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Gorard-Loscuyor (in Is ( lint wiimi tlie curtvnt froin a (lyii'iiMo-c.'lcctru', machino i-" snit, nip a urn motie ek:ofrio machine tht) la! Ier moves wüh in;t'C:isiii!i Speed, then it slackeng, etops, nnil turns in the opposile directoii,:iii1 oon. The polarity of the iniuctora is reverscd. J. A. l'nbst uublis'ics this continuons mt'thod of' preparing acetic cilier. He introduces i n ton rctortncoM mixture of 55 c. c, t' su 1 plmric ackl, and the same quaniity of alcohol. Wlien (lie mistura has nrrived at tlie femperature of 140 degreoa rent igrad, lic allowa to ilow slowly into the retort a mixture of e)iifil equivalents of alcohol and glacial acetii: acid. Al firsi a litlle sulphurii: ilistiN ocr, anl therc tlicn passes a liquid eontaining 86 per cent. of acetic ei lier. Au impiovcment on the B'inaon pliotometur lias heen devlxed by HenTu3)li-r, and :t is no longor necessary to use but one cye or that the observen take a certain deWmiued ooaition. The ordinary thin sheet oi' paper with tlie oil-spot is roplacod by two ilim sheets of parchment paper iilaced onn on each sido of A stom. sheet of paper pei'foratal by a hole about in inch in diameter. The sheets are slrotc.hod on a frame betweëu two sheets of clear glass. AVhen the 1 iylits are properly opposed, the hole in this arrangement disappears, just as the oil-spot does in the old device, but with inuch loss iuconvcnience to the observer. Au eXchilllgo publishes the following as a iiicins of silvering by cold rubbing : Make a paste by thoroughly grinding in a porcelahi mortar, away Iroiu tho light, water, 3 to 5 ounces ; chloridu of ai 1 ver, 7 ounces; potassinm oxalate, 10.5 oiiiicoh; conimou tablo Balt, 15 ounces, and sal anutioniac, 3.75 ouiiics. Oi", chloride of gitver, 3J ounces; cream of tartar, 7 ounces; coninion table salt, 10.5 ounces, and water enough to lorin a paste. Keep the paste in a covered vessel, away froin the light. Apply it witli a cork or brush to the cloan metallic (copper) surface, and allow it to dry. Wlicn rinsed in cold water the silver presents a flne frosted appearance, tho briglitucss of which may be incivasod by iminersion fora few seconds iu dilute-sulphuric acid, or in a soluiion of potassium cyaiiide. The silvering bears tlie ftction of the wire brush and of the burnishing tooi verf well, and it may also be ''oxidized." M. Lesserteur, saya the British Medical Journal, has just given publicity to a plant which lias a great roputation as a cure for rabies in the kingdom of Annain. Tliis pi uit, of which the name is boang'-Jiaii, is a kind oí liana, close ly akin to ihc falso angostura; its effectsaro similar to those of strychnine and biucine. M. Bouley, in tpeakiug of this neiv remedy in tho lleccuil de Medecine Veterinaire, regrets that no f acts corroborativo of its etlicaciousness are given, but is of opinión that the property recently shown to belong to rabbits, of easily contradi ng hydrophobia by inoculation, should be utihzed for making experiiiients thus so easily perforined. In reterence to this subject, M. Bouley related an anccdoto about garlic, a substance whicii has always had a great reputation among remedies against rabies, and is consiantly fouiid as a principal integral portion in a large numberof forniulai long kept secret. A yoiing man had been bitten by a maddog, and symptoius of rabies spcedily appeared. llis family, in a state of the gruatest alarm, soarcely khowing what todo with the sufferer shut h'nn up in a loft where some garlic had boen left to dry. In his deiirinm tho poor fellow seized the bundies of garito, ategroedily of thcin, and poiin became exliaustoit and feil into n deep sleep. Whun he awoko he wan curcd,aml the inptoiiis of rabies had disappcarcd.


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