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A bang-np ail'.iir - A railroad colli6ÍOII. Gcrniniiy nddod 1,102 miles tf rond to lts nihvny systém l( year, mi of thcpp tlic yovcriimeiit buili 79H milos. Il, is iiilemiril to cx)Ciul $300,000 iti lioli'l by next ■i-n onO'k luluuJ and Jone' BeiflSh. Loiig lsiand. Two Georgia farnicí-n grtrw fr'o luiíidied buslicls ot' Irísti pnnlos 011 oiic aero oi' land, and suld Üieiu l'or $4UÜ. Ín tlio Southern fttatos dio prli- of lnbor miifies fi-om $12.25 tot7.82jjcr íniiii: li. Tlic a ci-iigc ci)-t of puli-isl i ng a liiboiw in 1880 ia $7.17 a inonlli, agaiusí $7.14 in 187& Sinco tlie opening oí" Ihc Washington hciidquar era at Val ley Forgv, tlicy liave liccii visiied daily ly toiiríslsíiiHl now (lic register coutaius page aí'Lor pago ot' names. Pokor-playlng is ono of the recronlions of Aiiiévic'iinsoii t ho .-■.. ii stenmei-K. ai.d Un; tá'plains not Uil'iBqMently tnkea hand. tJOHiotUne thu play ia lbr very liirli stakes. T'nc graluitous distribu t ion of elaret on ihc stean ors oí one of tho lino= ceta $ WO a year. A cillzon of Ncwürlcans itod fine specimens ot libro Irom tno Líiiiana plunt. lie eêlinuue üiat an acre will yield 10,340 nuunds of libre, vortli $7.50 ; thia, addedto thc fniít, will make thccullivationoi' this plant very valnable. Tlie monument to lloliert T'uvns, whicli ia to be placed in Central Park, No w York, will represent lUirns standing npon tho trunkot a tal, en tice, lookiug uij in a contemplative attitude. Ue is mipposcil tubo compos ing the beautiíul ode, fcTo JSlary iu lluaven." l'rot; Bebert Peter présenle 1 to tho Keiitucky State HUtoricnl tíocicty a piaster cast of tlie skiill of Daniel liooi:o oud l lie original mold in whieh it was loi nied. The cast was obtailicd by l'rol. l'eler in lS-tö, when therenmins of Ijoone wero iuLerre.d iu llio Frankfort ccnietcry. Tliere nre íive nien to one woman in Leadville, Colorado AtíSilver Ciiif tlie ratio is poven Uiunc; at l'itkin si'venteeii o onc. Tlm oliternlita i ColoraiiO, suuli as Denver, Colorado Buriiig PuebloXieorgotown, BouliK'r, Central aml Golden, sIhmv u lair MV poitiou 01 wuutefh The fargcst boot nianufhcMoriei in Mil lord, Mu., are uinploying l.óuu liaiicU, a nú uro inuknijf about 1,800 cases of bools weekly-. fwu fíw -siioe maim facturera aru niaUíig about 5UÜ pnirs a week. Wiili üio exccpiion of two t'ftctorica, all ot Lho s''oc hihhiiíito ttiror linvo ull Uio Lmsinoa tuuy can attoml ttx ïlie inX raleón banking Capital in Hcw York is nca-ly duublu ihftt f BostOD. The capilal ot I lio associalcil banks of New York siiow aticulmo of S23,73ö,üüu in t lie last tour vears aud S23,lJ45,UUO smicc 187a,Whilo baukcapx ital in BoStwi lias iircieaRcnl aljoutl,600,000 duriug tlie saine tcriu. Ayoutli, j ist laiinnliingom in Liaitè, Uu ton wenltliy moruunni siid: "l'riiy tcll me, s r, whut yon protcsa lo cali tho 3ovvct oí siu-cess?" tlic nabob cyos wllh ileaurohono, as he repltoit in earneat tono: Thc secret simplo i.-, I tliink, YouM Imil iti 6ir, in pi intci 's ínk." The Nature reports a verv cariotM (eleplionic extíiiiniiit mude intjwilzrrlaud oa tlic occasion of tho fotlcral í'cio of singel. A tolepliono lia i been placed i n ü.a Zurich Fustliallo, aiul iwo coüduciois CfiiinjcliHl wilh ihe Bale telograpliio oíO e. wlicro a lari;e audience lina conjfvcgnial. Tho di-tance tVom Bale U) Zurich is about SO kilomeucs. The Bale au Ütneo enjoyed tlie singing about as uell ns if th'oy had been pTttCCtl in the upiicrc'ircleofan ordinary (ipi-ra hou e. At tho end of the pcrlonnanco tliey provod their tatisfactiou by clappiug hunda, which the tulcgraiihio w iros traiisniittcd with perfcut liUelity to the Zuricli perforinera. ' To posees.1? at oncn koen insiglit niil Imperativo syinpatlñes, ia lo be liablo to extreme mental íulVcrinfr. The ability to discern tilinga in ihcir actunl relations to pierce iho rind of t.lio convent ionnl and drftw nenr the lionrt of Nátnro, niay bo cnjnyed meroly as a fcieuiific pnsiiino; bilt whon thq 'siiong ïi'-coKsity of loving" s nnitc 1 to Biicli clenr pcrueptions, iho luiml and ilie hcart m ''xpci-cd lo pcvei-o mul inccssMiit conflict ; and to reconcilo iliom is iho grand problom of lile. 'Ju Whiiloy coimty, Ky., n yonnu! man s-ent. tor a niinisioi' lo moet hun in a oert-tiii pltice lor llic. puVposeof performing iv nini-rihgi' cc einoiiy. Tlio good man Tost bis w.-iy, and, nt'ier ÉnBideralile délay, tlio lovers con In e i to Bearch for" Imn. All tlio p-in ien met in the hisfhway, nnd, witlmiu dimountiug, tiic ybuug líeoslo wcio inarried on the spot. Mr. E. A. Cowpcr, prest 'ent of Iho Instituto of Meclianical Enrfhoera, in lus ;ul iress beforo the muiubcrs of t o society at a incetinjí at U-irroiv, in FurnoRS, wlule acknowl' dgiug tho 8UCCO8S of the cffortü to in-omoto tochnictil eduention in Englnu ', lainoiiied the lii.k of i)teritrie on tlio part of capitalista nnd niftnufiMsiurers in tlio iiunulMclicin nf iiow arts nnd liew industrial proecs-es, i lms jieriiilttinz lens fnvorid conntrio t niakc rapid íidvances ovor (íivnt Britain, nnd even to competo snccossfuily wiJi her in lier o wii niiirkciB, We niav cxpi'ct to flnd Bcllin In Ihis country Krent qusuitities ot tnu Furüi (UivariH) toys, 'end sojniers, clnstic bnlls, etc, puintcd ia brillant luit J)OÍSO11OU8 color, as t lio_ galo of these toys i.s uow firiuly prohi 'iied iu Francs 'and very lutcly In (icnuauy. Tlio .stock on haild Iii Furth and o. hor places on the eontincut of ElU'Oi'O must bn worked otfsomuliow, nd the American nmrkot wil i be looked lo with euergy. But it will bc wcll for iiai-euts to be on iheir guard, and to cnrefully exnmine tlic playthings they purchase for their childivn. rcnnsylvania has expended titas f:ir nearly$1500 in jnipirowiiii; pleuroïinouinonia. of whicili Biim Ï2,8tiö wero uaid for killing 150 animáis uïected witli the ilisease. Over 6,000 cxmninatioui weie mude, and tha s]oci:il agent is said to liave trnvclod eariy 11,000 miles in the performance of bis CflUing. Mary huid h:i? been euusideroil the principal sourco OÏ intoction, but as the State bas now in operaiion a law for tbc of ilie disi-nso similar to IIki t in torce in l'ennylvai'iia, it is bilieved that ita Rpread in that State will uo clloolually iH-cvcntud. Snys the Porisian : It wou ld be well for Ámeric na who think of coming to l'ari-i tobe niarrie l to ïemeiuhcLth it it is one of the most dilHcnlt. tjüugii iiiiaginablü to bc wodded in 'TTffJ Fnuicc. N i forclguer can bu iniu-i-.i1 1 III lilis O lililí' hv. il hcre at íu-ist tlii'i ü iiioiitlis, uní soinelimes cijlii or ten ni n. .!■ irti'il- censar). Be-Meta, "bol i iitei-tiún infliö cen;nii)iiy musí, pmdni-u iliur liin.i ce rl'Uiiuü'S. nuil how niniy Ainci-nín ai-c i)i'Cii:u-C;l tiulu ilint uii-hiual.' x),.: bot possiblC ulvicu lo Aimü c 'Uj.y i '■lL'you musí nwrvy, (Jou'l cqníe it lí' to liiivc tlie knol lin!." Tlic ïirtii pl.K-; ;i:ul li-nnc ;c ul of tli3 ren iwniiil llu chiiis .11 fainltv, in M!in lu'.-tl, N. 11-., wliich ttiMiiy yirs na.-) Loen 111 i i.ilapula.el cuiiuUtioo is i)-U)r pul in ilioiuuyii i(jÉ.air. Tin; house, whiuli Un l:ir ü, .iimic, uii.fnsliiuned uiic.sUind n; un an euimcip) 6bi ut iwu unie Hv ... Milloixl villar, is lo lüiiiain infcieixvith i he 6x(ií[lf%n t'sotne altói-alioiií ana imrovoii cu: 1 insiiU', aii'l a wat ni' pu.iió üü !i oilisi e mul Ul. The il ce buia ■■- 1 1 iw:u])ieil lor inany ye.irs by iuiuiu Ora)', wbo íiuivried lt loiia, ul" iho Uiticliiuson lamüy. TUe iliaco no .- belongs to Mis. Abby [Ii..cliTtisyu l'tii lo'n, wbi), witll her liurt!.:u.,l, Ludlow l'atiou, t'ornu-rly ot' N w York nro beautiiyiim Uie birlDplace and liuine o f her cliilclliood.


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