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Letting Of Drain Contract

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NOT ICE OF Notlce is hereby GiveD, that I, D. W. Barry County Drain Conimifeioner of the eounty of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, wil], on the llth day of September, a. d. 1902, at the lower end of drain in the townshlp of Snperior, in paid county of Waehtenaw, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, proceed 10 receive bids for the cleantng out of a certain drain known and deeignated as "The Furlong Drain," located and established in the townehip of Superior, in eaid connty of Washtenaw and descrlbed as follows, to-wit: commencing 8.40 chains east and 17.75 eouth of the h poet on the north side of section 14, township of Superior; thence running 11 G deg e 1.00 chains; thence north 23 dog e 5.42 chains; thence n '1%X deg w. 88 chains; thence s 84i deg w 10 57 chains; thence s 35 deg w 3.47 chains; thence s 75 deg w 8.54 chains; thcnc s 75 deg w 8.54 chains; thence 8 79 dog v 4.73 chains; thence west 18.93 chains; thence deg w 1.65 chaina to weet line of e ?.; of w 3 w X of sec 14. Said job will be let by sections. The section at the outlet of the said Dram wil' bc let first. and the remair ing sectiona in tlieir order ap Ptraam, in accordance with ihe diagram now on flle with the other papers pertaining to said Drain, in the office of the ('omi'y Drain Couimissioner of the said county of Waxülenaw, to whioh reference mav be had by al' partius nterested, and buis wili be made and received accordingly. Contract will be made witli the loweet responsible bidder alvina adequate seciu-ily for the performance of the work. ín a su 111 then and there to be fixed by me, rest-rving to myself the rifjht to reject any and all bids. The date for the compleiion of such contract, and the term? of payment therefor, fhall and will be antiounccil at the time and place of letting. Notice is furTher hertby given, tbar at lile tinie and place of said letting, or ut sucb other time and place thereafter to which I the Couiity Drain Commissioner aforesaid. may adjourn the same, the assessinents for benefits and the landt comprised within the Furlong Drain Special Asseseinent District,1' and the apportionments thereof will be announced by me aod will be subject to review for one day, from nlne o'clock in the forenoon until flve o'clock in the afternoon . Tue following is a description of the severa! tract or parcele of land conetituting the Special AssessmeDt District of eaid Drain, viz: the w H of n e yi section 14, the e % of n w Ji except 10 acres on the w side of n X section 14; the e 'A of the wJioIiwX and 10 acres w side of n X of e X of n w H section 14; the e y. of w H of the n w X section 14; the e % of n w ü section 15; the w Yz of the w % of n w H section 14; the e 54 acres of the w X of n e X sectlon 15; the w 26 acres of the w X of n e k sec ir; the n w % sec 15; the n 60 acres of w X of 8 e J sec 15; the n X of w X of s w U sec 14; the n X of e X of s e X of sec 16; the s 10 acres of X of the s e section 11; the 35 acres on sonth end of e X of s w H seG 11; the w X of s w K sec 11; the e X of e e % sec 10; 20 acres on the east side of the e X of s w % section 10; 30 acres on w side of e X of s w U sec 10; also the township of Superior i Hable to assessment. Now, Therefore, all nnknown and non. resident persons, owners and perfions interested in theabovedescribed lande, and yon W. Booke Geo. Bnrrcll, M. Furlong, Clinton Bnrrcll, A. H Colllns, John Gale, Florance Caul, Andrew Murray. üeo. McDugal, Adam Magie, J? Balcv, Mary Dures. Geo. Vandevort, E. N. Dolby. Frank Collins are hereby notifled that at the time. and placcaforesaid, or at sui'h other time and place thereafter to which aid hearing may be adjourned, I shall proceed to ïvceive' bids for the cleaning out of said Furlong Drain, in the mannor hereinbefore stated; and, also, that at such time of letting from niue o'clock in the forenoon untll flve o'clock in the afternoon, the ;i ment for benelits and the lands comprised within the Furlong Drain Special Assessment Distncts will be subject to review. And you and each of yon, owners and persons in the aforeoaid land, are hereby cited to appear at t lie time and place of such letiing as aforesaid, and be heard with respect to snrh special assesuments and your interests in relation thereto, if yo eo desire. Dated at Ann Arbor, Mich., August, the 25th, a. d. 1902. D. W. BARRY, Oonnty Drain Commissioner of tho county of Washtenaw.