$2.50 Sent Free!
The Well-Known Chicago Heart Specialist, FRANKLIN MILES, M.D. LL.B., will send $2.50 Worth of His New and Complete Treatment to Our Readers
There never was a better opportunity for persons suffering from diseases of the heart, nerves, liver, stomach or dropsy to test, free, a New and Complete Treatment of these disorders. Dr. Miles is well known as a leading specialist in these diseases, and his liberal offer is certainly worthy of serious consideration by every afflicted reader.
This new system of Special Treatment is thoroughly scientific and immensely superior to the ordinary methods. It includes several remedies carefully selected to suit each individual case and is the final result of twenty-five years of very extensive research and experience in treating this class of diseases. It consists of a curative elixir, tonic tablets, laxative pills and usually a plaster, selected for each case. Extensive statistics clearly demonstrate that Dr. Miles' New Treatment is three times as successful as the usual treatment.
Thousands of remarkable testimonials from prominent people will be sent free which proves the doctor to be one of the world's most successful physicians.
Mr. Julius Keister of 350 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, testifies that Dr. Miles cured him after ten able physicians had failed. Mrs. R. Trimmer of Greenspring, Pa., was cured after many physicians had pronounced her case "hopeless."
Col. E. B. Spileman of the 9th United States Regulars, located at San Diego, Cal., says: "Dr. Miles' Special Treatment has worked wonders in my son's case when all else failed. I had employed the best medical talent and had spent $2,000 in so doing. I believe he is a wonderful specialist. I consider it my duty to recommend him." "For years I had severe trouble with my stomach, head, neuralgia, sinking spells and dropsy. Your treatment entirely cured me," writes Hon. W. A. Warren of Jamestown, N. Y.
As all afflicted readers may have $2.50 worth of treatment especially adapted to their case, FREE, we would advise them to send for it at once. Address Dr. Franklin Wiles, 201 to 209 State St., Chicago. Mention this paper.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat