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Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan

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"Yes, 8r," said A. J. Pai.-ley, of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortli Mlch'gan railway, "tlie elosiii}; jear lias ticen an eventful one Ín tlie hisiory of tlic rallroad world. Yon ttike for instance, tlie Aun Arbor road. During the past year this company has built and has now in successful operation 120 miles of new railway, makiii}? tlie main une 304 inihs. The Frankfort brancli Ís 25 miles long, the South Ivyon branch s 15 noiles, the llanistce 30 miles and the Saginaw valley división 60 miles, ninkinjí a total mileage of 434 miles. Now it niay be of interest to some of your readers to know what countrj' the Ann Arbor traverses. After leaving Toledo the road crosses the W. & L. E. at Manhattan and continu3 on in a northerly direction until Milán is reached, where it crosses the Wabash & Western, making very important connections for Detroit and the east and St. liouis and the west. The next polnt of interest Is Aun Albor, at wlnch place Is sltuated the celebrated Univeraity of Michigan and wbere imniediate conncctions ure made wltli the M. C. for all points east and west. Next coraos Hamburg, whore we cross the Michigan Air Line rallway, and proceed In a northwestern direction to Howell junction, wiiere we intersect the Detroit, Lmsing & North Michigan, making cloae connection with that roadfor all points. We pass througb a number of towns, Uien we reach Darand Jiinction, which Is a jfreat railroad center. This is 100 miles from Toledo. The Aun Arbor has just completed one of the finest depots in Michigan at Eiist Saginaw. The depot is on Washington street within about flve minutes' walk from the central part of the city. We leave Durand Junction, anil the next point of interest Is Owasso. This town h;is few equals in Michigan as a manufucturiiig metropolis. Superintendent Conners, of the entire system, is locateil in Owosso. We hare reeen 1 built a large round house and car shop faeilitieá, all along the line, more espec ially at Owojso. We piss through St. Louis Mich., where Is sltuuted the celebrated mineral eprings and everybody knows what the mineral springs are. Our road runs parallel with Lake George for nearly a mile. This beautiful inland lake abounds with fish of all kinds. The lake is truly called the fisherman's paradise. We also pass through Fitzpatrlck made famous for tne amount of game to be found there. We reach Frankfort andManistee then. This branch has not been running long, but the trafile is steadily increasin, as people are seeing the advantae3 of all these points of interest to be reached by the T., A. A. & N. M. R. We are fioing to make great improvements in the coming year, hut 1 can't speak of them publicly yet."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier