Horse Thieves Still At Work
Willis, Mich., March 10. -- Mr. Geo. W. Freeman appears to believe in the old saying that the early bird, etc., for he has just received a carload of cedar fence posts from up north.
Another horse was stolen last Saturday evening. Will Bishop drove up to the post office kept by Wm. A. Myers in Whittaker, tied his horse and went in. While he was inside someone came over from around P.D. Lamkin's sawmill, unhitched Bishop's horse, got into the buggy and drove away. One of Martin Brining's boys saw the act as he was going from Hawks' store over to Meyer's store, but thought nothing of it until Bishop went out to start for home and missed his horse. The parties that took the rig went south.
Two of Mervin Poole's sons are rusticating over in the province of Ontario for the present. It is reported that some of our officers wanted to be friendly with them and they objected. That is the reason the boys went across the river.
Several from this place attended a dance away down in the wilds of London township last Friday evening. They report a good time.
We are sorry to hear that Miss Mertie Breneing is very sick in Ypsilanti.
The concert given by the Ladies' Aid society of the Willis M.E, church was a complete success as far as the entertainment was concerned, and receipts were very satisfactory taking the weather and the way the concert was advertised into consideration. The receipts were $20.80; expenses light.
Mrs. Sarah Hammond and Mrs. Jennie E. Greenman attended the convention of Lady Maccabees in Ypsilanti last Monday.
Mr. William Johnson has gone on a business trip to Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts and little son Glen took dinner with Henry Waters and family last Sunday.
Fraternity grange initiated six new members last Tuesday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. John Hewens, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams.
Mrs. Ira Raymond was taken very sick last Thursday night. There was grave doubts of her recovery but on Saturday she was much better and in a fair way to get up and around again. She is a very old woman, over 75.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fuller, who have lived on the Edmond Derbyshire farm for the past five or six years, will move onto the J. Everett Smith farm, three miles south of Ypsilanti, this spring.
Mrs. Lemuel Allen is in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Sturton, who is very sick.
Miss Annie L. Greenman is in Detroit, where she will spend three or four months with friends.
Robins made their appearance in this vicinity last week.
Charlie Faust has hired out to Marion Merritt for the next 10 months.
Mr. Will Baxter, who has worked for H.P. Thompson for the past four years, has hired out to Wm. Hewins.
Mr. James Beach, who worked for Wm. Hewens last season, has hired out to Rev. G. Howard Moore.
The Island school closed the winter term last Thursday.
John M. Greenman commenced last Thursday morning on another year's work for Chas. W. Rogers of Ypsilanti painting, paper hanging, etc. He also gets a raise in wages.
Mrs. Alice Campbell of Detroit has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Bethell.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat