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Elt Bodett,aged I00,voteia1 Blissfleld on the 2l instant. - Monroe's new court limiso was formallj opened on Wednesday evening. -The editor of the Graas Lake News is threatened with a public horse-whipping. -Demócrata óf Ingham elected two circuit courtcommissionera only on the local ticket. - A Chicago dealer has pnrchased1 10, 000 bushels of winter applea at Orion :ml Bochester. - A Coldwater poultvy dealer killed and packeil 1 3,000 pouads of chickens in half i day laaf weck. - Flimi, a cooper of Orion, has made 25,000 apple barrels and contracted for their deltvery to farmers. - Tbere was a heavy snow storm alons the shoreof Lake Micliigan, in southerft Michigan, Èunday. - Mrs. rred.Varin of Rochester impelled by domestic trotble attempted suicide bv takins a dose of arsenic. - llon. Porloy Bills a prominent memhei of the Lenawee cöunty bar and Tecunweh banker, died Nov. 7. -The First national bank of Marshall offers to takc the entire amount of 11P-.V jailbonds, $17,000, at 41 per cent interest. -The popnlation of Lenawee eounty iS4á,S8B. The vote polled was 12,276, or a little more than one in four of the popnlation. -The Wife of Wm. Marshall, at Detroit, nnrsed her infant during the night. and l'ound it smothered to death : in the morning. -The ridille house, Detroit, has been sold for 1450,000. It is to be run in the interest of the Wabaeh and Great Western vailway. -Mr. Anderson of Dundee, while driving over a railrpad crossing in Toledo early Monday moming,was struck by an engine and instantly killed. - A man in Blissfield reeently had his back broken by falling through a defective sidewalk,andhas commencod snit against the villago for lieavy ages. - Fred Steele, a student at Albion college, has a mild attack of insanity and has been sent to the asylum at Kalamazoö. Over-study is supposed to bethe cause. - Creditors of the late banking firm of John Johnston & Co., burst bankers of Port Iliiron, have been givenanother 10 per cent dividend aceruing from the assets of the firrn. - A gold fish which Aid. Finney, of Detroit, has had in his house for twelve years, died, the other day, of a wound ït gave itself on aclam shell at the bottom of its aquarium. -A woman was found dead in the room whei'e she lived in Detroit, the other day, with neither food nor fuel in the house. There were four children, the oldest bat 10 years of age. - Twenty years past either sole or senior publistaer of the Monroe Commercial, Mr. M. D. Hamilton turna the establishment over to his son Frank D. llamilton, eight years past a partner. -Monroe county gave 523 maj. for Hancock; 645 for Uolloway; 5tí for Waldby. Gveenback elector reeeiveu 224 votes. Demócrata electecl full cöunty ticket except judge of probate. - A Toledo aharí dropped Into Monroe and wanted to buy-an $8,060 farm bv paying twoiiisuranco policifiS of 4,000 éach upon himself and wife, payable of course at death. New and novel seheme. - Two thousandandseventy-one tiarrels of fiour were sbipped this week by Tecumseb millera. Fourthousandeiglit hundred and thirty-five pounds of bulter also went east from here.- ïecumseh Herald. ■-Graas Lake will soon rejoice in the possession of a new brick towii hall. It will be 36x80 on the ground, with 20 test in the clear in heiglit. U wül be fltted up for village offices, public asseiu!)Uiges, amusement, etc. -During a race at Bó(iè&er between horses owned by Dick Bennett and Mr. Cook, Bennett's sorrel pacer teil üeaa on the track at the close of the third heat, just as it was crqssing the Bcore. The cause was the bursting of a blood vesse1. - George W. Brooka of Bpringwells; near Detroit, charged with inveigling a respectare youiig lady from a northern county into a bogus marriage, has been 'oiltred in iail npon v capias issued at the inátance of his vietim,who sues fox datnages. -Frank Fayfleld, a switcliraan einployed at the Michigan Central yards, at Jackson, was run over Saturday uight, and was so badlyhurt that death ensued soon alter. Fayfield was formerly of BufEalo, Y-, ú was about 30 yeara old. -The TecuraSeli IleraW saya that John Britton of Bidgeway, Lènawee countv, who li is wu supervisor and held other offloes ui that town, was challengedat the polls onTuesduy on the grouad that he was notnatuvallzöd, and so it proved. - Some weeks since a body was recovered from the Fliiit River al Flint, and buried ander the Lmpresaion that it was that of a scissors grinder weH known ín the place. The scissora grtaderturned np day allveand well, and the questioii no' is, who vraB tlie dead man? -The worte of removin-g V.w dead from the old Bussell Btreet cwmetOT? i). .!.-■!( lo the hospital grounö ii Grosse Pointe, has neen discontinued, on account of the appropriation therefor being temporarily exhausted. Al together 1,400 bodies wereresttove l, and there are nearly 4,000 still remahiing in ■ the cemetery. -The National Bank of Michigan", looated at Marshall, havingsurrenderaï its charter, will do no more business this weck under the above titte. The heirs of 11. ■!. Pen-in fonnd it neeessary to -lose up the afEairs of the bank. for a speediersettlement of theestate. While living, H. .1. Perrln was the heavy man Of the institution. -The grading of tbe Detvoil and Butler road is completed from Detroit to Adrián. Everythingis inxeadinesB for the iron bètween those points except the oompletion of a bridgí oyei Eaisinriver. Bome twenty f our miles rail have been laid down. The questioj of èro:ssing the Lake Shore track a Adrián has not been pet.tVV -Someta ■ g .lu-t..eaisuppoimed Alvtad.N tuero are alxmt 1.0OO aspirant s fór tiie fuw appointtve offices at the (WiK-sut f thè iicw legislature, and öie,dailylncreasinglv The mails aro burdened.with letters lo thevariouü Sembers, setting forth the peculiar fltI. ii,o ü, SenatorsWp down to nwwcnifer


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