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Successful Poultry

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In raUingpoultry orstoclt, ïtsiiouiu Lic tlic uiiii of ovcryoue iu koop ïtB lioaltliy aud improvo It "iou raniloB it vcry aisily by adopting bohío syste-H mallo rules. Tlioso muy bc suinnieaB tin in briof as l'ollows: ■ 1. Construct your hoase good andB warm, su as lo avoid dump floors, andB atforda Üood of sunlight. öunshiuuB U beltcr tluiu medicine. 2. Próvido a dusting and scralchingB piuco whoi-o you ca uury wrUeat aiid ■ coni and tluis induce the towls tol tako iieodful oxorcise. I 3. Trovido yonnelf with somegood ■ hoalthy chLckens, none to bc ovuri thrce yemm old, giviug ono I cook to every twelvc hens. I 4 üivc plonly of flrean at all ■ tin'csof theycar, cspocially iu I "'''Oivc plenty of fresh water daily, I and' nuver alloW Üo fowls to gol tli.rsty. . „ Ü Foed thcin systeniatically,tvo or I thrue times a day, and scaltcr tbc lood I 80 Uioy ciin't ftit too fastor without I proper exercie. Do not leed inoro I than tliey wiil uat up clean, or the y I will got lircil of Kind ot leed. 7. Une th.:iu ;i varieiy botli of dry I uud'cooked t'ood ; a mixturo of cooked and vegetables is au excellent Ihing lor their moriiing meal. 8. Give sol't lee 1 in tUe inonung, and the wbole grain at niglit,excepi:i little wheat or umcktd coni placed ia the sera tching pRww to give ibc.n duriiu llw day. 'J. A.tovo all tilinga Koop im uuu ■ hotiso clean and vvuU vin Uifted. 10. Uo not cro wü loo iiiany In onc I hou. Il' yU du, look out tbr I ' 1 1'. U c carlwHe nowdcr in the I lii.ri",iiw ocoiM-wiwlly to desuvy hee. I 2. Wasli )iir roos Ls fthd boiloinol I laviit" i,cs,.s 'Uli wii.lcwasli unuu_ul wclai;i buiiiiucr, mul once .t mouiü in I win ic r. Kt. Lel Uw o'.d and yoimg have m I lu-o i niu0 iw yonsibitó- Uw lar-crl i hu butler. I 14 D.u'i. bicel too mauy knuls ol I [„,ïh ;vl ilio biw t.inu, uuloau you I aru .■■o'iii iutü ilw busiucsj. luruo orl tour wiHgivoyouruïuwLi lull. 15 lnu-o.luoo iitsw ulood mto your s.ook cvery yoar or so, ly eiilwr buyhig n coc-crel or sltiiiiga ol egga i rom somio loliabic bi-eodur. 10. in buying biids oreggs, goto goniu reliiiulu wlio lus i-epulaüouat stoko. You may havo to lüiv i liulc inoro lor bn-ds, but you uuf-leiK!Uvl oawiiatyou gut. Culis u-c nou oliuap ut uny pnce. 17 Save üio best birJa next yoju-'s brcudiim', ftiul soiul the otucwj io iuarkut. l uUippiu "uy poulu-y Lu uiai-kot sciidil dresscl.


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