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RAlLROADS. Ml IIKJAN rKNTKM, KVIUIOAI. .111, 6. IÍ80. I ItOIXe WKfcT. I & . 3$ II si I A. M.Ü.M V.M.V. , F.M... I Jrtroit.leuve, I J mi, 9 :.V -r M 4 06 1" ü 50 fpÜuntt, 8 10 k8 7 OS 0 Qg 18 11 02 ( tSifArtoï, s W 11 00 7 S H '■' 11 " ■ 'h.i, 9 s " S " 1" 1" ■ 1 fir, llke, : 9 90 1 8 M . 6 1Í.10 30 , [:,ckwn, 110 '20119 18 9 00 1 R BI 11 00 U I Vlbinn, H "4 1 M ó 7 " n 4Ü ' "' Mui8hi.ll, 1190 18t)3 8H12"3 ' :i7 i linttle Ow k , 1'é W 1N S 41 íj M i 00 Dülesburg, IÍ 31 1 9 15 , A.M. KulMmaoo, 1 13! 2 3fi' I 9 S4 1 15 2 42 Lnwton, 1 W M ! f, HoMiHlittO, ! 6 1' I ' ! TI Xil, 8 0S 4 IH fi UT I ! 47 4 H üucfcinnq, 3 1! 1 7 ai 3 -o - - Tte Ui. 4, ] ' -3 ?5ew Bufïnlo. 4 Ml 4 SB 7 ' f}-- HicWfun City, 4 30'; ïo' 8 M 4 : 2 ■; W Uihe i IS 6 0 H ! 4 M r' IR l.iwWton. fi 00; 6 80 9 I "' 'O, 7 10 GOINO EAHT. _?__ _P_ j?L á_ 1__5_ A.M. :A. M. V. M. P.M. P. M ühtcmro.lenïe, 7 00 0 00 4 00: 5 15 9 1 IGwihu n 7 Mi 9 0 4 501 6 03 10 00 MichiVnn City, 9 J0 11 U 6 g 1 40 11 30 New Buflulo, 9 4Sll 32 6 68 11 62 Throe Ouke, 10 03j 7 18 - - '.ds a =ia riwlVm 1157 II 22 A.M. 10 K, 12 35 1 38 10 00 j 60 10J6 2 26 SSSSbk. SlTj 7nio_3_i8 HBrBhll, J 26 3 00 U__ 8 8]U 3 4C ilMon 2 52 3 J1!a.m. 8 U H 58 4 12 tr?HL, ke 1 lOi 7 :)8 9 50 ñ 25 ëln S "2 10 "7 r 50 r(,i, 6 10 8 "5 Aun Árbor, 6 n 5 07 8 40 10 88 2 05 6 28 Vnti ÏSH; Imim 2 20 Hj V?.vne I mo M 5 4S 9 10 11 08 2 44 7 05 Í Juni 6 lfii 9 ; M 3 2" 7 4ñ Soit,Ar:, I e .joio oo il nol " -! o ♦Siinialalxoepted. jSaturflay und Bundny exipted. tbttily. II H LF.DYARD,Oen'lMiin;iirrr. Iptiott. H C. Wemtwobth.G.P. & T. Aitt..Chio;igo. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Takini? effect Suuday June 27, 18&0. aonro hobih. goiho gooTB. iTTyülüdf, 3uli,MU.ii. 1 ' STATIONS. I , „ ' „ p v ', iA.M.P. M PM. ;Síl TOI.KDO S 0 7 60 7 88! 12 08 6 18 NorthToleflo 9 27: 3 00 7 4, 8 10 12 22 6 20 Detroit Junctlon i 9 IS 2 47 7 SS 8 1! 12 3 6 80 Hawthorn üïX l ü n IS 48 6 40, Bamaria 9 ni. 2 20 .18 S40 110 li'ó Lulu SM 1 68 7 5 S4 119 00 Monroe.Tunctlon 8 1 '1 0 8 5i 1 M 7 10 Kundot ; 8 M 1 M 60 qui 1 't 7"Azalla 8 25 1 16 6 W 9 18 lh 7 341 Mllun 8 12 12 50 6 27 o 5 IJ 7 42 Nora 8 0B.I2 38 H 28 9Í3 JM 7 47 Urania 800 IS S 6 21 0 43 3i7 7 68! FittsUeld June. 7 50,12 Ofi (i Of 9MJ8 8101 AKNABBOB 7 88!ll4elBW All treiDS run by Columbas time- 7 minutes faster than Am, ej.SBprllltena.nt. Detëöït7 hillsuale and 8OUTHWE8TERN KA1LROAD. Totukeefieot April 4, 1880. OOIHG WKBT. QOINGJ5ART. !Ö.Min 'SpTi 1 Btpj Mail Miy 1 BTATIOKS. ■ m M P M I A.M. 1'. K. P. M. 7B SS 5 43 Ypsilanti 110 40,5 15 8 10 8 00 8 44 BOS PittsBeld June. ;10 22 4 5 7 3H 8 30 8.11 6 18 Hiiline 1 10 4 48 ,12 9 00 9 1 6 30 Bridgewotor 9 93 4 .W l 0 90! 8 85 i 6 18 Manchester 9 31 4 1u;550 100 1120 8 22 Hillsdale 7 58 2 45 1 60 il u. 11 80, 8 30 Bunkers 7 80; _2_V _2_15 "TriürnTruñ by Ohlcago time- 20 minutes slowei lmnColumbus time. W. F. PARKEB.Supt., Ypeilunti. PANADA SOUTHEHÑ Al WA V. L' Tlic Only Amerk-an Koute Through ( nn.idn TralM Huvc ÍI.C. a. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, M fullows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagncr car to B'Faátbay Exproso, daily, 12 noon, Wagnor car lo New York and Bostón. Limited Expresa, lally excaptSundny, Í.ISp. m. Wiutuerear to Butfnlo aud Iloolieíter. LLhtniíig Expres, rinlly; 1135 i. .m. Vi agner rarto Búllalo and Huchcstcr. Toledo trutna leave I 80 a. ni.exocpt bunday ; 3 00 ,.. ni. daily ; 7 15 p. m. exoept Sunday, For i nformatlon and ticket npply toir.W Baje, agcut M.C. B. R-, Ann Arbor. Jl 0 KOACH, Western P8B.A.gont,IVtroW. FHANK K.SNOW, Geu. l'ass.aod Ticket Agí. Búllalo, N. Y. O HEAT WKSTHKN KA1I.WAYil Dopolblootof Third aud iisueh ítreet. Detroit timo. Detroit timo. Jenve. Arive. Expíe. W.oOa.m. Un.iKI ip. .„. nTKxpnu, 'o.SSa.m. 6.5üp.m. New York and Boston Bxprow, -7.00 p.m. tí.lí a.m. Detroit Kxprw. mibally. .Dailyexeei,tSund..y tKxcept Jton.ioy. Forinformutioii and ticket iply to U. W. EayeB, Agont M. O. lt. K., Aun Arbor. W.1I.KIHTH, WM.E11OAR, Westurn Pnn'rAl't. Qenfiol l'af.'i Aaent INSURANCE COXPANT. Capital. - - $3,000,000. As8ots Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Losaes Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inoludiig Ee-Insuranoe BeBerve. $4,735,092.36. Nut Surplus over L,iabilities,includin Ee-Insurance and Capital Stook, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, AnnArbor. rET YOÜH PROPEETÏ INJT SURED BY C. H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR. - MICH' The oldest agenoy In the city. Establiühei 1 nuarter of a oeritury ano. HopreBüuting the [oDowiBg DrütolsBi somnaotM Homo 1 nsu ranee Co. of H. Y., Aueti over J8,000,00( Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Awels over Si.ono.üül triafua frt In. Co., N. Y., A.ot ?i.4ia.40i Olrar.1 oí Pa., Aets ov.r il,0l)O,0U of Hurtford. Ai8ti7Uli,00( Commercial Union of London, Aweti Í3,UOO,00( - Haten low. Loases Uberally afljvistcil anc promptlïpaid. C.H. MILLKS. ÉggsfEggslÊggs! THE PIYOTOIJTH KOCKS, oneof the hestbn(5of jiuuHry.ln on ll bj WH. BÜ8H Sujorior, I'. O. luldros Aun Albor .Price $1 pwdoMii, or Í3 fot two áOUB. TW I tho Curbin, HcwiDgton.Coun., breed, mong tho best ior uggB and table. liR.mTBIIhMon ïule prlcc 7f.cents, the book of 11"! puKoKun PlTmOotB RncliB, containinï full dlreol..nsformlinK,Iirpeding, care nd m.magcmen of thi vntítífj ot fowle. It nn lmirnUe matrnramaleurí. No oncean aflbrd to be without ï. rhe kurmul U, In ra.lity, a hotel, ux-H ;epl, ou gol no lotgiltg. lt IkiI ftand saloons, wllicll IHOSt ot' tllü ho-H sis iro,er lmu "ot h-iv, and yoifl nay have tab'.o d'uufas, ur urder byB !illl as yon ploasu. Tuero is evory-B lllillgtU llo.l-U;U LllOC!MÍllO#,ttlHl lllü'M tro truo lo all. Al lluiubuig, tlio oili-H ;r lUinous Genn.iii wviciMig-placcB Liii'i-o ís i superó katmaU It wtw foi-H luoi'ly a iimgnili:ciil gtiinbliiig 1iuiis-,H wlucii ncc uní ror iw Hilcmlor. cM UttVU 111 Alil Cicil 1H) S.ICll ii.ilml M-l luuns al uur Wtl.cring-lJliiooH as aruB iluso oiiceceiobialoil guaibluiá rooun.B NoW Hi1)' U1"U üsed tor, c.iiicci-ls,B ucc. Tlio.-o gay kurmius aro u Ani, r-1 iom oves uaiígu, bia wur Öir.i tuga I liutol-s wouU buu womlor ais., lioiv.- I JJuLü ai Wiwbniiuii ""I llaiti.iurjji Uioi-oai-o villas of vory bwiuiiiin oio- nur. Tliey are Bi.ttoJoU.s, havo yreit)'! uioiimls, an.i !l Wiiwuiuiuiíttiuli 1iluc Lis iis iiaii.o iu Itimo gilt letiora uul ll.c oulcr VViiH, as '-Villu Anua," "V il-l Iu (retalien," "Villa Val panusu,' ü.C.I Loilgiiys aro U) bo lutU "i "t "t tlionc vTllas, aiul incals are lakmi oiil,l Tlio pai'saro. nul-asai-li-l as ours, umi you niay loso youi- sll' in genuino wíld woods, and pioUI wíld Üwwoi-s, f you cliuo--c. i liavol Mjcn uolhing RiiprwMsliing a Nowvprtl luw u uiiywiicrr. Tno cost ot livuy ai i. ese resurtí la iov :ui Aiuoncau, wl.ol.vcs as WL'll as II t Uoliu', ttbout i he samo as in our own country.- Xlioro is very much moro ot a hohday I air tlian al our íesOlU, and ladios sit a.l tl.c day ihrollgu ouL ot UooM wiili ncod.o-work, caling ices, etc., at iiilerv.ils. . Tue hot spriiígs vrnter at Wcisbaden is indócil a curiosily ; lt boils anU bubblosalways, and tlio uiiwt bo diawn lbr tlio baths tüo ilay boiuro it is wanted, Uiat it way bo col


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus