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Schufeldt's Narrow Escape

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Two years ago John scnureiat or North Adams was placed on trial for the murder of his wife. Sctínfelrtt was not an estimable person. lie liad a hankerïTïir for whisky which lifl was pnly too rcady to gvatify and wnon in liquor ïie was very apt to do things whídi Rave film a reputntion as a brnte. It CBine to pass tliat tra. Schufeldt tlirned'np missiiiR otw. fine d;iy and tlie ntíffíibors, knowinp of fiimily qnarralB Mid all thataort of thing, madenptheir winrfs tliat Pchufeldt bad thrown liis vife in a neiRhboriiiR lakñ. The result ■was a trial for murder. ïhe evidence wat whollycirciimstantiat.lmt eontrary to the mie. which is that oirrumstantial rather than direct evidence is most inclusive with judtres In mnrder trials, Jtcbufeldt was acquitt ïhe jnstice of this verdict is now made to appear, for a detectivewho has buaied himself on the case has discovered that what the accused assert'ed on tlie trial and vrhat nobody believed, was true, and that his wife wearying of him and growing fond of some one else had eloped. The escape was a narrow ono for Schnfeldt and he is probably aow fnlly convinced of the necessity of keeping a pood cbaracter at liis back. realizing that there is not another citizen of NortH Adams who, on asserting that hiswife had gone with a bsndsomer man would not be believed implicity. In the Chicago Times of Monday ir a long letter from Lansing concerning the senatorship. Mr. Baldwin is presented m pleasant gentleman of wealth, prominent and successful business mnn, but of mediocre ability. Mr. Bagley a man of the people, big-heartnd, big-bodied, generous. but without the machine behind Baldwin. Mr. Conger a stalwart, naturally Indolent except in debate and a parliamentáry row, ahvays securing a fair share of rirer and harbor " swag" from the federal treasury. James P. Joy. who ■tands head and shoulders In ability and scholarly fitness above any other named, but who will not descend to the practiced arts of the politician to secure the prize. The letter closes: " The machine is for Baldwin. the people are for Bagley, the Seventh congressional district is for Conger, and a few thoughtfnl men, here and there, who care more for the honor of the state than for any Individual, are for James F. Joy." Western railroad men stand ágape over the discovery tliat all of the lines which entraged in the "ruinous" competition for passngers report increased earnings for the time when the cnt rates were in forcé. The roads which did the heaviest business for fares which tliey considered below oost show thegreatest Kains. The Chicago & Alton alone during one week increased its passenger earnings $6.500. The solution of this is simple. The regular fares have been almost prohibitory oí' any but absolutely necessary travel. The cnt rates havp stimulated travel and obtained passengers who at the old rato would have remained at home, at compensation which with the greatness of the business proved remimerative. If the managers f the roads need the lesson, and since tley are acute Imsiness men doubtless Miey will, low rates will prevail hereafter in the west. The faet was developed in Chicago last week, that large qnantities of material sold ns butter is really made of lard by a process known only to a few. One establishment has been doing a prosperous business for more than ;i year and has a trade iso extensivo that shipments are made to England. There is no effort at concealment. The man.nfacturer claims that a pound is no more injurious than pork. A large number of restaurants and liotels are iising it. It is reported that other munufactories will he opened shortly. The d'eath of Gov. Williams removes from Indiana one of lier most prominent citizens, whose decease is to be eredited to infiammation of the bladder with whinh he has been afflicted about fifteen years. Ilis public career has been lengthy, beginning in 1839, serving in both branches of the legislatura, on the state board of agricultura, representativo in Congress, and governor beating Gen. Harrison in 1876 by 5,000 votes. Lieut-Gov. Gray will become acting governor until January. The telegraph says, and thetelegraph has a right to be believed until itisproven a liar, that at Scottsville, Va.,there occurred last week a general tight between the blacka on one side and the ■whites on the other, one black being killed. This is startling, but it vvould have been wise in the telegraph to have told us what the row was about, whether it was over politics or a chicken-rooet. The country will not feel perfectly serene until this point is settled. Mrs. Eliza Bergman, a newly-mamed, young and handsome woman of I'hiliidelphia,ran away from theQuakeii'ity, lind went to Jiew York to meet a 8paniard with wbom slie became infatuated on an ocean-bounrt trip. Detaincd at pólice headquarters by her consent fearing she may be placed iuan asylnm, lnvestigations into her lanity have been made but without result. It is a very queer case of infatuation. Vesuvius is spitting fortta lire,smoke, lava and all tliat the geographers say (foes to make a volcano with a vim which indicates tl i at in its oM age it h;is not lost all its ancient viiïlity. Volcanoes are very pretty to look at and with the mercury down to zero to think about, if it were not that ttaey are unpleasantly suggestive of the thinnenof the cool crust on the ball of fire on ■which we live. The recent troat y wíth China, it lias toeen ascertained, is a modlflcation of tiiat made by Minister Burllngame, and its scope is mainly to restrict furttier ïmmipration to this country- an object equally tlesirerl by botb povernments. It is believed at Washington that the new-treaty will satisfy all hut the most extreme of the anti-Chinese clement on the Pacific coast. 5ïm)1 Blaiï-at Camden, 8, ('.. is havinf nn unnsually haid timo of it gettftig har jrr: I. Six times on the eve of eaeeution he, has been respited. What's the matter with Canada'? 17,KtT persoaa migrated to the atates in öctober.


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