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-Senator Ch affee hns presentad Ms 100,000 in i - Lieutenant Evatis, oí' the nary.anct Aüss sliiuik, ;; granddatighter of Hem. rere Black, Were married in WasMng;:i week. li hop E, O. fIaV( n. tate chancdjpr of lic Syi acuse nniversity, is soon to%o to Texas, ahd aftertnaking a short staj n that statd he wil1 go to ('iili'-nnu, v.licvc he " : remai'i. - Miss Cumeron, the daugTitw of Senator Cameron, iio raarried a son of Associate Justice lïrafllej', ofth ,' United States supreme v iwit, is n verj liands ett v itli a eleax roay complexión and ftrie figure. - ])r. Mary VFalker tried to vote at Üswego, N.1!"., and tvarned the inBpectors, who retusèd ttj receive hst baHot, that ihê ïhonld prosecw. lier argument was: í ama fe-inal& cilicn, and thereforjB a malo citizen." Simnijfic'U J!f ubi'viiu: Eilwai'dAtkiiittoii, lliaii whoni 110 iiüin is ii.Dio ituíc lo expresa nn opinión, sayg liitu vreilonol ue.masyet to ajiprecmlc iho magnitude of 1 1 10 wealih to ko reajied Iroui cullün culture in tliis country; lic suys U1e present crou ol tuiimi will bu 2ü i er cent lurer tlrihi lliac ever rui' il liy üiuve, - inut is, it will i'.uTui e,UUV,U0U l)ali:s. il il bt ui Huil aun un l., it wil) produce S,ÜOO,UO0 lons ti 'collón BOt'ü) ii:.-!iie :( c(.L lorplttiitjriig, wlucli will j'iela yu,ouu,uuo gais. oi oii, l,3U0,0U0 luii, ui il i;ike,ami l,6U0,Uüü luns ol lmlis suitiiblü lor n.aLiiiy tn.pci'. Kacli ton ui uil vil ttienJ will KOep live sliecii six moiillis. Tliun ilie cotluu avvti civp will Mipiort ïuiiliuiis of slitep and ixiuin Lo ine kuid tnc leitili.'jr ini' tu gi'ow moro collón. He lurtlier stiys Uiui tlie pie-ent cotlon itei'euge ol the boiith covers less llian 'l perceut oi' the culiou-growilig uou in llie L' . 6. - .- . I Asingiilnr discovery was rccentljr mado iu a cewetery at Newlnirgh, N. Y. A nuuiber of Iveea weit) bciiig felled, and in the roots of pue, a large willow, imbedtled to tba depth of twclve or cihteen indios, twu foot . gtoiics fioni gi-avos woro ibmul, ibout which the tri had iii-nwii. rlwni the men engnged iu tlie work were cutting np ; i ie i ni nk to take it awar, aboutlifteen icliea iVom ihe itirfaoe, atapoini about three feet from tlie gronud, the saw gmtetl aga'msl aoniothing hard. ï'iey Uien split tiio Rtiinii), osiiig powder and is, uniil thoy reached the ciiriosity, which proved to be a inarble foot stone, in ihe hemt of the wiltow tree. The libre or grain of the tree had groWH around it, aiul cvideutly lad been lm powerful lor the stone, tbr it had been broken iu two pieciBs, and the to lcunel COH8Í Icrably out of its place, altliough cloaoly sun-ouuded by wood. A ffold watcli has lmcn plowert up on the battle-fleld nt Cliickaiii&iigiíaand witli sligln i-epaira will boa yootl time-kce agaúi.


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