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MI' 'Sota' The Standaid of the World. tí sfUoM ií 1 EGLIPSE WINDMÏLLS The Strongest Mili Made. SAFEST TO BUY, JiPcauae Warrantnd the lï, and 'Warrantee Ia ! Biihiitantial. Contains al' liopruvtünpnu. IMcea j Lofl est Qnallty cnsidered. aeud for catalugue I duecrtblng article wauted. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ui and 113 Lake-st., Ch cago. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, THE CIR lO uit court ior the com.ty of Wasbtendw, in bulioi ry. Lew is W. James, Comphiinant, VS. Rus-iel] Brïggs iind Myron Webb guardián of said Iiüf-sfli lïn-iL'H defendantiu In pimuancfl and ) viitue of a decree of sftid courr made and entercrt in the above eutitlcd o-mae on the 17th dóy of August, '8(K. Kotloe is hfrehy iiiven tlmt i flhall sel] hí public uu el ion to the hib(.-I bidder, 011 Monday the 27 tb dny of December, i880,at ten o'clu k "in rhc foreuoon.Ht the et hont do.rof iltprriirt faonw iu the City of Aun A or,C unt of Wnshtenaw, State of Miotiig-m, loi owing ditcrïbed ieiIBtate rltüftte in 'Ie townsbip of Io , Coanty aod Btate uforoaaid, viz: the est half of tin mLli-ciist quartei oi t-ection umn her thirty-five townhip three south ranee five enut ttccording to fhe United -t.itos arvey con'a nLng ii?hí y aerea of land mare or h's.s toccther with the tonetncntsi lieredi lamenta and appurtc nancee thereto belonginti or in anywie appertatnlng or tbereu t ëituuted betfigtfae same defciíbed in aaid di:;-iee. November lOth, I8S0. A. Fllcii. Ksq., Solicitor fnr Coirplainant. JAMiid McMAHON. Circuit Court Coramissioner iu and f.r said eou&ty. Estáte of Klizabetb N. Ietts. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wachtennw, ss. At h seeaiort of the Prnbtite Court for the oounty of Wnhtenaw, holden al the Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the ninth day of Nov mhcr in thu year one thoiunnd eighi huiidrt-d aui i-iility. Present, Wiliiam I. 11 arrima!. t Judpeuf .'róbate In the matter M tlie estáte of Elizab't.-th N. Leita deceased. Onreudingandfllnigthepctition, duly Vf-rified, of John Sf. Lot i, praying tlntt a ccituin iusirumenl now on tile in thie oourt, pnrporting lu be the lat will And testament ol suid deceaacd, may be admitted to probate, uní that he raay be appoÍDted exeírutor thereof, or that administrutiun with the will annextid muy be granted to sume suitable per8011. ïhereupon it Ïb ordorcd, that Monöay, the sixth day ol Ueceinber n xt, at ten O'cLuok in the forenoon, be iüsifint:d for tke leu]iug of snid ietition, tnd that the deTisees, lega tees, and heirs at ltiw olsaïd deeciïsed, and all other persons intereeted in öiiiJ estáte, arerequired to appear atiiöession of süid couit, then to be holden it the Probiitt ofiice in the city oí Ann Arbor, and ahow cause, il any therebe.wuy the prayer of the petitioner should Dot be granted: And it is fnrthei ordered thai sald pntilioner give notice to the persons ïnteiee-ted in s;iid estáte, of the pendency ot said pel i t ion, :ind the hearinw thereof,by eansinfi acopy of thia order to bepublished in the Ann AürobAuoub, u aewspaper printed and oircnlated in snid oounly, three aucceBsive weekt previoue to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D.HAKRJMAN, fAtruecopy,) Judge of Probate Wm.(t.Doty, Probate Register. , - ('imiuerv Sale. QTATK OF MICHIUAN, THE CIIU kJeUitcourt tur the e.;iniy ot Waohteuaw in Cha neen . ' Lewin W. Jumes, Oomplairrttnt; ta Raasell Brigán hthI Myroti Wh' b guardián nf mm Kiibs.íi Hrigg defnduntfl ín purn tuce an ( by ?irtue f decree of sai$ cuurl imdtfnnde temï in tiie nbov ntitltd cause out.); 7th Uyof August, A. 1)., 1880. NonceU hetebr girdO tl mi I luit] ■}! ut public '.uction Ky dit; lutfhesi ui ld ei on Mor. Ju y the 27th day ut i,., ueniber, A !)., lf, ,lt tw., ,clock in the uttorno n ai tne a-' ft jnt tioor f the poun luin-f in the City o ;im A ior Waahtennw o uuitv. Mi'-h'uftD, thi f lii-twi g d -.críbííd rcnl cshit1 bfiníí tïo sa-n -1t'. ibed u aid decree to wit: all tliosecrrlain pifcn ■ p troela -f land in the lowuships of Snlind au i Loïi in tip.' county ot Wmhtenaw und Stute of M..clu:ifi o i '1 iscriDed etb lollow betog the e.iafc riitit of the noith-east quarter uf setioii nunij t two in tov. ngl ip nuniher lour south rnnGflve :3t an 1 hIh) tlmfeuuth eAt quur er uf .-ectii)u nu i er tinrlylivt in luwuslitp iiiiu u-r tlireo oiith i-a-e' f.v - nt ' o-?l ■ iniiiff lli :i 1 two h-indr.'-l uid f nr A'. s ■ lunl ;iui:o liiifi to L'i it d t Usstrfey . i"í!' "':i' (I' ' l" iU'Ut, ti.rcait.4ineut mj appurtüuance the reto in unywiue bdoniif ut rl.. ■ eiipon si. il. Novwmhei Mu A. D., 18S0. A. l'Ki.cH E ., ; o k-itor for Coinplaïnant.JAMES Mc.MAHoN", Circuit Court Commiwiouer In ai d for lald o ht, lístate if Hou Corbt'tt. STATE OF MICHIUAN, COUNTÏ of kTtwbUmHW,. At u Ofsion oí the Pro nt ('ourt for tiife County of Waehtemtw. bolden ut thi Probate i HBce ld tl city of un Arbor, ol T.iec y the ii ï is t li d-ty oí November, in the year ou i tbutu und eigUfhutidred and t'i.'hiy. Present, VniliBis Ij. llurnman, Judeeof Probnit. In the muiter of the estáte of Reu Corbett, deceased. Diana E. Wheaton, .-ulministrnTrix nf said 'itntrf comes into court ai;d represeutH thiit ahe in now pr. parecí to rcndul her tíníil aocount au uch aduiiaistratrix Thereiipóii it is ordered.that Saturday.the tvnty-seyeatb dy oí' November oext, at ten o'cl'-k itt tbc rorenoon, nsüigned for ezanilnlngand allcwIng su rii account, and thut the lu irs nt law of said il. i-e.'.'fcl, an.) all olher persons interested in said eatutc, are ruijuirfd to appeftt at a session of aid Court, then to be hoideo at the i róbate Office fn llie city of Ann Arbor in süid county, and show cause if auy there be, why the said account should oot be allowed : And it is fnrtiier ordered that said iuliiiinist nitrix gl+e notice to the persons in te restad in uid esiute, of the pendency of said c count and the hearing tbereof, by catisiníf a copjr of this order to le imhlished lu the AK Ano ARtUS, a rtew spa per printed and cïrculating In .siiiit county, two successive weeks previous to said dity of hearing. WILLIAM T). HARRIMAN, (Atrnenopy.) Judge of Probate. WBI.G DöTY, Prolüite Rogistcr. Estáte of l'red 1.. JDouglass. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY k3 of vV'atíhlentiw, as At a aeuton ul tlie l'robute (Jourt for the Couoty of Wnahtenuw, holdtn t th l'robatt; Oíiicu in tliu city ot Ann Arbor, on ThuT ilay.tbe eleventh dy ni Novembtr in tlie yeur une thñusand 1 1 r Ï 1 1 lnmdrecl and eighty. Fre-eut, WilÜam 1). HnrrimíU.,.lHdge of Probate. In tlie inulter oi' tlie estáte ot l'reü E. Douglaut minor. Roliert E. Pou-biss, the gunrdiHn of naid ward, comes uto court und representa tht he is now pre-pared to runder his annual account hs such guor-1 (linn Thereupon it Uordered.thatTuesdffy.tbeivrmttí d;iy uf 1) ,'cmtiL'r next, at ten o'clock in the for- noon, be assttfned Tur ex ara! n ing and ulluwing such account, and that the next oi kin ol said watd and all othor persons inteiested in said estáte, art required tuappear at asewion ofsaid court, tben torn holden at the Probate Otfíce, iu tlie t-ity of Aun A.rbor, in aaid coimty, and show cause, if auV thert' be, wliy tin: said account should not he ai lo wed : and it is fuTtheroráered.that saidguardian, glve hotlce to the persons isterested lo aid ntate, of the pendency ot said account and the hearing tbereof, by causiug a copy othis order to be publUhed in the Ann Ahboií Aegub, a nevipaper prtated and clrculattog in said couoty. tlirt'e succesáive weeks previuus to said day oí heariiiK' WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A trne copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Poty, Prohate Register.


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