War On In Freight Rates
Michigan Central Makes a Big Cut in Charges
Looks as if This will the First Step to War in Passenger Rates
War between the Michigan Central and the motor line commenced Monday the first skirmish being on the freight business.
The D., Y., . A. A. & J. Ry. has been increasing its freight business at the expense of the Michigan Central by reduced rates and by delivering packages to Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti merchants from Detroit. Now the Michigan Central proposes to get back what it has heretofore enjoyed.
Said Mr. Hayes, the local agent of the Michigan Central: "We have received instructions to cut the freight rates 50 per cent and it will apply to Ann Arbor. Ypsilanti and Wayne. The new rates will govern freight either to Detroit from these stations or from Detroit west as far as Ann Arbor. Monday the rates will be 8 cents per 100 for first class, 7 cents for second class, 6 cents for third class and 5 cents for fourth class freight The minimum on small packages will be 10 cents.''
Although none of the Michigan Central men will admit it, there is a feeling prevailing that the steam road will soon meet the passenger traffic competition with even lower rates than the 2 cents a mile now in vogue on the Michigan Central.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat