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Btryclmhic, ■ wiiun ndniinislcml in In avy dos-'S to mammals, u;t8, nc:onliii' to M. Itiolicf, '-u-, ly ik'; chloral Illd )-Ml IV I tkO (HU1 IT. A !]!' Miiycr haa diícoverod t]fit oxygen has 110 diitjc.t Jifluonce mjjou fi-ruuiilatioii. Wlicn M)titgimn-iH'drogcii tnriHite was llc I to a strong nyrup conlainiiig yrust, t lic cells l l iio :l iiic'v' rajiully nul llic crmon tul ion was onsily r.ccoinplisheil. Prcciiilalcil üilica al rautas aiul fixcs niiilinc culors, tni'kuy réil i'ruuh beitei' (in Ullirlcs thail silicOHS inins.rnl eill'Ut, bul. arytte a wi'ilor in Rwmnim's Furbei' Zeittniff, in opposiüou i( l1-1'-, . llie o 1 . ri i n' :' i; -.- ■ i' si ioia C:nmit bo due lo ciipilliu'Uy, beo;iiie, of tlo lvi Mibs;anc-s. Lliü niusüvial uartli eau only be .-alil tu posa 'ss cipiliarity. Ganiluiu is the liaitlencd juoe of a treo vcry roiillliOll in Si;nn, Cocnill Ciiina UIM.I Uoyluil. The l_il are lai,cd and iliü s:i) or juicu is cauulit in coconiiül shclls and [(Ut Ulto Inrge ■■iiMlii-n vcs-els to tliickcn. liei'oie it linixl il is pmirud in'.o Ik)1Ijv joinus of b:iiniiu, wln-1-e it hav.lens iaio round ; i.ijk8. tliougli i t is luiiiuliiutM made ui otlier slmui-cii 'lUo L"t iraiiiboge i.s ot oi-aiigo i-olui-, dark vellow wlicn dry, but prodiiuMigii bright yoliow wlioii rubbuil in waior. H is usud in medici ue and aa a puuit, Tlio vtwii liuinbog-u ciiiiil)njrü o 'iniis frotn Cnn)oui.i, Uiü uaiuu ot' Üiq eouiilry irom whoiioc it was, biVHigbt. 1 11 a paper on tlio eartli as a conductor of eiooii-iciliy, Prof. TrywUriilgo, or Harvard, arrivés ut tUose pouclii:ioii-: 1. DisturUiinccs iü toleihoio circuits u-ually atiributud to eüctita .,i ii.duclioii aró iu jeiKiial rule (luo lo coittig'itouigTOHiidsot liaiiery circuits. A retí rn iio is liie ouly nrrty to ol)viaie tiiue ilwiurbaiices. '-. 'JL'hu vvcll iiuoii ctiüipiKCiitial surl'aicd in lliu iieiglib,.muod of lialte.y groundi sliowa llic Uieonlioal jwssibiJiiy Of um; .rup.i nix ucrosa l.irge ludusot svai i' v...ii"Hi ilie eiuploynient of u ou ie; umi if ds us tt) cxicnd greatly Ui pmctical Hiuit set by ÖreiiiUeil. . KanU eiivuiis have 111 intcrmittent uhuiacter, willi pci-io :s of jiiaxiiiia and nniiiina, which inay occur seyoml ünicsa minute duriug tlic day. Tuis inionnitU'iit.cliaracLur LSSOidoiU absunt. Lord RuyJeigh lias doscribud a plan tbr ilemoiwtr.iuují thut yellow color can be ionned by coinbitung ratuitd blue. He íuixes :i red soíutiou oí' clirórnate of potash wiih a bino solution OÍ litmus, and, 011 fillilig i, into a glass ecu of a cortaiii tliicKiiwe, the liglit transmitted tlirough ii seema lo be ycllow. Plftios ofglaw uoutetl with yeifttiue impi-egruated wuli cbi-onuue Ofpotiish, phwiud sillo by sido witu platen coiited with golatine iniprTiiatcd with Iitinu8,tdú trausmit yellow liglit. Lord Utiyleigll l'mds, liowcvor, líiat tbc eye of diílbi-uiit püráoiis vary coiisidorsibly in tlioir of auureciatíng tbe tingo of tbe trunsuütled yellow ; but tliis has íiotUing to do with colur-blindiiess, sinco all tbe persons Usted coukl distiiiguish at once tlie coniponents witli acüuracy. Two now preservativo wraipii)g-papers liuve bien recently bnmghc out, oiio deslgiied for truit and ono for ttirs, cloths, cío. Tlie lii-st is mudo by dipping a soft in a balli ol salycilic acid and lianging ít in the air to dry. Tbe batli sliould be made ftfltn a sironíT alcholic souition of yciiio acid, daluted witli as nuicli yvater as it wil! buai1 without prêoipitatiou, The apples, oran-e.s, or ollior fruit inay bo wrapped m the paper before packing, aud wheu the ïVuit rcaclies its market üie papel' can be removed and used igain. A manilla wvapping-papfcï may bc prcpared tor resisiuig nioihs and miluew by dippiiig it in a prepared baih, gqueezing it and dry ing íl over Jiot roilers. Tlus bith is niade by mixing sevcnly parta of the uil removed by ihe disull.ilioii ot'coal tar naphllia, live pai'ts of crudo caibolic acid coniaiuing al k-ast 50 pur ceut of pheiiola, twoaty partsof tbiu eoal tar at 160 do Kalir., aud üve paris of lx'fiiicd pcii-oleum. - - In a paper on the origin of the plow, Dr. ïiiyJor staiesi Uiiu Üio lirsiagiicultural inii'lenioiit seenis 10 liavc boen a poiiiU-d st.ek foiir or live feot long', sneli ;s niauy savage ribos slitl cany lui' tho pui-posuof aigyiny roo.s, kuucking down iVniisanii ime.ii'tliiug animáis. Al. u laier iiay the stick was beni and nsud asii hoi', Liio point Uuillg luu'deiiod by iiro. lu tliu isouUieru pari oi' Öwuden large tracis ut' land give evideme ofearly cuitivatiou, wliiisij is utU'ibuied to apfeli.slüi'ic. iicoplec.iHed by Lne naLntís "lüe huckuri," wno ure ihvays assocüitcd witli i lc gwnts ot' luyUiolujjy, and wlioe riuiii hoc was a &v iioiü wiili a siiorL prujeciiny branch. Xliyre i-aino hito use at'iei'wai'ds a laicf iusiruniein. oftlic saine kind, vvhicli was not used lik ilie liue buldnigged by menor oxen. lus Untes Of ll'is to be foliad in (ilii liyptian uicLures aml bas-reliels, anü it was pi'obably ilie Drlmitive inca of the plow which is of pre-liistoru; 01igiu, evideucea being foundof iis early Uae anioi.jf tlie G reeks, Egyptiaiia and Cliine.-e. It haa trom Lliu eaihest times a ïcliyious saucUoU. The nexi improveiiitiut wasawoodeti höok sliod u nii iiun ; and in the time of Virgil a wUceled plow was in use which diitcrei.1 but htUe trom üie best, in Kuiope a eeniury ago. Mrs. George Pollard, of Groenvüle Miss., met vvitha most foriunatc ruliet tVott a U'oublcsomo customei' in tuu shapc of a live lizard, over lliree inchea iii eiigth, in lier sioinacli. Slio had been sultoriug sonic iiflecn yenrs iVoni a niaUul}' gi-adiiully iiicieasing in iiueiisity, wliicii seeiued Lo proceed froin soine inward cuuüo, and slie had lor tioino time Luiagiiiod tliat slie could foei ihe auuual, uv wuatever it miglit be, moviiig ivum place to place, und alinoól gei iioldof it. Ou cousuhuliou wiLli a uoctor, he decided 011 a cuurso ol' tic ■iiiiient that cauicd the of tbo lizai'd whieli tUe [jaüeut vomited up aliêr takiiig au einctiu. SnysMr. Moucura ü. Conwnv: "I hui sorry lo ucliove tuut tlioic is in ladstoue u snobUn voiu.but it ia a s:ul fftct which lus adiuiiv ra try in vain lo couceal. Bouio ycars ago, in tiie suit of the la.c luu of Nuwiaisllo lor a divoi'co, whiuh lia.l tü go lo the Ilousu oí' Lords tor trial, UiaiLstonc was a wituess. llo was afckcd wlieihor lio iis intimaio witb the Duke, and ïvplied'as iuüuiateH tUe dittoi-euce butween our stations pcriuiU.' Tliat a man lar uioie eiuiuuut Ihuu ITewonaUe or auy.otber Duke sliould havo male sucli a rcply ulied tho lords ihemselves w i tli wonder not uniuixod with coulempt," Joo Jef&rson, iho actor, lins pnrohaaed a hei of twelve short-norn c:i! ( e lo improve thestock ouliial'ann at New Iberia-, tu Tho Ttcv. Pliillips Di-ooks is saïd (o lio the flrat Arnerienn wlio h;is pi-eachc:l i 11 Wesumustcr Abbey bci'oro the Queea. At a wedding whicli took plnoo nt Port liyroii, N. Y., recently the bride was 81 yoarsold aud tlicgroom was Í- ycais youngcr. Virginia ei'oepori aro boing plantod by tlic PeniiBylvania Railroaa company on the hillsides ftlonff tho tracks, lt is floiiu to pfeveut land-8lidcs, and will add greatly to the beauty of tho secuory.


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Ann Arbor Argus