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Sai int. Nov. :'. -Mr. Buel Mills is luid on the slielf liy a n] n ínerl ancle. -Wra. B. Gildart, Eíq., has huii! a oew harn for his trotter. - 'Xíi((' Bordlne Ib bnying I í s ■ poult ry for the ea stern markets. - Cliarlie Kicg lias retumpd to his oíd place wittl Kclíaron and isslv. -Mr. .1. II. lid rM.. s bnitifitift D large pew Jce-house. That meána creaifl- sure. - Mr. A. (;. Lawrence lias tnoved to iiis brickand tile yard, three miles soutli Of tnwii. - Hev. !" i-. Robinson is(uiic tintfeli. liéis pntting quite aged to stand Ibis kind of air. - Dr. I)wisrh1 l'enlan (vas liore Detroil mi Uie lülli and ! Itli. nn a vtsil to Lis pareñta Mr. and Mis. U'. II. Eerdan. - Bank np yoiir Imiis". Jorfe yonf reliar rloor Rtíd lal-e ín ví.nr c'nt' es from the un" hefore -eme other fellow takea them In Por ron. - Dieil 011 Sim.lav Xov. 1 !. Mr. OtV of hear Moore Hle. A cáncer killed liim. Ilis remalnn were takSii fco Oakland eounty. for Interment. -Miss Ona On has been, nnd is still very sick with InflatHmation of tlio huiffs. but is m.w rpportpd pettlng letter. Df. Xicimis tl:inl-s thftre is i chance föf ter yet, but it looked very (lurk ;i weel; agO. - Mra. .lulia A. K:u:oii;;c of Chicago, spoko on tetnpprantífl at tfié I'nion school chape] on Sunday oveninj? to a large and nppreciatlve áudience wtiö Scere very much pleaaed. It was more of a sermón fhan íecturehui was very appropriate as to time and p!ai-c. - Ou the 1 7 tl i tliere was a business meeting of the Saline reform dub Jtnd fchere were Just rtx members present. Have six men j.rr t fo do the work of five ör bíx hundred? For shamn; you old nien, yon ynnnji iiipti, yon who profesa tobegood temperan ce men and boys. We would not gjve three skips forstich pretetisiona if notlived Up to ;i little better. We mean Whal Wé sáy, and il is just the samewitb thecomtnoh cooneil. Can't get enoiifth out to cotinci) meeting fara corporals guard.and that only requires thecorpora] and the other feHow.


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