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- ITnyes wil! leave the White [Iouap, March 4, witli $100,000 of Mr. Tilden's sahirv. - The miti-Masnnic ticket, in Rhode [si and polled exactly four votes, and as were four electora, the mierende s that tli-' electora voted for themselves. - Rumor snys thatGerwralGrañt lias taken up his residonce tn New York city, in order to beeome a candi da te for PenntfH1 Kernan's seat in the United States Sonate. - Aloxaiulcr !!". 8tephen8,of Geortff, has been re-ëlected to Congres by 11,341 votps nramst sixteen scatterin. The piv'sidcntial vote in liis dfstrici was KUH6 for Hancock, and 4,800 for Carücli!. - What frentloman would want to have it said to hint: "Iseethat yon and Jndge Dittenhopfer are oontributors to the presiilcntiai fundf" He would bqa pions man wlio.nndursuchprovocation, pavo vent to no profano exprosaions.- N. V. Bun. - Siiid a morchant the otlior dny: "What has boconie of tlio business boom that was pronüsed if Sarfleld '.vas elected?" We refer him to some of our republican stximp orators. They have plenty of leisure to inform all about it. - Al'iany Argua. - Xew Vork correspondence of the Troy Telegram representsthat aeonfereno on the senatorship lias been held by Siessrs. Conkling, Cornell, Artlmr, Stonghton. l'latt, Morton and otliers, nnd the upshat is that L. P. Morton is to be the man on whom these povvers will imite. -The demoerats can malee little of Jpweü's foolish and immoral lett r, simply because tlie republican lias spoken of that letter except to condenan it. Republican partiaansbip can not be stretched to cover sncb offensea against goodaense. The letter has politically damned both Jewell and Dittenhoefer, and nobody bewails their fate.- Bufltalo Courier. -Marshall Jewell was not rcsponsible for the republican victory. On the contrary, he had to 1)8 watched constantly tobe kept from throwing the fat into the fire. Still, tae was a very pictuvesqiie figurehead, and he wil] liave to be provided for. Ile is likely to be sent to some very foreign mission - so far away that he can't get back to endanger the nextrepnblican candidato ia tlie next presidential campaign.- Gatb. - A change of less than one-hundredtb of the vote of Jiew York- one State in the thirty-eight- would have cbanged the rësult of the election. Whatisthere in this State of faets to discourage earnest, patriotic democrats? The democracy were beaten (by only a f raction of a second. It is their duty to correct the mistakee of the past, and, like Paul at the Three Taverns, to "thank God and take courage." - Cincinnati Enquirer.


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