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Eleven Sites Offered For Government Postoffice

Eleven Sites Offered For Government Postoffice image
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The bids for the government site for the new Ann Arbor post office were opened in the office of the supervising architect of the treasury in Washington Tuesday, the limit of the ast beiug $12,000. There were a large number Of bias, but the various sites offered are between Catherine and William streets and Fifth avenue and Ashley street. Henee the new postoffice will go up somewhere in this territory. There are six sites of varying sizes offered 011 Fifth avenue, soine of the sites being óflered witli varying diincMisidiis. All the sites offered on this streel as on the others, are on the ; corners. Three corners on Aun 3treet and Fifth avenue are offered, two corners on Huron Street and Fifth avenue and the Foster property corner of Fifth and Liberty. The Peterson corner on Fourth avenue is the only site offered on that Btreet There are three locations offered on Main street, one on the corner of Main and William, the Tolhejinis corner on Catherine, and the Duffy block corner on Ann street. The only location offered on Ashley is the corner on Ann street owned by Naylor and Millman. Taking the streets running the other way there is one site on Catherine, live on Ann street, two on Huron, two on I.iberty and one on William. The sites offered and the bids are as íollows: L. D. Carr- Northwest comer of Ann and Main streets, 133x124 f eet, $23,500. This includes the Duffy block, the livery stable, Exinger's store and the vacant lot beyond on Main street. Mr. Carr also offered 88x124 feet on this corner for $15,000, whlch takes in the Duffy block and the livery stable on Main street and runs biiok to the alley. .Tunius E. Beal- Southeast corner of Main and Catherine streets, 124.57X 140.15 feet, $12,000. ïhis covers the Polhemus stables, tlie frumo building ou Main street, oceupied by Nash's saloon and a vacant lot. Judge E. D. Klnne- Southeast corner of Huno street and Pifth avenue, $12,000. Thls comprisea Judge Kinne's presest resldence and grounds. Ueorge S. Vandawarker- Northeast corner of ITuron street and Fifth avenue, 132x132 feet, $10,500. Tliis includes the Morman house and the Van'lawarker house north of it on Fifth avenue. James R. Bach- Northwest cornei f Fifth avonue and Ann street, 132x116, $10,000. This is the Green property back of the Arüngton hotel. Cari T. Storm- Southwest corner of Fifth avenue and Ann street, 134x132 feet, $12,000. This is the Unity block and Mrs. North's house, 132 feet on PMftli avenue by 154 feet on Ann street. Mr. Storm makes two other bids on this site, one for 124 feet on Ann street by 132 feet on Fifth avenue for $11,500 and one for 154 fset on Ann street by 100 feet on Fifth avenue for $11,300. WilHam Walsh- Northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Ann StreetS, 132x Í32 feet, 12,000. This is the corner where Mr. Walsh lives. Two other offers are made, oue for 114 fivt 00 Ann street by 1?2 feet on Fifth avenue for $11,900 and the other for 132 feet on Ann street by 114 feet on Fifth avenue for $11,900. Willlam II. Murray- Northeast corner of Ann and Asliley streets, 124x140 teet, $12,000. This includes the John Naylor and the Millman property. Naylor owns 132 foet on Ann street to the alley by 90 feet on Ashley and tfie Millman nrooerty has 50 feet frontage on Aun Btreet. 'l'wn alternative offers are made. One of 110 feet on Aun street by 140 feet on Ashley for $11,800 and the other of 124 fet on Ann street by 122 feet on Ashley street for $11,900. Martin Halter, Walter C. Mack and George Walker- The southeast corner of Fourth avenue and Liberty street, 150x126 feet, $12,000. This includes :he Peterson and Watts houses. Cari T. Storm- The southeast corner of Liberty street and Fifth avenue, 132x132 feet, $12,000. This includes the Foster property and a vacant lot belonging to Capt. J. F. Schun north of his residence. Mr. Storm makes two other offers on this property, one of $11,800 for 114 feet on Liberty by 132 feet on Fifth avenue, and one o: $11,850 for 132 feet on Liberty by 114 feet on Fifth avenue. Judge Noah W. Cheever- Northwes corner of Main and WllHam streets at the juncture of the William and Packard Btreet car lines, 90x108 feet, $12,000. This is wbere Mr. Elliott Uves and adjoining houses, 90 feet front on Main by 108 feet on William. The lijílit for the location wlll probably now be on. The next real step n loeating the site, however, will be a visil from a post office inspector sent on from Washington to examine and report hia judgment as to the best loca t on offered. When he gets here he will listen to all the arguments of the interested parüea.