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"It's only a questiod of time," and a short time, too, as to when your rbenmitisin will yield to Hood's 3arSaparllln Try it. " Vf Q '' Is notan oíd style of maXI U. %f cliine improveil, but is built on ncw mcchanical principies. You wlll not have to hunt for bargalns ut the store next week. On all sides you will see stacks of seasonable goods golng out at tempting prices - prices tliat are low by reason of fortunate and large purchascs. ('ome and see what all Iliis means. There's mnnv in i" nnirml mui that in the next two weeks. Tlie last of November. - The winter months at hand - supply yourselves while prices are running so low. There Is no humbug about vs when we pronounce these values the best over offered. 'Twould be imposslble for any house to give greuter burguins. We put our shoulders to the wheel to obtain for our patrons somelhing not obtainable elsewliere at the prices we are naming and we have succeeded beyond a doubt. We prcfur to c.ill your attention to tlloeê we have at prices meiitioned, each week in a weeklv paper, because tliey are sucü ns will not alone prove good goods, bul also be the direct means of provine our claim of bc'mg the eheupest house iu the county. Should anything }'ou buy of us prove different f rom what we advertlse or from what you are told by any of our employees return t at once and we wlll refund your money to you. We give an account each week of new and different bargalns. Maybe one of them is just what you have in your mind. All wool doublé fold stripes, chtcks and pialo colors in Knglish Suitlngfl at 25 cents per yard - 30 inch Henrietta cloths at 18 cents - 30 inch fancy stripes and plaids at 18 cents per yard - 28 inch fancy Persian printecl Henriettas at 18 cents - 30 inch fancy Persian printeil Henrlettas at 35 cents - 54 inch heavy Broadcloths at 85 cents, worlli $1.00 per yard - 54 inch French twilled Broadcloths ut $1.00 per yard - Imported striped and plaided Dress Goods marked to sell from 55 to 00 cents, uil reduced to one price, 50 cents per yard - 10 pieces Persian striped Silks at $1.00 per yard- 15 good 40 Inob Seal Plush Sacques at $15-25 good 40 inch Setil Plush Sacques, at $25, made of Walker's Celebrated Combination Plush - One lot of children's cloaks, choice at $5.00 - Another lot of Lidies Gtirments at $7.50 - 3 dozen full-size woolen shawls at $2.00 - 5 dozen full-size doublé woolen shawls at $4 00 - 10 dozen white bed spreads at 75 cents each - 1 lot (handmade) Swiss Curtains at $0.00 per pair. Our Hoíiery, Glovos and Mittens are not only best for quality and wear but we also take the greatest care for fit aud comfort. New line of all wool heavy boys hose, doublé heel and toes at 25 ents ribbed or plain - Our 25 cents ladies' all wool hoee are the best we ever offered at the money - Extra fine Cashmeres hpse (French feet) reduced to 50 cents - Silk hose reduced to 75 cents, worth $1.00- Kid Qloves- The wear will teil the tale- Mouequetalre "Pig Skin" gloves reduced to75 cents - 25 dozen real "Foster" kid gloves sold everywhere at $2.00 per pair, reduced to $1.00 In dark colors only - 10 dozen 4 button warranted kids at $1.00 per pair- $1.00 slik mittens reduced to 85 cents - look at our underwear will convince you at once that we are headquarters - 40 dozen (well made) Merino vests and pants at 33 cents - 50 dozen Merino (silk bound) at 50 cents - 25 dozen beavy jersey ribbed vestg at 50 cents - 45 dozen Sanitary wool (warranted not to shrink) in gold - natural mix and white jersey ribbed vests at 90 cents - 20 dozen natural wool vests and pants at $1 each- Our $1.25 and $1.40 scarlet ladies1 vests and pants are all reduced to $1.00 ach- 10 dozen genuine Camel's huir vests and pants at $1.50, Ypsilanti goods at list price - 5 dozen good heavy woolen ekirts at $1.15-2 (lozen pairs extra values in all woo! heavy scarlet blankets at $3.40 per pair - 3 dozen pairs large slze and heavy, strictly wool blankets at $4.00 worth $0.00 per pair. MACE & SCHMID.


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Ann Arbor Courier