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Mrs. Scotchroe's Grief

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Tve liad my lite i murad, "said Mr. Scolcliioe, yesicrday, accordinií to tlie vcracioue historian oí Tiie Litüe liick Gazettc. "Niw in caso L uio my wit'e will recoivo 2,000. lu case of my dea h, howevei', I don'tfciiow that slie wou Id bo beuetUed, for sha has dotermined to kill herself f anytliing of a BOl'loili nature happens to me. JLot me tell yon what alio di I," and Mr. tíeotchroe took iiolit of tiic tsvo mea to whom lie was talking. "Why, sho lias preparod a bottle oí' stuíl' almost defuUy enoug'li 10 klll a niule. tího says wlitïii t 10 utOMoy ialls duo sho sliall falla vicLim lo tlio oon tenis ot ' ihe boille." '■lt ni iy be nnwariaiitod incredulity on niy part, öootchroe," replied one ot" lile lueii, "but l'il uct yon S that I can go lo jrour house, tell your wiic ihat yuu are deiul, and - - '' ■jiist yo on. iii-iiftk the novvs tolier genily. l'll stuid oulside prepared to rush in whcii alio iimkes a dive for ihe botile. Come ulu-ad." Tiie lwo men went to Seo ten roe' s cotiage.- tícoiclirou slood out by tiio cliimuey whilo his eoinpanion went, in. 'Tilia is .Mi'8. Sootchrue, I beliove?" said tiie man whuaii rei-i'.ieed woman oponed llic uoor. -Yes, sir." a fmc dav." "Buho I" "lleai-dany news to-lay?" 'No, sir." '■Go soine for yon. ScotcJiroe is a cipilal fellow,aspiemlid ruon. Kverybody likod him. l'ity tuat suou a laiuily sliould boi'ull him." 'VVüat's üiu lUivttur?" "llo went down to th") depot to-day aud stood aroimd. A switoli oiiglus caiuo walkinjf aloug. You know switch eugines huve Killed more mea tlian til tnc others.'' -Yes," said JVlre. Öeotchroc, "switch engine.-s liuvo alwuys bome aaugllluwy j-oputiitions." "SVell Uiis switch oügine took sight of Scoichroo and ilooivd him." "Üid it k.ll liiiui"' "VVell, he'll be brought homo aftor awliile in :i saok." "Will thcy briiig him beforo ditinei?" -I dou't know ; by tho wav, ho had an iiisurance pohcy for $000." 'Yes, aud i Wailt the muney right awav !" "B-ither nnfortnnate, but when he was twept up iroin the tnick, among the rubbisa was foilnd n liiipor that Öcotchroe bad relinquisbed bis pulic ' 'What, deccivo mo in that wav; leave wc without any support; the miserable w roteb. 1 " Scotch roe ran in and attompted to clasp liis wifo. Wnieiv's that polioy?" '■llere it is." "Give it hero. It's just like you to Burrendor it un I 'ret killed. George Eliot, bcfore sho was marricd to Mr. Cross, rid herself of every sciap of cloLhing mul ornament that. bcionged to her life vviih her iirsthusbancl, Lewes. Only flftcen corncts have been discovered in this oouutry, and Professor Swift, of Roche ter, Ñ. Y., lias taken in six of tliem sinco 18U2, one in cach of the past tour years. An Alexandrian physician tells of an Eiiiilish boy who lias survived a learfiii fall. Ou Juno 1, 1879, the lad feil a ineasured distance of sevenly-one and a quarter feet, striking unon a granito pavement. BotU legi were iractured, but he ultiniately cvinpleiely reoovered trom the eübeta of the accident. )


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