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BTJSINESS DIRECTORY. goode store. Allworï promptly and satisfactorily xecuted rk ■ T1TLOB, ATTOHNRY AT UW U. Chelsea. Mich. IJ mv1 Surm. Office nndreaience. ) Unron iieonAnn Arbnr. Office hours f rom 8to9A.K. nd from 1 to 3 p. m. , igteredifáesirecl. " "katie j. hogers, Portrait Painte. Portrnits pntntprl In Oil from lifr ..T 11 plintoStudio? No. 7 North División, corner of Ann at. CRAMJ3K & COBIilN', Attorncys at Law All hnïin. nromptly attended to. Office No. Eit Washington street, Rinseyand Seabolt s. block "ÜKÑRY E. HILL, Attorney a-t Law, Dealei In Real Kstate and Insurance A cent. OSce.No. 3 Opera HueBl. ASN ARBOH. ËvREDËÏiTcK KKACSE, ATJGTIO3STBBB. ■WilHttend to all sales, on short notice, treamn■ble olwiTies. For furthcr particularB cali at the Anoüfl Offtck. CUROPEAN HOTEL, Ypsilanti, Mlch. New House, FiTt-01ss Tnlile, Clean Beds, Low Prices. AV. TL. Lewis, Proprletor J. H. NICKELS, FRESH m SALT MEATS, Hams, Sausac"', Lnrd, etc, HTATFKTRFFT oxPOITF. VOUTH YF,ST COR' OrairsDfiMiptly lHea. Farmers hávlng inents toseil glve him n cali. eVe e. y b o dy says t h a t S. B. REVENAUGH Boss PhotograpKer of Ann Arbor. THE ANN AIIBOR SAVIÏÏGS BANK A"NTi ABBOK, MICHIGAN. in - - - O.OOO.OO Capita .ecarlty - - - ÏOO.OOO.OO íttfRrt neneral BanMng Hnsinesa; hny and wUiExchaTHreson Sew Vork.Detroit and Chicago MllsSlzM Drafts on 11 the prinrip! cities of Eu rp;l,eniwM''TlcVetBt LlTerrol, Lonsn nfl Gl.sirow, tU the Anchor Line of Bteamwhlps, whose rites are lowcr than most other first jlasslines. TliWBank.Klroarlyhavinpalariiebnsinefs.iTi-He merrtranis and othcrsto open account with them withtheassurancpof mostliberal dealing consisont with safe banking. Tn theSarlnKR Bapart-r.pnt interest is paM seminnuallv,on the first nay of .Tanuary and Jnly.on all ■urna tliat were depiwited th-ee montb prevlona lo those days, thus alïnrdinff the people of thB city mdconnty a prfrctly safe depository for theii íunds, together wlth a fair return In interst for the ame. Money to Lnan on Approvert Securities. Dl.HCT0M-0hf1.tIan Mack, W. W. Wlnei,W D Ttarriman. Daniel Hlcoclt, R. A. Beul, Wm Deubel, and Willard B. Rmith. OFFICERS : CHA8. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. S9 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANÍÍ ARBOR has 011 hana a wellselected stock of PUBE DKTTGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PEUFUMER Coilít LrtWe.8honHerBTo, Trssfs,ftc.,which m o(fenfor8aletprleeito'iitthe times. ver PhvnMans' Pieseriptioris earefull; prepared t nll honr. EBERT5ACH & SOi, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Have nn hand a large and well selectea stock of DKTJGS, MEDICIP.S, CHEMIOALS, DTE STUTTS, A.rtists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. Snecial atti-ntinn rai'l to the fnrnisliine "f Thy Mr-ians rtvvnisU. chooli.ntc, wtlli Phllownhloa n.irtnmii"il Anna'Rtu-". R"hminii rhomicalHlass nrf Pnrwlain Ware, Pure Renwm. f'n. PhT!"íns'nrescriiitir'iis -arern"v preparoil at all hoMrs. Abstracts of Titles. A11tHí who are -lesironsof soertairinpthe ■jon'lUion nf thfl title to t.hoii Utidn. or nartiee Ifish to loan moTipy onrenl ntatp wil] do wellto jftll fit ".he H'j'ntFTV offifiPMid innsnH ft Compared Set of Abstract Boots. 14d ioVs are o far afivanced that the Register o (urmsti on slinrt notice a Porfoct Statement as to the Title of ny parool of land in Washtenaw oounty a .hown hj the oiginal g-'-j, Eegi.Ut.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus