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Public Installation

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Tbursday evening of last week thero was a very picasant entertainment at Masonic temple, it being a joint public installation of Fraternlty Lodge No. 262 F. & A. M., and Golden Rule Lodge No. 109 F. & A. M. Chas. K. Hiscock aeted as installing offlcer and L. C. Goodrich as marshal. The ceremonies were opened with music by the Chequamegon orchestrn, during which tho ofllcers of the two lodges marched to their positlons. Then followed prayer by Rev. Dr. W. S. Studley, after whlcli the oath of office was admlnistered to all the ofllcers. Then the masters, Charles B. Davison of Fraternity, and Nelson J. Kyer, of Golden Rule, were invested with the badge of llieir office, asked the usual questions to which they gave their assent, and after thorough and carcful instruction as to their duties by the installing officer, were pronounced masters of their respective lodes and escorted to their positions ia the cast, wliere they remained during the retnalnder of the ceremonies witli their hats on. Then each offlcer in turn was brouglit forward, invested with the badge ot his office and after belng instructed as to his duties escorted to his position. After the installatioii ceremonies proper, Wm. G. Doty, E-q. , delivered a scholarly and fine address upon mnsonry, tracing its history back to remote antiquity, and giving the audience a comprehensive view of the principies and work of the noble order. The iddress is pronounced one of the finest ever deliv ered upon this subject, and showed deep tboughtand much research and study. After these ceremonies were throngh It was announced thutthe audience, (which, by the way, was very large, and fllled the commodious rooms to overflowlng) would be allowed the use of the rooms until 12 o'clock. Miiuy wlio had never seen the templo before spent a pleasant hour or so looking about, studying tho frescoes and wondering where they might flnd tlie goat, while the youuger people (and some older ones) rushed to the large drill room where the orchestra was stationed, and danced to the hour of departure. The entirc affiir was admirably maaaged and everybody present appeared to enjoy tliemselves. Miss Allee Hunt spent Sunday In Detroit. J. J. Goodyear and wife are in Detroit for a day or so. George Sperry of Randall's gallery, is n Detroit this week. Dr. P. B. Rose, of Chicago, is in tbc city visiting bis family. Bert Fall has been spending the week with relatives in Albion. August Roehm of Eaton Raplds ia visiting relatives in the city. Albert Schulz, of Detroit, is spending a few days here at bis old home. Robert E. Costello, of Chicago, is visiting nis mothcr Mrs. A. Kearney. Frank Bliss, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent several days last week in the city. Chas. J. Kline bas been spending a few days at Liberty Center, Ohio. G. H. Iloyt, of Saline, was a picasant caller at the Couiuek office Monday. Mrs. M. C. Peterson and eon have been spending the week in Ypsilanti. Judge Lane and family of Adrián are spending the bol days at E. J. Knowlton's. Miss Elsie Jones spent the holidays at the home of her fatlier, Dr. S. A. Jones. Mrs. J. R. Bach has been visiting friends in Howell durinL the holiday season. Clarence Henderson, dent of '89, located at Alma, Is visiting friends in the city. Miss Florence Traver, of Albion, has been visiting at D. C. Fall's during the week. Mrs. Spence and family are visiting Mrs. S's daughter, Mrs. Yawkey, in E ast Saginaw. John W. Bennett and family returned yesterday f rom a week's stay at Mt. Clemens. J. F. Eastwood, who has been spending the bolidays here bas gone to Georgetown, Ky. II. II. Steffy left forElkhart, Ind.,Tue3day, called tliere by the serious illness of bis mother. Mr. D. HcMlllan and family left last Thursday for the ir ncw home in Auburn Park, Chicago. Will Pack, dent of '84, of Minneapollf, Minn., is visiting bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pack. Mr. Nagasaka left Saturday for hls home in Japan, but expects to return again next summer. A. Kiley Crittenden, editor and proprietor of the Howell Herald, was a caller at our sanetum Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal are spending New Years at the home of Mrs. Bcal's parents at Cooper, Mich. Miss Emma Warren, of E. Ann st., is visiting relatives and friends in Lansing during the holiday season. Chas. Richmond, lit. class of '85, now of Council Bluffs, Iowa, is visiting bis parents durinf; vacation week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Major, who have been visiting their son Charles returned home to Cuba, N. Y., yesterday. Prof. Heury C. Adams is in Washington attending to bis duties in assisting the inter-state commerce commission. Dr. .lames H. Campbell resident piiysician of the homccopathlc hospital last year, is in the city visiting friend?. Miss Jessie Bushnell, of Noble, Brancb Co., is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Mable Keith, on State st. Mrs. C. M. Daniels who for a number of weeks bas been i:i Ann Arbor for medicul treatment returned home on Thursdiiy last. M. U. Sheeuan and wife, of Ishpeming, have been in the city during the week, cilledhereby thedeath of Mrs. Sheelian'g brother John Slattery. Capt. R. M. Barker, of Fllnt, who lias been visiting friends In the city for days rcturned home Monday cvcning accoinpanied by Mrs. Barker. Wlll Tuomey, wno mra ocen wnn BUtz & Langsdorf so long, loft the city Saturday for Missouri, where lie expects to go ïnto business for liimself. John C. Chalmcrs and wife, of Amsterdam, N. Y., who have been the guests of J. L. Bibcock Esq., at the Franklin house for a week, have returned to New York to remove their househoid effects to tliia place. Mr. Chalmers sold his f';irm in New York for $12 000 and has bougbt the Tozer farm on the miildle Ypsilanti road for $8,000. He has come here to reside to take advantage of our schools and un.v rsity.


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