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Two Summers

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Summer at the Shore and Summer in the Store.

It is sometimes remarked that the requirements of society entail as much hard work upon a woman as she would perform in office or in store. That may be true. The woman who dances the night through may travel more miles than are walked by the woman behind the counter. Her social obligations may be as exacting as business duties. But if the society woman dances all night, she can sleep all day. If her calls must be duly paid, she has her carriage in which to drive. She is not at the mercy of an alarm clock in the morning, or of store routine during the day. And, above all, after the round of winter gayeties, there's the sea shore for the summer, with its freedom and its health giving ocean breezes. The chances of health are all in favor of the girl that goes to the shore and all against the girl that stays in the store.

is unendurable, says society with its luxurious surroundings. What must summer in a city store be ? At the best it is trying to nerves and temper. The long, languid days, the oppressive atmosphere, the monotonous round of duties are all trying. And when to this is added womanly weakness, the condition is well-nigh unbearable. And yet it must be borne for money must be earned if life is to be sustained.

Every working woman owes it to herself to bring her physical health to the highest Standard of excellence- not only because it increases her happiness, but also because it increases her earning capacity. It is a cruel fact that the floor walker has, as a rule, no sympathy with the backache and weakness which impel a woman to seek an occasional moment's rest for her aching back, if only by leaning rigidly agaiast the shelves behind her.

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. Hundreds of thousands of women have testified to this fact. "I write a few lines to thank you for your advice and grand remedies, to which I owe my health, and perhaps my life," says Miss Flora I, Greer, of 107 Howe Street, Akron, Ohio. My troubles started during my childhood but did not prove serious until 1893, when I met with an accident caused by a horse running away. From that time I did not see a well day. I suffered at every monthly period with terrible headache, irritation of the spine and pains in my heels so I could not bear them resting on the softest pillow. What I suffered pen could never describe. I had soreness through my hips and ovaries all the time and constant backache. Was afraid to be alone, imagined that everyone hated me, and everything looked like a mountaln. One doctor would tell me one thing ailed me, another would say something altogether different, but they only relieved me. I then wrote to you in April, 1899, through the advice of a neighbor, and followed your advice from April to July.

I took five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and four of 'Golden Medical Discovery' and five vials of 'Pellets.' Have not had a single symptom of my old trouble so far. Can sleep good nights, work hard, and can eat solid and substantial food without distress. There are several of my friends taking your medicines with the best results since they have seen how they helped me."

when you are well and strong ; you then go to work with the joy of doing. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will make you strong and well if your ailments are within the compass of medicine to cure. It establishes regularity, dries the drains that weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It cures headache, backache, dizziness and other consequences of womanly ills. It promotes the appetite, soothes the nerves and induces refreshing sleep.

"I feel it a duty to inform you that I had been a sufferer for many years from nervousness with all it symptoms and complications," writes Mrs. O. N. Fisher, of 1861 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. "I was constantly going to see a physician or purchasing medicine for this or that complaint as my troubles became unbearable. In the spring; of 1897 my husband induced me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After taking one bottle and following your advice I was so encouraged that I took five more bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and then I did not take any more for several weeks as I felt so much better, but still I was not completely cured. I commenced taking it again and felt that I was improving faster than at first. I am not now cross and irritable, and I have a good color in my face ; have also gained about ten pounds in weight and one thousand pounds of comfort, for I am a new woman once more and your advice and your ' Favorite Prescription ' are the cause of it, coupled with the ' Pleasant Pellets,' which are not to be dispensed with. I took eight bottles of tbe ' Prescription ' the last time, making fourteen in all, and will not take any more unless you so advise, for I do not see as I need it.

"I have told my friends how I was cured, and have been no little surprised to learn how many of them used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription with great benefit. I have induced several to try and have heard that they were much pleased with the results."

Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confldential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

There is no alcohol in "Favorite Prescription," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. It is a pure vegetable preparation, and can not disagree with the most delicate constitution.

Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the complexion and sweeten the breath.

"Favorite Prescription" has the testimony of thousands of women to its complete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved substitute in its place.

will appreciate Dr. Pierce's gift of his medical book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. It contains over a thousand large pages, and is full of helpful hints and information on topics of vital interest to every woman. Send 21 one-cent stamps (to pay expense of mailing only), for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.