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The Cruel Check

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Tliis iiierninir I pnssed :i horse jol'íd}: klong comfortübly with overhead oheckreiii banking loóse. I was so surprised and líMiluful to the driver tiint I rushed i and Bhook hands with him. "But I d n't ktiowyou,"he exclaimed. ''ÍJever nind, yon have slacked up that rein," I [ replied, "and I want to than k you." "Well you can bit your bottum dollar t go( s olí" when I get home. I never tbuught ibout it before until I read In the paper iow cruel it was, and off it goes." I cannot describe the cxpression on liis face, only tli it there was a look of joy oí' reief, as if he had been nccustomeü to the strap hiniself and it had heen suddeuly removed. We wish tiio young fai mer-dudes that use these instrumenta of torture on their ínggy horses were compelled to wear sometbing of the kind an bour or two. [f tbey haye any humatiity they would uever agaiq be guilty of perpetratinu; such cruelty upon this most intelligent and useful servant. Any boy over ten rears of age ought to kuow that the overcheck is puinful to the horse. Tho uneasy inovements of the animal'n bead are enoiifib to show this. But if any one ías doubt about It let some one pull his lead back 10 or 16 degrees out of the nornil position, and hold it there a few ninutes and he will find out to his entile sa(isfaction. - Boston Transcript. Wal ter (to Brown, on wbose bald head ie had just upset the tray) - Skuse me, )uss! but the f act am dat when a genamin fugeU to tip de walter dis tray am ust sure ter do de tipping fer bfm.- l'exas Siftiutts. Sister Grace - Hovv you are blusbiiiü ! 3ive ao account of yourself, sir. Brother Oeorge (conlidentially)- I hav )eeu In the conservatory for tbe last ïalf bour with - Miss Beauty. Sister Orace - I always suspected that er blushes would come olí'.-


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier