cocoa-nut and sugar is nocessaiy. llaving your cocoa-nut prepared take, say. three pounds of the best crushed sugar and a light toaspoonful of creain of tartar, and one and a half piuts of clear water. 1 mostly filter niy water, for ïnuday water niales a dirty-lookuig candy. l'ut on to boil, and boil carefully ; your syrup will bo right wheu it lèathors; to know whon this point is reached, take a dip per or tin skiinmer with holes in it, and take up some of the syrup; let most all tnc syrup run through the skiinmer, then blow hard on tho htile that remanís; if the syrup is up to the crystalizing point it will blow through tne holes iu silkljku ühuncuts; thon take the syrup off and lot it cool a little undstir wilu a cluau spoouj it will 6oon become thick and pasty ; now is tlio timo lo mix in your cocoa-nut-, which must bu done, though, little by little, still quickly ; wili Ie it is still soft pour it on a uu, or m.ike it iiuo round cakes by dropping it. Tuis ouglit to be suow wime. To make it brovvn, just befo re you let tire sugar set a.ld a nttle burned sugar to tno syrup. It seems almost unnoecssary to say Iicre that llie prodticiion of those tootlisome anieles at home, insuies, that which it is almost inipossibio to lind ordinarily, in sioreSjapura articlo i'rce froni deielei'ioas mixtures and drugs, which thought not quite so faucifully arranged, will cause no disconnort or siciuicss lliruuh its cousunipiion.


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