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Píiickn'oy U now enjoying an Icdian show. Dexter has lost her [tallan colony of railroad hands. A (Jhelsea lad ?ays he beard frogs s'mglag Christraas eve. The Milán Ag. Co. are very successful In selling their lightningfence machines. Robert Towles and Miss Helen E. Corbett, of Ypsilantl, were married Dec. 24tlt. John W. Rosier, of Dexter is to travel for a large eastern nursery house afcer to-day. The Wayne Review kicks on Iho manner Ín whicli jurics are drawn In Wayne county. The Chelsea M. E. Sunday schoo cliiMren liad a line supper and festival un uiiiMin,.,, ,,-. Betvveen 30 and 40 of the relatives of C. S. Gregory liad a reunión at his home in Dexter Christmas. The masquerade giveii by tlie coloretl people at the Light Gaard Hall, V[a., Christmas was a great success. Rev. O. C. Bailey commenced his datiea as pastor of the Congregational churcíli at Chelsea last Sunilay. R. E. Beal of Northville will open a drug store in the George block about JaD. 15. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The ladics of the Congregational church, Dexter, arn making extensive preparations for a Merchant'í Carnlva] on Jan. 21st. Two beautiful altar cloths were placed ín St. James church last week. They were embroidered by Mra. J. C. Blagoílin. - Dexter Leader. Rev. M. H. Bartram received a haiiüsome set of dishes f rom Iiis Milán congregation and a wolf skin robe f rom Oakville congregation Christmas. Wra. Needham tells ns that he played croquet, with others of course, nearly all day Christnias, and rightly considera it quite an unusual tliing to do at this time of the year. - Milan Leader. The Chelsoa Herald very honorably and aensibly declines to publish any of the scandals of the town. No one is tver benefited by such publications, but many times the youns are irreparably injured. Poultry thieves are reportod to be getting in thelr work to an alarming extent In this vicinity. It will be well for poultry owners to be prepared tö meet these niarauders in thuir iiendish work. - Pinckney Dispatch. The weather Cliristmas was most pleasant, almnst warm enougb for a summer day. Business houses had their doors open, and straw hats and seersucker coats were wora on the streets. But, oh the rods - mud ! - Dundee Reporter. Dogs having a weakness for mutton have been doing considerable damage to sliecp in the aojoining townships the past few days. Owners of dogs that possess sheep killing procliritles should instruct them in the uses of the tooth piek if tliey would save both dog and money. - Dexter Leader. Fire was discovered in the Mg room of the north building of the Peninsular paper milis Saturday morning. The loss was about four thousand dollars. The total insurance on the building and contenta is $50,000. Only the north part of the building was damaged. I passeil along the street one day and lieard a. llvcly rustió, I looked and lol "Tue Stockbridge Sük" protruded íroni a buslle; Agaln I glanced and wondered at tbe lady's queer adorner, For tfiere In view the tell-tnlo "X" was plaln upon tlie corner. -Stockbridge Sun. A forcé of carpenters have been at work building a new depot here for the Ann Arbor road, or rather nevvly slilnglingr, and ceiling the inside or the old structure, hoping thereby to make the waiting room a little more comfurtable when cold weather shall come again. Thankful for small favors.- Dundee Reporter. A committee of citizens consisting of II. P. Glover, Dr. Hueston and Prof. George visited Toledo, Tuesday, to confer with the authonties of the Toledo & Aun Arbor rallroad about the proposed extensión to Detroit through ïpsilanti. Nothingdeflnite was accompüsheii. Another meeting will be hekl, however.- Ypsilanti Commercial. The commencement of every year is a wayslde inn upon the great hlghvvay of Ufe, where man may turn aside from hls toilsome journeyings, brush away the dust and stain of travel, and while he counts the milestones wliicli dot the way he has airead y trocí, may look forth upon the densely rolling ocean of the future. This retrospect is often chequered indeed. - Ypsilanti Commercial. AVhen an item appears in these columns, in regard to some office r or not tliink it is a personal spite - it is not. A paper, to be a paper, should criticise and exto! - criticise wrong and extol good. A justice does not issue a summons because he hates or has a "grudge" against a party or is obliged to, but because it is lus duty. Just so with a paper - it has a mission and to be wortliy of the patronago of tho pooplo - It must do ita duty in exposing wrong and upholdinggood. - Pinckney Dispatch. We are pleased to announce that the crossing question between the Michigan Central Kailroad Company and the townships of Scio and Webster has been settled satisfcictorily to all by the company, last Frlday, announcing their inteution of tunneling the inühway under their tracks. When the matter was flrst discussed the company wanted the township9 to give them the right-of-way and ?a,000 io do tho work, but have decided to put in the tunnel at their own expense, the rlght of-way being furnished to tliera, and they to have the dirt excavated to use in building the road-bed at the bridge. According to a statement made by one of the officers the townships are largely indebted to the personal efforts of Mr. Thomas Birkelt for the amicable settlement of the affair. He visited the olllcers of the road personally concernlng the matter, and brought his influenceto bear upon tbe tunnel project. The company appreciating Mr. Birkett as one of their largest patrons, and recoguize his courtesy in allowing them winter privileges at mili creek bridge, decided that "turn about is fair play," and will put !n the


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